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Neither were you traduction Espagnol

175 traduction parallèle
I wasn't at Deauville last year, and neither were you.
No estuve en Deauville el año pasado, y tampoco usted.
Neither were you.
Tampoco, usted.
Obviously, I wasrt kidding, Frank, but neither were you.
Naturalmente no estaba bromeando, Frank. Y tú tampoco.
Neither were you.
Tú tampoco.
And neither were you.
Y tampoco tú.
I wasn't a hero, and neither were you.
Yo no fui ningún héroe. Ni usted tampoco.
Rumbo, I wasn't always a dog. And neither were you.
Yo no siempre fui perro y tú tampoco.
- Neither were you.
Tampoco lo fuiste tu.
Neither were you, Your Majesty.
Y usted también, su Majestad.
Yeah, well, neither were you and Piper.
Bueno, tú y Piper tampoco.
- Neither were you.
- Tampoco la tomaste tú.
Neither of you were born The first time I saw one.
Ninguno de ustedes había nacido la primera vez que vi uno de esos.
If you were free today, would you choose a direless girl with - with neither wealth nor social standing?
Si hoy estuvieras libre, ¿ elegirías a una chica pobre, sin fortuna ni posición?
Neither do I. I wish you were coming along.
- Yo tampoco. Ojalá tú me acompañaras.
Well neither one of you was satisfied, were you?
Sólo uno de los dos estaba contento.
You were not happy and naturally you not being happy, neither was I.
No fuiste feliz y... no lo eres ahora ni yo tampoco.
No doubt you've become aware during the trial... that the boiler room was searched and searched again and again... but neither the satchel nor the * 60000 were ever found.
Sin duda se habrá enterado durante el juicio... de que el cuarto de calderas fue cuidadosamente registrado... sin que la cartera ni las 60 000 libras aparecieran en parte alguna.
CAROL : Neither of you were very careful about keeping your voices low.
Ninguno de los dos ponéis mucho cuidado en hablar bajo.
Neither would I want you to lie to me if I were a truck driver or a disk jockey.
Si fuera camionero o disc-jockey tampoco querría que me mintiera.
Neither were the Tontons. When shall I see you?
Ni tampoco los tonton. ¿ Cuándo te veré?
You're neither instigator nor perpetrator, sold the gun and were about to jeopardize everything. What have you to do with it?
No eres ni instigador ni perpetrador, vendió el arma y..... estaban a punto de poner en peligro todo.
Do you remember how we were drifting with Tonia? And none of them, neither Kharlamych, nor Valya... All right, let him rest in peace...
ni Valka que le sea leve la tierra...
I phoned you just now and your housekeeper said... neither of you were there and then she said something about the Cavern.
Lo acabo de llamar y su ama de llaves me dijo... que no había nadie y luego dijo algo sobre La Caverna.
When I came back, I started looking for you, but neither you nor the Duce were there anymore.
Cuando volví, te busqué, pero ya no estabais ni tú ni el Duce.
- You were right to. But it's true that mom doesn't know that much about Konrad's life, neither do we.
Pero esas cosas que dijo mamá de Konrad... ni siquiera ella conoce bien la vida de Konrad, ni nosotros.
Neither I nor my sister were expecting you.
Ni yo ni mi hermana os esperábamos.
You were near me neither in sorrow nor in happiness!
Y ahora ¿ qué quieres?
You were never a lover of cows, neither.
No recordaba que fueras amante de las vacas.
That were a good scheme of yours last night, I don't deny it. One of you is mighty handy with a knife. I don't deny neither, some of us were shook.
Nos dan ese mapa y renuncian a disparar a los pobres marineros y a degollarles mientras duermen... y podrán elegir : ó suben a bordo de "La Española" cuando el tesoro ya esté embarcado... y les daré mi palabra de que les dejaré en tierra y a salvo.
And between me and Mrs Control, neither of us seem to know where you were.
Y entre la Sra. Control y yo, ninguno de los dos parecíamos saber dónde estabas.
