Not without help traduction Espagnol
245 traduction parallèle
Not without help.
No sin ayuda.
- Not without help.
- No sin ayuda.
Not without help, anyway.
Por lo menos sin ayuda.
Not without help I can't.
Sin ayuda, no.
I'm not doing that without the valid hope that it's going to help you in doing justice.
No haría eso si no tuviera la esperanza verdadera de que les puede ayudar a hacer justicia.
Why, without your help this shop would not have been possible.
Sin su ayuda, esto no hubiera sido posible.
She'll never go hungry, she'll never be without clothes... not as long as I've got two good hands to help me.
Nunca pasará hambre, nunca irá desnuda... mientras yo tenga dos manos.
- When you take Hell, It will not help you... I have always thought that die... without having sold. Then my soul will have all eternity!
- Cuando se lo lleve el Infierno, No le servirá para nada : siempre he pensado que moriría... sin haberlo vendido. ¡ Entonces mi alma padecerá toda la eternidad!
Thank you, Inspector, but Do not think I could have done without the invaluable help of Holmes.
Gracias, inspector, pero no creo que pudiera haberlo hecho sin la ayuda inestimable de Holmes.
Without your help, sahib, I shall not go very far.
Sin tu ayuda, sahib, no iré muy lejos.
Can, on his own, that is, without the help of the police, catch the runaway, before, in the most absolute manner a day prior to the trial, the latter does not take place. ls that clear ;
Si consigue, con sus propios medios, es decir, sin la ayuda pertinente de los órganos policiales, capturar nuevamente al fugitivo, dentro del plazo, improrrogable, que contempla el procedimiento, éste último no ha lugar, y queda anulado, ¿ está claro?
I'm not afraid to fight whisky and repeal with police help or without it.
No temo enfrentarme al whisky con la policía o sin ella.
without the help of the devil - small historical note not to be found in any known books but part of the records in the twilight zone.
Una pequeña nota histórica que no encontrará en ningún libro conocido,... sino que es parte de los archivos en la Dimensión Desconocida.
Gentlemen, tonight's opening would not be possible without your help.
Caballeros, esta inauguración, no sería posible sin su maravillosa ayuda.
Ian? It's risky. But, we're not going to get away without help.
Es arriesgado, pero no nos iremos sin ayuda.
It's not easy to run a business without any help.
No es nada fácil llevar adelante un negocio sin contar con apoyo.
- They will not help us without the pain.
- No nos ayudarán sin el dolor.
Without my help, would not have come out alive.
Sin mi ayuda, no habriais salido vivos.
I promised Mr. Daniel Dewsnap without whose wonderful help I should not be here tonight that the first time I returned to Oldham I would give his love to his wife.
Prometí a Mr. Daniel Dewsnap sin cuya maravillosa ayuda no estaría aquí esta noche que la primera vez que volviera a Oldham presentaría mis respetos a su mujer.
Without her help, I would not be here.
Sin su ayuda, yo no estaría aquí.
We wish to thank the staff at the Munch Museum in Oslo without whose help this film could not have been made.
Queremos dar las gracias al personal del Museo Munch en Oslo sin cuya ayuda esta película no se podría haber hecho.
We wish to thank the staff at the Munch Museum in Oslo without whose help this film could not have been made. Directed and Edited by PETER WATKINS and written in collaboration with the cast, many of whom express their own opinions.
Dirigido y editado por Peter WATKINS y escrito en colaboración con los actores, muchos de los cuales expresan sus propias opiniones.
This mission would not have been successful without the help of your son Charlie Firpo to whom the United States Navy wishes to offer a brand new truck.
Almirante, espero que cumpla su promesa. Los almirantes siempre cumplen lo que prometen. Y déjenme aclarar algo.
With easy flood, the population grew to where Not even the Nile could support it without help.
Con esa abundancia, la población creció tanto, que ni el Nilo podía sustentarla sin ayuda.
We're not going to move this without help.
No lo vamos a mover sin ayuda.
Not without your help.
No puedo No, sin su ayuda.
You stay here. lf l'm not back within an hour, leave without me and get some help.
Quédate aquí. Si no regreso en una hora, vete y busca ayuda.
The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the sun beating its legs, trying to turn itself over, but it can't not without your help.
