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Northcott traduction Espagnol

18 traduction parallèle
Other veteran greats - Baldy Northcott,
Otros grandes veteranos : Baldy Northcott,
I'm trying to find a place called the Northcott Ranch, up by Wineville.
Busco un lugar llamado Rancho Northcott, junto a Wineville.
Northcott Ranch, huh?
El rancho Northcott, ¿ eh?
My cousin is Gordon Northcott.
Mi primo es Gordon Northcott.
Then put out an APB on Gordon Stewart Northcott.
Y una orden de búsqueda y captura contra Gordon Northcott.
Mr. Northcott, any comment on your arrest?
Sr. Northcott, ¿ un comentario sobre su detención?
Mr. Northcott, how are you feeling?
- Sr. Northcott, ¿ cómo se encuentra?
Gordon Stewart Northcott, you've been charged with three counts of murder in the first degree, with an additional 17 counts under review by the district attorney's office.
Gordon Stewart Northcott, se le acusa de tres cargos de asesinato en primer grado, además de otros 17 que está revisando la oficina del fiscal del distrito.
You may sit, Mr. Northcott.
Puede sentarse, Sr. Northcott.
at the Northcott Ranch in Wineville.
en el rancho Northcott, en Wineville.
" We the jury find the defendant, Gordon Stewart Northcott,
" El jurado halla al acusado, Gordon Stewart Northcott,
Gordon Stewart Northcott, it is the judgment of this court that you be conveyed to San Quentin Prison, where you'll be held in solitary confinement for a period of two years, until October 2, 1930.
Gordon Stewart Northcott, este tribunal falla que sea trasladado a la prisión de San Quintín, donde permanecerá incomunicado durante dos años, hasta el 2 de octubre de 1930.
Gordon Northcott.
De Gordon Northcott.
Mr. Northcott, you asked me to come here.
Sr. Northcott, usted pidió que viniera.
Mr. Northcott, you asked me to come here.
Sr. Northcott, usted me pidió que viniera.
Mr. Northcott, please look at me.
Sr. Northcott, por favor, míreme.
" Gordon Stewart Northcott,
" Gordon Stewart Northcott,

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