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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ M ] / Mrs bates

Mrs bates traduction Espagnol

140 traduction parallèle
Tell Mrs Bates and John it's from the Captain and everything's all right.
Dígale a la Sra. Bates y a John que el Capt. dice que está todo OK.
- Mrs Bates.
Mrs Bates.
Oh, don't wake her, Mrs Bates, she's only just got to sleep.
Acaba de dormirse.
He traced her there and called us to say he was going to question Mrs Bates.
Nos dijo que iba a interrogar a la Sra. Bates.
Mrs Bates poisoned this guy she was involved with when she found out he was married.
La Sra. Bates envenenó al hombre con el que vivía cuando descubrió que estaba casado.
Well, if the woman up there is Mrs Bates, who's that woman buried out in Green Lawn Cemetery?
Pues si esa mujer es la Sra. Bates, ¿ quién es la mujer enterrada en el cementerio de Green Lawn?
Mrs Bates?
¿ Sra. Bates?
Mrs Bates...
Sra. Bates...
And Mrs. Tompkins gave us that chair, and little Mrs. Bates gave us the stool.
La Sra. Tompkins nos dio esa silla. Y la Sra. Gates, ese taburete.
Oh, Mrs. Emery, this is Jefreemy Bates, a fisherman from the island of Tobago.
Oh, Sra. Emery, él es Jefreemy Bates, un pescador de la isla de Tobago.
Darling, I wrote to Mrs. Bates.
- Anne, yo escribí a la señora Bates.
Mrs. Bates, my sister doesn't ever go out.
Señora Bates, mi hermana no sale.
Just that nosy Mrs. Bates going on about your picture last night.
Solo esa fisgona de la señora Bates hablando de tu película de anoche.
- Mrs. Bates.
- Señora Bates...
- That's all right, Mrs. Bates.
- Está bien, señora Bates.
I would've been Mrs. Alan Bates so fast that guy wouldn't have known what hit him.
Yo me habría casado con Alan Bates tan rápido que él ni se habría dado cuenta.
[Bates] Take a seat, Mrs. Furillo.
Siéntese, Sra. Furillo.
No one likes to lose money, Mrs. Bates.
A nadie le gusta perder dinero.
But I just told Mrs. Bates you'll be feeling rather tired.
Pero la Sra. Bates debe de estar cansada.
- Or the heart, Mrs. Bates.
- O dentro del corazón.
So, you wash her, Mrs. Bates... and feed her, and clothe her?
¿ Usted la lava, Sra. Bates? ¿ Le da de comer, la viste?
- lt will kill you, Mrs. Bates.
- Eso la matará, Sra. Bates. - ¡ Ya basta!
That's how I think of you now, Mrs. Bates.
Es cómo pienso en usted ahora, Sra. Bates.
Was, Mrs. Bates?
¿ "Era", Sra. Bates?
Is, Mrs. Bates.
- "Es", Sra. Bates.
Now, now, Mrs. Bates, I'm sure he didn't mean it.
Vamos, Sra. Bates, seguro que no quiso decirlo.
When Dr. Raymond showed me Mrs. Bates'corpse, I knew she was dead for sure.
Cuando el Dr. me mostró el cuerpo de la Sra. Bates me di cuenta de que estaba muerta en serio.
Mrs. Bates was your real mother and she's dead.
La Sra. Bates era tu verdadera madre y ella murió.
And not the dead Mrs. Bates, his real mother.
Y le dicen que no es la Sra. Bates, sino su verdadera madre.
Mrs. Bates only took care of me.
La Sra. Bates me cuidó.
Would you accept the fact that you have no other mother than Mrs. Bates?
¿ Puede aceptar el hecho que no tuvo otra madre excepto la Sra. Bates?
Mrs. Bates.
Sra. Bates.
i want mrs. bates.
Quiero a la señora Bates.
May I present Miss Pamela Bates, Mrs. Joan Fulton and her secretary, Miss Amy Salyer.
Puedo presentarles a la señorita Pamela Bates, la señora Joan Fulton y ella su secretaria, la señorita Amy Salyer.
Miss Bates never mentioned Mrs. Fletcher's name to you?
La señorita Bates nunca te ha mencionado el nombre de la señora Fletcher?
Norman, Mrs. Bates!
Norman o Sra. Bates!
The woman, Mrs Sadie Millstein, is a widow... and the mother of Sheldon Mills, an attorney with the New York firm of Bates, Phillips, Tunny and Mills.
La mujer, la Sra. Sadie Millstein, es la madre de Sheldon Mills, un socio delbufete de Nueva York de Bates, Phillips, TunnyyMills.
Oh, Mrs. Bates, Miss Bates.
Oh, Sra. Bates, Srita Bates.
Mrs. Bates, Miss Bates, do come in.
Sra.. Bates, Srita. Bates, entren.
Emma has called on Mrs. and Miss Bates.
Emma fue a visitar a la Sra. y a la Srita. Bates.
Mrs. Bates, let me propose you venturing on one of these eggs.
Sra. Bates, permítame proponerle que se atreva con uno de estos huevos.
There you are, Mrs. Bates.
Aquí tiene, Sra. Bates.
Allow me to help you, Mrs. Bates.
Permítame ayudarla, Sra. Bates.
Did you enjoy the music, Mrs. Bates? .
¿ Disfrutó de la música, Sra. Bates?
Of course we know Mrs. Bates.
Claro que conocemos a la Sra. Bates.
Dear Emma has been to call on Mrs. and Miss Bates, Mr. Knightley.
Mi querida Emma ha ido a visitar a la Sra. y a la Srta. Bates, Sr. Knightley.
Mrs. Bates caught me drawing boobs on a picture of Mamie Eisenhower.
La profe me pilló dibujándole tetas a Mamie Eisenhower.
Mrs. Bates poisoned this guy she was involved with... - when she found out he was married.
La Sra. Bates envenenó al tipo con quien tenía una relación cuando descubrió que era casado.
Well, if the woman up there is Mrs. Bates who's that woman buried out in Green Lawn Cemetery?
Bien, si esa mujer en la casa es la Sra. Bates... ¿ Quién es esa mujer enterrada en el cementerio Greenlawn?
Mrs. Bates?
¿ Sra. Bates?
Mrs. Bates?
Sra. Bates

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