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Read it to me traduction Espagnol

1,545 traduction parallèle
I don't think I can wait till I get home. - Do you think you can read it to me?
No puedo esperar a llegar a casa. ¿ Me la lees?
Well, Bessie already read it to me.
Bessie ya me la leyó.
All right! Read it. Read it to me.
- Muy bien, léelo.
I'll dance at your wedding if you read it to me.
Bailaré en su boda si me lo lee.
Could you read it to me?
¿ Me lo puede leer?
Shirley read it to me.
Shirley me lo leyó.
Read it to me.
Read it to me now!
¡ Léemela ahora!
I said read it to me!
Dije que me la leyeras.
Just read it to me
Tú sólo léemelo.
( YAWNS ) Read it to me again, Dad! ( CHUCKLES ) OK, son.
"Un discapacitado fue salvado por un héroe local cuando iba a..."
Could you read it to me?
¿ Podrías leérmelo?
L remember it well, because L waited a Long time for the cloud to move away from me... So that L could see its reverse side and read what was written on it :
Lo recuerdo bien, porque esperé mucho tiempo... que una nube se alejara... para poder ver el otro lado... y leer lo que estaba escrito.
Jade. The letter you want me to read... I Can do it now.
La carta que querias leerme... puedo hacerla ahora.
But that being said I still have to know so I was wondering if you would read it for me?
A pesar de todo esto, necesito saber qué dice así que me preguntaba si podrías leérmela tú.
It took me forever to read that.
Me tomo muchisimo tiempo.
Well, I'm flattered you took the time to read it, sir.
Bueno, me siento halagado de que se haya tomado el tiempo para leerlo, señor.
And now I find it so amazing to see how strong you are, how well you carry yourself, how I'd give anything to wake up and watch you read the paper.
Y ahora me parece tan asombroso ver lo fuerte que eres, lo bien que te manejas, cómo daría cualquier cosa por despertar y verte leer el periódico.
It takes two of you to read to me now, does it?
¿ Ahora se necesitan dos para leerme?
You go from "I've got a lot to say" to "I can't say it right now, because I've got so much to say" to "I gotta read about agriculture" and "You're not with me and go to hell."
De : "Tengo mucho que decir" pasas a : "Ahora no puedo, porque es mucho lo que tengo que decir" y a : "Tengo que leer sobre agricultura" y "no estás conmigo y vete al diablo".
I don't have my glasses. Do you want me to read it to you out loud...?
Léela no traigo mis anteojos.
But let me tell you something, you may have written that diary, but I had to read it!
Pero déjame decirte algo, quizá tú hayas escrito en ese diario pero yo tuve que leerlo.
You know what, let me read it to you.
¿ Saben qué? Déjenme leérsela.
I'd love to read it.
Me encantaría leerlo.
Well, I was going to give it to Tony seeing he's been so hot lately. But now that we know he can't read a goddamn calendar makes me a little edgy.
Se lo iba a dar a Tony... pero viendo que está muy atrasado... y como sabemos ahora... que él no puede leer un maldito calendario... me irrita demasiado.
Take it to bed tonight, read it, and tell me what you think.
Lleva esto a la cama, léelo y dime lo que piensas.
is there anything about the part that you want to tell me, before I read it?
¿ Hay algo en el papel de Benny que deba saber?
You wanted me to read it... you're going to listen to me read it!
¡ Querías que la leyera y vas a escucharme leerla!
- Well, maybe it wouldn't hurt to read it.
leerla no me hará daño. Correcto...
It would shame me for you to read that, if I didn't know... you had suffered the same distortions in the press.
Me daría vergüenza que lo leyera si no supiera... que usted ha sufrido la misma distorsión de la prensa.
- She asked me to read it to her. - Could you?
- Ella me pidió que lo leyera - ¿ Pudiste?
Well, I would like to read it.
Bueno, me gustaría leerlo.
I regret to say that Dr. Anderson is still recovering and will not be able to be with us. Unfortunately he's informed me that as of two days ago, he's yet been unable to read it.
Como ustedes saben tenemos una regla... que las aprobaciones deben ser por votación unánime del consejo lamento informarles que el Dr. Anderson aún está enfermo...
My wife told me Carlisle asked her if she'd ever read the writings of a guy named Anderson, published in the late 1800s. You know what it's beginning to look like?
Finalmente le pedí a Jesús entrar en mi corazón y nunca más miré atrás
The mail is my only link left with the outside world... if some government censor gets to read it first.
EI Correo es eI único heIo que me restó con eI resto del mundo. inclusive si algunos censores se lean mis cartas primero.
Well, I guess it's no surprise to me that you hogs can't read.
No me sorprende que marranos como ustedes no sepan leer.
By the way, Father Nikolai, you didn't give me the book to read from in time, and didn't open it, and mixed up the prayer twice.
Por cierto, padre Nikolás, hoy no me diste a tiempo el libro y no lo abriste. Y dos veces confundiste las oraciones.
Then it just must be this fuckin'place. I don't know what they did to him, but he used to read me stupid nursery rhymes.
Papitas cuando nace se desparrama porei suelo.
He read so beautifully that it started to bug me, you know?
Lo hizo tan bien que empecé a darle vueltas, ¿ sabes?
I still like to read it.
- Aún me gusta leerlo. - ¿ Sí?
Read it out to me.
- Entonces, léamela.
Cool. You want me to read it?
¿ Quieres que lo lea?
My mom used to read this to me when I was little and I was sick in bed, so I'm going to read it to you.
Mi mamá solía leermelo cuando era chica y estaba en cama enferma, así que te lo leeré a ti.
I would like to read it myself, thank you.
Me gustaría leerlo antes, gracias.
If I were to write this down in my diary and I would read it... I would be like,'Who is this freak? This isn't me.
Si anotara esto en mi diario y lo leyera... diría : " ¿ Quién es esta loca?
Oh, I'd love to read it.
– ¡ Me encantaría leerlo!
I bought it, drove right home... sat on my porch, lit up a cigar, and I read it cover to cover.
Lo compro, conduzco a casa... me siento en el porche, enciendo un cigarro, y lo leo de principio a fin.
Now I'd like to read some telegrams from people who couldn't make it.
Ahora me gustaría leer algunos telegramas de gente que no pudo venir.
Nate, I'm trying to read... and you know I hate it when you floss in front of me.
Nate, intento leer, y sabes que detesto que te limpies los dientes delante de mí.
Because I read a report on the effect nuclear war would have on the world... and it was pretty clear to me at that point that this was definitely gonna happen.
Leí un informe sobre el efecto que la guerra nuclear tendría en el mundo... y en ese momento estaba segura de que eso iba a suceder.
I noticed you were trying to read it.
Me di cuenta de que estaban tratando de leer.

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