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Were you not traduction Espagnol

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Were you not listening?
¿ No estabas escuchando?
And were you not investigated by the bar four different times before then for altering evidence,
Y estabas no investigado por la barra Cuatro veces diferentes antes de esa fecha Para alterar pruebas,
Were you not just in the same house with me, where we caught our child making out with another child?
Estaba usted no sólo en la misma casa conmigo, Donde cogimos nuestro hijo besándose con otro niño?
Were you not allowed, to chose your husband?
¿ Estabas no permitido, para elegir a su marido?
You were not responsible for your actions.
No eras responsable de tus acciones.
Times like this, I wish you were more comfortable carrying a gun on your person, not just in your desk.
En momentos como este, me gustaría que estuvieras más cómodo llevando un arma, no sólo teniéndola en tu escritorio.
You were performing CPR to save him, not kill him.
Usted estaba realizando RCP para salvarlo, no matarlo.
If you come from another era, where the bikes were different the riding was different and the tires were different, you have to change your riding style and that's not so easy.
Si vienes de otra época, en la que las motos eran distintas la forma de montar era distinta y las ruedas eran distintas tienes que cambiar tu estilo de correr y eso no es fácil.
Our engineers realized you were trying to debug a program, not infect it.
Nuestros ingenieros se dieron cuenta que intentabas depurar un programa, no infectarlo.
She said that even if you were not related to her by blood you were a child that was impossible not to love.
Dijo que incluso si no tenías relación de sangre con ella... eras una niña imposible de no amar.
All right, well, I'm not always sure,'cause you were born before the Internet and all that.
Vale, bien, es que uno no está siempre seguro ya que habéis nacido antes de Internet y todo eso.
"Mother, now I know why you were not hungry, most times".
"Madre, ahora sé por qué no tenía hambre, la mayoría de las veces."
I would just feel safer if mine were, you know, connected to the van in some way and not just air. - Hmm.
Solo que me sentiría más segura si el mío estuviera, ya sabes... unido a la camioneta de alguna forma, no solo al aire.
But I'm not. But if you were.
Pero no tengo.
You were not kidding.
No bromeabas.
Whether they were bad guys or not, you still committed multiple pre-meditated murders.
Si eran malos o no... aun así cometiste múltiples asesinatos premeditados.
I'm sorry. You're telling me the Samoans were not taking protection money from him?
Lo siento. ¿ Me estás diciendo que los samoanos no estaban sacándole dinero a cambio de protección?
Yeah, as far as they know, you're back on the street, not in here telling us everything you know about those trucks that were hit.
Sí, en lo que a ellos concierne, estás en la calle, no aquí contándonos lo que sabes sobre esos camiones robados.
Whenever you were with him, you just... just felt like the only person in the world. ♪ ♪ You're not stretching?
Cuando estabas con él, te... te sentías como la única persona en el mundo. ¿ No estiras?
And I did not know that you were gonna have to go to some seminar or about the whole four-strikes thing.
Y yo no sabía que eras va a tener que ir a un seminario o con todo el asunto de cuatro huelgas.
Yeah,'cause I love you, and there's no reason for anyone not to do what they were planning on doing tonight.
Sí, porque te amo, y no hay razón para que cualquiera no haga lo que había planeado hacer esta noche.
You said that numbers were not an issue.
Dijo que los números no eran el problema.
I am not. I didn't say you were, but the cat is.
No lo estoy Yo no que tu, sino el gato
Like, I just couldn't believe that this had happened to me, and now my life was over, and people were, you know, not gonna take me seriously.
No podía creer que eso me estuviera pasando a mí, y mi vida se había acabado, y ya nadie me iba a tomar en serio.
To not be what you were in the past.
Para no ser lo que era en el pasado.
Not one week ago you were dissecting the triangle offense and now you know nothing about one of the greatest players of his generation?
No hará una semana que estabas analizando la ofensiva triangular ¿ y ahora no sabes nada sobre uno de los mejores jugadores de su generación?
It was a nightmare. Just be glad that you were not here for it.
alegrate de no haber estado para verlo.
Jenny, he is not ready to be a father. I-I-I thought you were going with socially acceptable binge watching. Okay.
Jenny, no está preparado para ser padre.
If you were someone capable of being alone, someone capable of not suffocating me...
Si usted era alguien capaz de estar solo, alguien capaz de no me asfixiante...
You were the only reason not to hire her.
Tú eras la única razón para no contratarla.
You were never taught not to be one.
Nunca te enseñaron a no serlo.
I know it's not much consolation, but... one of these days, Raven's gonna realize you were just looking out for her.
Yo sé que no es mucho consuelo, pero... uno de estos días, va a darse cuenta de Raven que estabas buscando para ella.
- It's not your solo. It's Beethoven's solo, and you were already injured.
Es solista de Beethoven, y ya se lesionó.
I do not like lying to those guys, but you were right.
No me gusta mentirles a los chicos, pero tenías razón.
Not exactly the cushy life you were used to.
No es precisamente el chollo de vida al que estabas acostumbrado.
If I'm not mistaken, when we first met you, you were stealing from us.
Si no estoy equivocada, cuando te conocimos estabas robándonos.
Not that anyone said you were.
No es que nadie haya dijera que lo fueseis.
I did not think that was where you were gonna go.
No pensé que era donde te vas a ir.
We were not partners in all things, I can assure you.
No éramos socios en todas las cosas, le puedo asegurar.
Oh, well, nothing, now you ask, but you'd have to be cold-hearted not to mourn the loss of a person, even if he or she were no more than a passing acquaintance.
Bueno, nada, ahora que lo pregunta, pero habría que ser frío de corazón para no lamentar la pérdida de una persona, incluso si él o ella no fuesen más que conocidos de lejos.
Um, Sheldon, were you actually not gonna spend my birthday with me?
Sheldon, ¿ de verdad no ibas a pasar mi cumpleaños conmigo?
If I was ever stupid enough to imply, for one second, that you were not bad boy enough for me, I couldn't possibly think that right now.
Si alguna vez fui lo suficientemente estúpida para insinuar, por un segundo, que no eras lo bastante malote para mí, es imposible que pueda pensar eso ahora mismo.
That's not what you were supposed to do!
¡ Eso no era lo que se suponía que harías!
You were not supposed to know that.
Se suponía que no sabías eso.
I am not Christmas shopping, and if I were, I assure you
No estoy de compras de Navidad, y si lo fuera, te lo aseguro
You were not covering a game that night.
No estaban cubriendo un juego de esa noche.
I don't know what you were thinking, Aubrey, but we do not go on national TV and taunt killers.
No lo sé lo que estabas pensando, Aubrey, pero no vamos en la televisión y la provocación asesinos nacionales.
Sometimes, I wish that you were my dad or my boss, but, you know, not both.
A veces, me gustaría que fueras mi papá o mi jefe, pero, ya sabes, no ambos.
Sometimes I wish you were my daughter or a pain in the ass, not both.
A veces me gustaría que estuvieras a mi hija o un dolor en el culo, pero no ambos.
Not so long ago, Crabtree, you were in prison.
No hace mucho tiempo, Crabtree, estabas en la cárcel.
You are not the person I thought you were either.
No eres la persona que pensabas que estabas bien.

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