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Neither did we traduction Espagnol

116 traduction parallèle
- Neither did we.
- Nosotros tampoco entramos.
Neither did we but, er...
No tengo excusa
Neither did we.
Y nosotros tampoco.
- Neither did we.
- Nosotros tampoco.
Well, neither did we.
Bueno, nosotros tampoco.
Neither did we need him alive!
Tampoco lo necesitábamos vivo.
Neither did we... sir.
Ni nosotros, señor.
Neither did we, Colonel Scott.
Nosotros tampoco, coronel Scott.
Yeah, neither did we.
- Sí, nosotros tampoco.
- Well, neither did we.
- Bueno, ni siquiera nosotros.
Neither did we.
Tampoco nosotros.
Neither did we. Walt and I fell out by 10 : 30.
Walt y yo salimos a las 10 : 30.
Neither did we, until it was too late.
Ni nosotros. Hasta que fue demasiado tarde.
- Neither did we.
Siempre evitamos las drogas.
Yeah, neither did we.
Sí, nosotras tampoco.
- Neither did we, at first.
- Nosotros tampoco, al principio.
And I certainly didn't pick this spot for your reservation. - Neither did we.
Y ciertamente no eligió bien este lugar para su tribu
Eh, neither did we.
Nosotros tampoco.
- Neither did we.
- Ni nosotros.
Neither did we.
Nosotros tampoco.
But neither did we hesitate to take arms to defend our country.
pero tampoco dudaremos en tomar las armas para defender nuestro país.
- And neither did we.
Y tampoco nosotros.
- Neither did we.
Ni nadie.
Neither did we. Are you out of your mind?
¿ Te has vuelto loco?
Daddy didn't do this to her. And neither did we.
Papi no le hizo eso a ella, y tampoco nosotros lo hicimos.
Neither did we need him alive!
Tampoco lo necesitamos vivo.
Neither did we need him alive!
- Tampoco le necesitábamos con vida.
Neither did we, but Dean Eldon's Miata in the bottom of Lake Rutherford proved just the ticket.
Tampoco nosotros, pero el Miata de Dean Eldon en el fondo del Lago Rutherford lo demuestra.
This was always his excuse, but neither he nor we believed it and he did not try to disguise its conventionality
Venía a calentarse, ése era su constante pretexto que no lo engañaba a él, ni a mí y cuyo carácter convencional no ocultaba.
We only had to lift a finger, say a word. But neither of us did or said anything.
Bastaba hacer un gesto, decir una palabra tu y yo y no lo hubiesemos hecho pero ningúno hizo o dijo nada
When you came here, neither of us asked for it, did we?
Cuando tú llegaste, ninguno de los dos andaba buscándolo, ¿ no?
You didn't make the world, and neither did I. And if we had, I'm not sure we'd have made it any different.
Nosotros dos no creamos el mundo... y de haberlo hecho, dudo que fuera diferente.
- Never thought we'd get a conviction. - Neither did I.
- No creí que le condenasen.
Neither one of us had a choice, did we?
- Ninguno de nosotros tuvo escoja. ¿ Tuvimos?
Neither did I. So why don't we say goodbye?
Yo tampoco. ¿ Por qué no nos despedimos?
Neither did the other victim so far as we know.
Tampoco la otra víctima por lo que sabemos.
I came for you, because we did not know anything about you,... neither me nor my grandfather.
Vine por ti, porque no sabíamos nada de ti, ni el abuelo ni yo.
Neither have I. Did we really used to do this sort of thing?
Yo tampoco. ¿ De verdad hacíamos estas cosas?
Neither did we.
- Nosotros tampoco.
Because neither HQ Chief Kubersly nor I did anything on the occasion of last year's coup d'etat, we're tolerated...
La batalla se acaba. Es una victoria total.
We did find two rolls of tape in the tool kit, but neither comes from this. lt's much broader.
Encontramos dos rollos de cinta en la caja de herramientas, pero... ninguno viene de ellos. Es mucho más ancho.
You and I did not deserve to be unhappy... but neither did we deserve to be happy together.
Pero tampoco tenemos derecho a ser felices juntos.
Neither did I, so why don't we go on having fun for the next few weeks.
- Pues yo tampoco, así que estas semanas, ¿ por qué no seguimos divirtiéndonos?
Just because we underestimate men who did not understand their own acts, as they had neither the time, nor the circumstances
Simplemente porque infravaloramos a los hombres que no entienden sus propios actos, cuando ellos no tenían el tiempo, ni las circunstancias
Neither did I. Seems we're a couple of insomniacs.
Yo tampoco. Parece que somos una pareja de sonámbulos.
Neither did you, Julian. - Come by the Airstream later and we'll get some pickled eggs. I'm buying.
Ven más tarde al remolque, comeremos huevos al escabeche, yo pago.
- Neither did we.
Tampoco nosotros.
Agent Gibbs, why don't we save ourselves some time, what do you say? No he didn't, and neither did she.
No lo hizo, y ella tampoco.
We did a puzzle, and we had a nice talk. And she didn't do anything wrong, and neither did I!
Hicimos un rompecabezas, y tuvimos una buena charla y ella no hizo nada malo, ni yo tampoco.
Neither did suicide, but we both know she did it.
Tampoco suicidarse pero ambos sabemos que lo hizo.
you shouldn't have been doing a lot of the things we did this afternoon, but, uh, neither of us has been smited down yet.
No deberías haber hecho muchas cosas que hiciste esta tarde, pero eh... ninguno de nosotros se ha arrepentido todavía.

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