Meaning you traduction Espagnol
3,914 traduction parallèle
"We" meaning you and him?
"Tenemos" ¿ Tú y él?
Three of which are crushed, meaning you'll never walk again.
Aplasté tres de ellas y nunca volverás a caminar.
- Meaning you.
- O sea, a ti.
Meaning has your two-year obsession left you with anything other than a hangover. Why?
O sea que tienes una obsesión de dos años que te dejo sin nada más que una resaca.
You reach a place inside youself where time has no meaning.
Se llega a un lugar dentro de ti mismo, donde el tiempo no tiene significado.
Happy is one of those words that if you say it a lot, it loses its meaning, like fork.
"Feliz" es una palabra que si repites muchas veces, pierde su significado, como "tenedor".
I don't think any group has ever been discovered that doesn't have some sort of belief in something, you know, beyond their conscious experience that's directing things or that's somewhere in the background and giving their lives meaning.
Dudo que se haya descubierto un grupo de gente alguna vez que no creyera en alguna cosa que va más allá de la experiencia consiente y que dirige las cosas o que está oculto y que les da significado a sus vidas.
I mean, they may not believe in a divinity, you know, but some sort of a spirit in the world that we can't grasp that's making sense of things, that's giving meaning to life.
Tal vez no crean en una divinidad, pero quizá crean que hay algún tipo de espíritu en el mundo que no podemos tocar y que hace que todo tenga sentido y le da significado a la vida.
I think you go from dust to dust and there's no meaning in your life.
Creo que uno va del polvo al polvo y que la vida no tiene sentido.
But you're making use constantly of this capacity to construct an unbounded array of structured expressions which have a meaning and a sound.
Pero uno usa constantemente esa habilidad para construir una variedad infinita de expresiones estructuradas que tienen un significado y un sonido.
I expect you to cultivate a deeper basic meaning in your own life.
Espero que trabajes en encontrar un significado más profundo en tú vida.
If you are here, come out and explain the meaning of this senseless game, which I do not find in the least amusing!
¡ Si lo está, salga y explique este sinsentido que no me divierte en absoluto!
Been meaning to come see you.
Quería venir a verlo.
"Apokalypsis" meaning to uncover what you couldn't see before
" Apokalypsis significa revelador, lo que estaba escondido previamente.
There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about.
Quería hablar contigo de algo.
The lesson there, if you listen, is that if you're in the woods, maybe a boyish female bear with corn rows comes at you this way, meaning this way, and you just deflect.
La lecci贸n, si est谩n escuchando es que si est谩n en el bosque y una osa con trenzas africanas se les acerca as铆, o sea as铆, Uds. la desv铆an.
Now you know the meaning of "stage-fright".
Ahora ya conoces el significado del "miedo escénico".
Well, I... I've been meaning to ask you often.
He estado queriendo preguntarle varias veces.
Wow, time crawls real meaning if you're bored to death.
Cielos, el tiempo se pasa volando cuando te la pasas de parranda. ¿ Y qué has estado haciendo?
You know, I've been meaning to tell you, you are in an existential identity crisis.
¿ Sabes? Tenía ganas de decirte esto tienes una crisis de identidad existencial.
I've been meaning to tell you what a stellar job you've done ever since you've taken over the chair of the foundation.
¿ En serio? He querido decirte que has estado haciendo un trabajo sobresaliente desde que tomaste la presidencia de la fundación.
Too close, if you take my meaning.
Demasiado íntimos, si entiende lo que quiero decir.
Meaning they own everything you're working on.
Quiere decir que se quedarán con todo en lo que está trabajando.
you're saying that X didn't have any special meaning?
¿ Lo que dices entonces, es que la X no tiene un significado especial?
I've been thinking and I've been meaning to tell you...
He estado pensando y he querido decirte...
And I've been meaning to tell you that lately.
Hace tiempo que quiero decírtelo.
"They have maxed out," meaning they gave you the maximum in your primary when you first started.
'Han llegado al máximo', lo que significa que te dieron el máximo en tus primarias cuando empezaste.
Can you explain the meaning of this?
¿ Qué significa esto?
Listen, I've been meaning to call you.
Escucha, he estado pensando en llamarte.
Trying to find a meaning. You know...
Ya sabes...
- What are you meaning?
- ¿ Que quieres decir?
No, we can't talk about this later. I want you to learn the meaning of responsibility, now why did you miss the bus?
No, no podemos hablar esto después, quiero que aprendas el significado de responsabilidad.
Meaning everything was going fine, all right, until Matt's buddy and you decided to go looking for trouble, and now--now it seems that everything's just falling apart.
Digo que todo estaba bien, muy bien hasta que el amigo de Matt y tú decidieron ir en busca de problemas, y ahora-ahora parece que todo se está cayendo a pedazos.
Meaning that... when you come and see me,
Significa que...
But don't you think your first tattoo should have some sort of meaning, you know, or something?
Pero, ¿ No crees que tu primer tatuaje debería tener algún significado, tu sabes, o algo?
There's one little thing that's kind of been on my mind - and I've been meaning to tell you about it.
Hay una cosita que he tenido en mi mente y estaba planeando hablarte sobre ella.
I've been meaning to tell you you've been doing a perfectly adequate job filling in for Elliot this week.
He intentado decirte que has estado haciendo un trabajo perfectamente adecuado reemplazando a Elliot esta semana.
Actually, there's something I've been meaning to ask you did you ever meet Tom's father?
En realidad hay algo que quería preguntarte, - ¿ Conociste al padre de Tom?
I'm not sure you know the proper meaning of that term.
No estoy seguro de que conozcas el significado correcto de esa palabra.
I've been meaning to ask you...
He querido preguntarte...
Hey, I've been meaning to call you.
Hola, he tenido la intención de llamarle.
I've been meaning to tell you both, but it seems Eric has beaten me to it.
Tenía la intención de decíroslo, pero parecer que Eric se me ha adelantado.
Ah, yes, I've been meaning to talk to you about that, Stanley.
Sí, he intentado hablarte sobre ello, Stanley.
You know, you just slice it up in the machine, "meaning the computer," and it comes out perfectly ".
... lo cortas en la máquina ", refiriéndose a la computadora "y sale perfecto".
God, you know our secret thoughts, the deepest meaning of our words and actions.
Dios sabe nuestros pensamientos secretos, lo más íntimo de nuestras palabras y acciones.
When you feel a full chub in the back, the meaning is clear.
Cuando tienes un pito parado en tu espalda, está bastante claro.
I'm greedy. I want meaning, I want experience, I want, you know, to make a difference and all that bullshit.
Quiero que mi vida tenga sentido, quiero experiencias, quiero, ya sabes, marcar la diferencia y todas esas gilipolleces.
You've forgotten the meaning of friendship because of Jehangir.
¿ Has olvidado el significado de la amistad?
Keita, you won't understand now the meaning of this mission.
Keita, ahora no entiendes a qué viene esta misión.
Show your hand I'll kill you 8 TV screens ( MEANING PICTURES )
Muestra la mano. Te mataré. - Ocho.
You see, you've persisted in believing that a phone call could give your life meaning.
Verás, has persistido en creer que una llamada de teléfono le podría dar significado a tu vida.
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
younger 104
you tell 24
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
younger 104
you tell 24
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16