Were traduction Espagnol
720,041 traduction parallèle
No, your orders were to hold her until we came and got her, dumbass.
No, tus órdenes eran cuidarla hasta que viniéramos por ella, idiota.
Your orders were to hold her until we came and got her, dumbass.
Tus órdenes eran cuidarla hasta que viniéramos por ella, idiota.
I know you guys were close.
Sé que eran cercanos.
All right, well, for argument's sake, if you were to look into it, where would be the first place you'd look?
Bien, pues, pongamos por ejemplo, si lo investigaras, ¿ cuál sería el primer lugar al que irías?
While you were under heavy fire, you were able to discern that the UN doc was purposely trying to kill that lady?
¿ Que mientras estaban bajo fuego pudiste discernir que el doctor de la ONU intentaba matar a esa mujer?
I heard you and Bob Lee were caught up in that Frankfurt attack.
Oí que Bob Lee y tú estuvieron en ese ataque en Frankfurt.
No telling how many hands were in that pot.
No se sabe cuántas manos estaban metidas en eso.
Whatever you were supposed to send to Jeffrey Denning.
Lo que tenías que mandarle a Jeffrey Denning.
Last time I saw you, there were two dead guys in my cell.
La última vez que te vi, había dos muertos en mi celda.
There was a robbery. While you two were in the bathroom.
Hubo un robo, mientras ustedes dos estaban en el baño.
Seemed like you were standin'your ground just fine.
Me pareció que te estabas defendiendo muy bien.
If I'm the crazy one, what were you doing in a dead guy's storage unit?
Si yo soy el loco, ¿ qué hacías en el almacén de un muerto?
Zehnder said the cartels were in bed with a shadowy organization called Atlas.
Zehnder dijo que los carteles conspiraban con una organización oscura llamada Atlas.
If Solotov knew all his targets were here, why send the JV?
Si Solotov sabía que todos sus objetivos estaban aquí, ¿ para qué mandar a los menos expertos?
You were supposed to take care of that.
Ya tendrías que haber solucionado eso.
I will set you free and make you as powerful as you were meant to be.
Te pondré en libertad y te convertiré en ese hombre poderoso que estás destinado a ser.
I've been fighting cartels since you were sucking on your madre's low-hanging tetas.
He estado luchando contra los carteles desde que chupabas las tetas caídas de tu madre.
Epifanio. It wasn't like this when we were starting out.
No era así cuando comenzamos.
And you were right.
Y tenías razón.
You texted me that you were in trouble, and I'm here.
Me enviaste un texto de que estabas en problemas y vine.
We were gonna, but then we had a better idea, which, as you see, we're doing now.
Sí, pero tuvimos una idea mejor, y eso hacemos ahora, como ves.
Oh, yeah. You were supposed to stop them, not join them.
- Debías detenerlos, no unírteles.
Yeah. Also, mine were pretty weak to begin with.
Los míos ya eran débiles antes.
And you...! I thought your days of eating me were behind you.
Pensé que habías aprendido a no comerme.
You were right.
Tenías razón.
Well, we were talking the other day, and, well, it turns out he's way sensitive about his unibrow, so...
Hablamos el otro día, y parece que le afectan sus cejas juntas... Lo siento.
It's my fault you were out on this gorge in the first place.
Por mi culpa viniste a la fosa. Tenías razón.
You were right. I was too caught up in my pit pal.
Me obsesioné con mi grietamigo.
In my day, all we had to intimidate were rocks.
En mi época, solo intimidábamos rocas.
You were right. I'm not ready for this.
No estoy lista.
But you were supposed to do this yourselves.
Pero debían hacerlo solos.
The first five days were cool, but the last three days started to feel like punishment.
Los primeros cinco días fueron geniales, pero los últimos tres, un castigo. Calma.
And I'd get studying down there if I were you, because tomorrow, class, I am giving you a final.
Estudiaría allí si fuera ustedes. Mañana tendrán un examen final.
We were just gonna have some fun. So we thought, why not ask the coolest guy we know to join us?
Vamos a divertirnos. ¿ Por qué no pedirle al tipo más genial que venga?
Uh, actually, we were gonna go down to the watering hole, so...
Íbamos a ir al aguadero, así que...
You mean that fruit that made you see things and think we were all... [hissing]
El que te hizo ver cosas y pensar que éramos... ¡ Monstruos!
You were at Crane School with us!
¡ Estabas en el dojo de la Escuela Grulla!
She knew where we were meeting, and when.
Sabía dónde nos íbamos a ver y cuándo.
Always heard you were a scary bitch.
Había oído que eras una perra que daba miedo.
So he basically gave you permission to do what we were already doing.
Así que básicamente te dio permiso para hacer lo que ya estábamos haciendo.
Where were your people when they jumped her?
Y funcionó. ¿ Dónde estaba tu gente cuando la atacaron?
I've been protecting her since you were scrambling for change in Culiacán, waiting for that pretty boy pilot to show up and save your ass.
Ella no está pensando con claridad. La he estado protegiendo desde que peleabas por dinero en Culiacán y esperabas que el niñito piloto apareciera para salvarte el culo.
I thought you had that meeting. So I didn't think you were gonna be home till later tonight.
No, yo creía que tenías una reunión y pensé que no llegarías hasta tarde en la noche.
They knew that we were coming.
Sabían que veníamos.
It's just like the one you were in.
Es como en el que estabas.
I told everybody you were going to rescue us.
Les dije a todos que ibais a rescatarnos.
if you were able to find me, it's only a matter of time before they can. We gotta move ;
Tenemos que irnos.
You were the best of them.
Tú eras el mejor de ellos.
Thought you were smarter than that!
Pensé que eras más inteligente.
I took care of him when you guys were down in La Paz.
Lo maté mientras ustedes estaban en La Paz.
And you were correct, Colonel.
Y tenías razón, coronel.
werewolf 58
were you there 127
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were they 152
were you here 16
were you sleeping 48
were you waiting for me 17
were you drunk 20
were you there 127
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were they 152
were you here 16
were you sleeping 48
were you waiting for me 17
were you drunk 20