Neither the pleasures of life to which you were entitled to.
Ni los placeres de la vida a la que tenían derecho.
Look, Maurice, you know, I'm sorry about your car, - but you should be thankful that neither of you were hurt.
Maurice, lamento lo de tu auto... pero debes agradecer que no se lastimaron.
You weren't who you said you were so I wasn't who I thought I was... so neither of us were there
Tú no eras quien dijiste ser, entonces yo no era quien creí que era... Entonces, ninguno de nosotros estuvo allí.
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"sí, yo soy Daniel", y se entabla, ¿ eh? , "mucho gusto", y se entabla lo que puede llegar a ser... bueno, siempre y cuando se llame Esther, si se llama Alicia sigue viaje, tampoco se entera, por más que uno le diga Esther....... una vez venía caminando una, le dije "Esther" se dio vuelta y me dijo "yo me llamo José Luis", y no se entabló nada porque a mí no me va ese tipo de, ese tipo de ni ese tipo ni ningún tipo, quiero decir, no es lo mío, a mí me educaron mis padres de una manera y yo he sabido responder a esa educación, honrando, honrándola, digamos, me educaron en la libertad de poder pensar lo que me dé la gana, pero sí, las cosas se hacían de una forma ; también había que poder respetar a los demás, porque cada cual podía hacer de su vida lo que se le diera la gana, ¿ no?
And you neither came to the airport nor were you at home!
Y usted ni fue al aeropuerto ni estaba usted en casa!
Of course, if I were in your position and you were still in your position... neither one of us could do very much for the other.
Por supuesto, si yo estuviera en tu lugar, y tú aún en el tuyo... ninguno podría hacer mucho por el otro.
Since neither you nor I were there, it must be one of the First Ones.
Y como no ni tú ni yo estábamos allí, debe ser uno de los Primeros.
- He was yours and you were his... and neither one of you is ever gonna be with anyone else ever again.
- Era tuyo y tú de él y que nunca se separarían.
Even if it were true, I could never sell that to Washington, and neither could you.
Aunque fuera verdad, no podría contar eso en Washington ni ustedes tampoco.
And you were neither.
Y no has sido ni lo uno ni lo otro.
And neither were the 25-year-old girls you fuck.
Y tampoco Io son las chicas con quienes jodes.
- Neither do I! Honestly, I thought you were a bit better! - You did?
Pensaba que eras más que esto.
You know, it's like... neither one of us could've gotten her on our own, but... but melded together, we were like a whole other... entity.
Sabes, es como si ninguno de nosotros podría haberla conseguido solo, pero pero fusionados éramos como una... entidad distinta.
Neither should you. How many of those people were sentenced to die?
¿ Cuántas de esas personas habían sido condenadas a muerte?
You were wrong at the time - he wasn't dead - but that's neither here nor there.
Aunque... en ese momento estabas equivocado porque... en realidad no había muerto pero no viene al caso.
If I was the valet and you were the wife, neither of us has existed for some time.
Si yo fui el criado y tú Ia esposa, ninguno existió durante ese tiempo.
The only thing we had in common was that neither of us knew who you were.
Lo único que teníamos en común era que ninguno sabía quién eras.
Sir, you weren't in your seat And neither was Christina which is why there were no friction burns from your seatbelts So, would you like to try again?
Señor, usted no estaba en su asiento ni tampoco Christina es por eso que no hay quemaduras a causa de el cinturón entonces, ¿ quiere intentarlo de nuevo?
You were saying that neither even know your age.
Me estabas diciendo que ni siquiera sabes tu edad.
Neither were the women and children you bulldozed alive into mass graves.
Ni tampoco las mujeres y niños que enterró vivos en fosas comunes.
Look, the point is, I let it all slide because underneath I knew you were a good guy, but if you bail on Brooke, I will never respect you again and neither will anybody else
Mira, el punto es que lo dejé todo porque diapositiva debajo Sabía que eras un buen tipo, pero si rescatar a Brooke, yo nunca me respetan de nuevo y tampoco lo hará nadie

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