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Put it away traduction Espagnol

2,077 traduction parallèle
Put it away.
Put that away.Are you out--put it away!
¡ Guarda eso! Estás loca... ¡ Guárdalo!
Put it away.
Put it away, like you have after every anniversary.
Déjalo estar, como has hecho después de cada aniversario.
Put it away.
Guarda eso ahora.
Like he pulled down the ladder, hopped up and-and then put it away?
Summer, ¿ en serio piensas que Pancakes está en el ático?
- Put it away.
- Guárdalo.
No, if you put it away, you put it in a drawer, it just gets bigger and scarier.
Si la guardas, la pones en un cajón, se vuelve más grave y aterrorizante.
Just put it away before Matron catches you.
Guárdalo antes de que la Preceptora lo descubra.
We should put it away, okay? Get some sleep.
Sabes que, probablemente deberiamos empacar eso
I'll put it away.
Lo guardaré.
Can you just put it away?
¿ Puedes guardarla?
Can she put it away?
¿ Puede hacerla entrar?
Put it away.
Guarda eso.
Fucking put it away.
Maldición guarda eso.
Put it away.
You want me to put it away?
¿ Quieres que lo guarde?
- Put it away, man.
- Aparta eso socio.
Put it away, you old fool.
Guárdala, viejo estúpido.
- I'll put it away later.
- Yo después la guardo.
- Put it away.
- Guarda eso.
Put it away, Jack.
Aléjalo, Jack.
Put it away.
I mean, I'm sure that he put it away.
Digo, estoy segura de que él la guardó.
We better put it away so it doesn't get wasted.
Será mejor que la guardemos para no desperdiciarla.
Put it away.
Drew, take this money and put it away.
Drew, toma este dinero y guárdalo.
Put it away, you fool.
Escóndela, loco.
Jack put him away, second time it was me.
Jack lo puso lejos. La segunda vez fui yo.
- Thank you. I'm gonna put this away now and we will never have to talk about it again.
Voy a colocarlo lejos, y nunca más tendremos que volver a hablar de esto.
You can put your dueling pistol away. It was just a workplace scuffle.
Puedes bajar tu pistola de duelo sólo fue una pelea de trabajo.
Sources suspect it was none other than Alexis Meade who provided the evidence to put her father away.
Nuestras fuentes sospechan que fue Alexis Meade quien entregó la evidencia, que puso a su padre tras las rejas.
You know, if you put that on your head, it might make your headache go away faster.
Sabes, si pones eso en tu cabeza, hace que el dolor de cabeza desaparezca más rápido.
We have to put our own needs aside and really square it away for the children.
Tenemos que dejar de lado nuestras necesidades y centrarnos en los chicos.
I put it away.
La he guardado
Now, put it away.
Ahora, guárdalo.
Cos Jake's got it in his head that your girl's gonna talk and get him put away for life.
Porque Jake tiene en su cabeza que tu chica iba a hablar y conseguir encerrarlo de por vida.
What's it gonna take to get you to put that gun away?
¿ Qué hay que hacer para que guardes esa pistola?
I put my little cousin's doll in a river and watched it float away.
Puse la muñeca de mi pequeña prima en el rio y la vi alejarse para siempre.
Ben, put that fucking gun away before it goes off.
Ben, guarda esa maldita pistola antes de que se dispare.
You tore your mom's heart out when you went away. Bob did his best to put it back.
Le rompiste el corazón a tu madre cuando te fuiste y Bob hizo lo posible para curarlo.
Push it away, put away!
¡ Guarda eso! ¡ Guárdalo!
- Then it was "put that away".
- Entonces eso fué "sácalo fuera".
We have to go back over it. Papers, stuff to put away...
Habrá que estudiar documentos, guardar cosas.
It's the only way to put Normandy away.
Es la única manera de encerrar a Normandy.
In what you smell, hear, see, feel, and somehow, you're just supposed to put it all away, forget you saw it, move on.
y de alguna manera tienes que dejar todo eso a un lado olvidar lo que has visto y seguir adelante.
Put that away. Stop it!
Tú tienes que ser cuidadoso, ¿ entiendes lo que te estoy diciendo, Ham?
I can see what you're trying to put off, but I can see that it's just to keep people away from you.
Aparentas ser de una manera para que nadie se acerque a ti.
Now she's a crazy lady, don't even belong in here, but it wouldn't do nobody no good to put her away.
Es una señora loca que no debería estar aquí pero de nada sirve llevarla a la cárcel.
I think you should put it on straight away without delay, just for safety purposes.
Creo que deberías ponértela sin tardanza, sólo por tu seguridad.
Put it four steps away, then I'll have to run faster and I'll push myself harder to get to it.
Lo pongo a cuatro pasos para tener que correr más rápido y esforzarme más por llegar

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