El galápago está boca arriba, al sol intentado darse la vuelta, pero no puede. Necesita su ayuda.
Not without Hedin's help.
No sin la ayuda de Hedin.
Not without your help anyway.
No sin tu ayuda.
Even that may not help, for the king's judgment means nothing without the approval of uriah's widow, bathsheba.
... a menos que use el soborno, e incluso si lo hace, no ayudará a su causa,... el juicio del rey pues no significa nada sin la aprobación de la viuda de Urías, Betsabé.
Without help from satellites we could not prepare ourselves for the onslaught.
Sin la ayuda de los satélites no podríamos prepararnos para el "impacto".
Beltaine not it was managing to change in fact without help.
Porque el complicado disfraz de monsieur Beltaine no puede ponerse ni quitarse sin ayuda.
A success you might not have had without the help of supportive friends who shall remain nameless.
Un éxito que quizá no tendrías sin la ayuda de ciertas amigas cuyo nombre permanecerá anónimo.
I have to help him without hurting him, it's not easy, that.
Hay que ayudarlo sin hacerle daño. No es fácil.
Every human being, every citizen, every country, all have their unique and inimitable path which they should walk on without prompting and violence, but in a calm and dignified manner. Not envying those who have already reached their destination, but instead trying to help those who are lagging behind.
Cada hombre, cada pueblo, cada país tiene su camino único e inimitable que debe recorrer sin que nadie le indique ni le obligue, tranquila y dignamente, sin envidiar a los que lograron su fin y ayudando a los más lentos.
Should I have need of your help, you would not refuse it without due thought?
Si necesitara su ayuda, ¿ no se negaría sin la apropiada reflexión?
Thank you, I do not know what I would do without your help.
Bueno, muchas gracias, Duncan. No sé que habría hecho.
It's getting late and I'm kind of caught short here without a silver bullet so can you help me replace the couch or not?
Se está haciendo tarde y estoy corta de balas de plata Así que me puede ayudar a cambiar el sofá o no?
Not without your help.
No sin su ayuda.
None that I know of, but they are convinced that civilians could not have overthrown the Central Command without help.
- Creen que la población civil no pudo derrocar a la Comandancia sin ayuda.
I would not be in line for such a promotion without the help of my present crew.
Yo no estaría en línea para una promoción sin la ayuda de mi actual equipo.
But I know that without your help, that's not possible.
Pero sé que sin tu ayuda eso no es posible.
Without your help, we will not survive.
Sin su ayuda, no sobreviviremos.
please, Iet's not just erase him without trying to help him first.
No lo borremos antes de intentar ayudarle.
Because he ain't gonna roll on himself... not without a little help.
- Sí. Porque no va a confesar no sin un poco de ayuda.
Not without your help.
Necesita su ayuda.
And my guess is you're not gonna be up to it without me talking. Lord, help me...
Si no les explico todo, no van a entenderlo.
But the question remains whether or not we can stop their aggression without help.
Pero la pregunta sigue siendo... En si podemos o no detener esta agresión sin ayuda.
Voyager will not survive without our help.
La Voyager no sobrevivirá sin nuestra ayuda.
It's like telling people you're divorced when you're not... or that you found a property for your biggest client on your own... without help.
O que encontraste una propiedad tú sola, sin ayuda.
not without you 77
not without a fight 24
not without a warrant 22
not without me 32
help 8877
help me 6892
helping 62
helped 17
helpless 96
helpful 64
not without a fight 24
not without a warrant 22
not without me 32
help 8877
help me 6892
helping 62
helped 17
helpless 96
helpful 64
help yourself 675
help me please 29
help me understand 34
help is on the way 77
help me with this 60
help you with what 18
help wanted 20
help her 180
help me out 369
help a brother out 20
help me please 29
help me understand 34
help is on the way 77
help me with this 60
help you with what 18
help wanted 20
help her 180
help me out 369
help a brother out 20
help me out here 204
help people 28
help us 749
help him 346
helping people 38
help me here 41
help yourselves 81
help me find him 18
helping me 31
help them 74
help people 28
help us 749
help him 346
helping people 38
help me here 41
help yourselves 81
help me find him 18
helping me 31
help them 74