Now you don't traduction Espagnol
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Why don't you drive on over to Ricky's house and start packing his bags for him right now?
¿ Por qué no vas a casa de Ricky y empacas sus cosas?
And now that you are, I ain't gonna see you strung up for some business don't concern us at all.
Y ahora que estás, no te veré ahorcado por asuntos que no nos conciernen.
I understand now, although I don't know who you are looking for.
Lo entiendo ahora, aunque no sé a quién busca.
Don't you know your situation now?
¿ No conoce tu situación, ahora?
Now if you don't believe that,
Ahora bien, si usted no cree que,
So you're the decider now. You don't talk to me about things. - We don't discuss thins anymore.
Y ahora solo tú decides, y no me platicas nada, no discutimos nada ya.
My baby can have babies now. - I mean, don't you go having babies. - [Laughs]
Mi bebé ya puede tener bebés, digo, no se te vaya a ocurrir...
I don't want to be one of those mothers, you know, and I know that you're a man now and everything...
No quiero ser una de esas madres, ya sabes, y sé que ahora eres un hombre y todo...
I got in your way twice now... and you don't strike me as someone who just lets that happen.
Me interpuse dos veces en tu camino. No pareces alguien que permita que eso pase así nomás.
You know, Mr. Healy, back in the day, it was real good... when we had plenty of time to see you, but now, I... I don't know.
Sr. Healy, en los viejos tiempos era muy bueno cuando teníamos mucho tiempo para verlo, pero ahora, no sé.
Now, if you don't mind... I'll keep you alive until the cash is safe at hand.
Si no te molesta voy a mantenerte con vida hasta tener el dinero en mano.
I don't know why you won't now.
No sé por qué no lo haces ahora.
Cathy, you don't have Francis right now.
Cathy, ahora no tienes a Francis.
And don't worry... that so-called "police protection" I gave you? They're crossing guards in Yonkers now.
Y no se preocupe, esos agentes de "protección policial" que le puse ahora son guardas de cruce peatonal en Yonkers.
Now, I don't like him any more than you do, but here's the thing, he's not a common criminal.
A mí no me cae mejor que a ustedes, pero no es un delincuente cualquiera.
And because if you don't follow me, this is what is in store for your world 150 years from now.
Y eso es porque si no me siguen, esto es lo que le espera a su mundo dentro de 150 años.
Hey. I don't know that you want to be here right now.
No sé si quieres estar aquí ahora.
Now you just don't care?
¿ Ahora ya no te importan?
♪ Now you'll find me where the devil don't go... ♪
♪ Ahora me encontrarás donde el diablo no van... ♪
You see what I'm dealing with now, don't you?
Ya ves lo que estoy tratando ahora, ¿ verdad?
- It's really easy. - You couldn't do it then, and you don't want to do it now.
- No se podía hacerlo, entonces, y usted no desea hacerlo ahora.
And now you don't trust her anymore?
Y ahora usted no confia en ella nunca mas?
Got to say, you don't look so scary now, Amenadude.
Tengo que decir que no pareces tan aterrador ahora, Amenadude.
Ms. Grant, I've known you for a while now, and I don't think you were ever going to send that letter.
Sra. Grant, la he conocido desde hace un tiempo, y no creí que fuera siquiera a enviar esa carta.
Why don't you just put a bullet in my head now?
¿ Por qué no me dan un tiro?
Bloody hell, you have to tell him now, don't you?
Hay que joderse, ahora tienes que decírselo, ¿ verdad?
Now, if you don't know, the taint is that little strip of land between a man's balls and his butthole.
Si no lo saben, el perineo es esa parte pequeña entre las bolas de un hombre y su culo.
Now some of you are like, " I don't want to go there.
Ahora algunas no quieren ir allí.
Yeah. Don't you feel better about everything right now?
¿ No te sientes mejor sobre todo ahora?
if you don't have it now, then you don't have to bring the blue...
si no la tienes ahora, no tienes que traer la azul...
I said,'If you don't have it, you can... you can use mine now, but then... then next it's my turn.'"
Si no la tienes, puedes usar la mía, pero... Y luego me toca a mí ".
And he goes, "Yep." I go, "Don't you think we should stop?" He goes, "Now we should."
Dije : "¿ No crees que deberíamos dejar de hacerlo?".
You are striking out at me right now and I don't understand why because I already told you all I can do is submit your packet and let the chips fall where they may.
Me estás atacando y no sé por qué, ya te dije que todo lo que puedo hacer es entregar los guiones y esperar que las cosas tomen su curso.
Hey, You don't gotta know right now.
Oye, no tienes que saberlo ahora mismo.
Okay, now, don't kill me, but I was at the mall today, shopping for myself, I swear, and I found a few things that would look great on you.
Bueno, ahora, no me mates, pero estuve en el centro comercial, haciendo compras para mí, te lo juro, y encontre unas cuantas cosas que te quedarían bien.
Why don't you get that truck off my property, right now.
Quita ese camión de mi propiedad, ahora.
If you don't invest in education now, you end up paying for it in the long run.
Si no invertimos en educación ahora, a la larga, pagamos las consecuencias.
Now don't you wish we'd gotten high?
Ahora no desea que habíamos conseguido alto?
Now, I don't trust you with this thing, so you're on torture duty.
No confío en ti para esto, así que te toca torturarlo.
I don't want to see you right now.
No quiero verlo en este momento.
Sorry, er, don't know how that happened, but, er... now I've got you here, I wonder if you could help me.
Lo sentimos, no sé cómo ocurrió, pero ahora que la tengo aquí, me pregunto si me podría ayudar.
Now, don't be surprised if someone mistakes you for your daughter.
Ahora, no se sorprenda si alguien Se confunde con su hija.
Now, I know you only like pain that you ask for, so don't worry, my dear and sweet Widowmaker.
Ahora, sé que sólo te gusta dolor que usted pide, Así que no se preocupe, querida y dulce Widowmaker.
It's just that... I don't even know you, and now we're...
Es sólo que... yo no te conozco, y ahora estamos...
You mean to tell me you don't know anything about the guy she's out with right now?
¿ Te refieres a decirme que no sabe nada sobre el chico que está con este momento?
You first tell me why I don't put you in cuffs right now.
Primero me digas por qué no te puse en puños ahora.
So, why don't you let go of it now?
Así que, ¿ por qué no lo sueltas ahora?
Okay, why don't you give me the gun now?
Bien, ¿ por qué no me das el arma ahora?
A minute ago you was busting my balls about me not trusting you, but now I'm getting the sense that you're the one who don't trust me.
Hace un minuto me estabas rompiendo los huevos por no confiar en ti, pero ahora tengo el presentimiento de que eres tú quien no confía en mí.
So don't worry about you and me now.
No te preocupes por ti y por mí ahora.
- Boy, don't you do nothing foolish now.
- Muchacho, no hagas una tontería ahora.
now you see me 17
now you're talking 179
now you know 219
now you listen to me 140
now you understand 24
now you've done it 48
now you see 59
now you 250
now you know everything 22
now you can 26
now you're talking 179
now you know 219
now you listen to me 140
now you understand 24
now you've done it 48
now you see 59
now you 250
now you know everything 22
now you can 26