Real talk traduction Espagnol
890 traduction parallèle
Perhaps we'll be able to have a real talk sometime.
Quizá podamos hablar en otro momento.
We've never had a real talk, but you've got to let me tell you what happened.
Nunca hemos tenido una verdadera conversación, pero tienes que dejarme contarte lo ocurrido.
Uh, you know, a real talk.
Una conversación en serio.
So let's... Let's talk about what's real...
Así que vamos a hablar de lo que es real...
Real talk, y'all?
Para ser honesta Derrick debió haber hecho el lipsync
But then we all got together and had a little talk, and we came to the conclusion... that under the royal Flausenthurm etiquette... you, being an ordinary lieutenant, cannot do the talking at all.
Pero por otra parte, tras reunirnos para hablar, llegamos a la conclusión de que según el protocolo real de Flausenthurm, siendo usted un vulgar teniente, de ningún modo puede hablar.
Maybe if you talk real slow.
- Quizá si hablara despacio -
Let's talk about something else, okay? ... if he's a real man...
Y le dices al caballero que si es hombre de verdad...
If you could grow about a foot real quick, you could talk like that. You think you're a pretty smart guy, don't you?
- Tiene que crecer para hablar así.
And I want to ask you to talk with our actors as you came back from the real war.
Y quiero pedirte que hables con nuestros actores en cuanto vuelvas de la guerra de verdad.
He takes off like an old lady in a high wind, and then he's got the nerve to talk about a real ship.
Él despega como una abuela y tiene la audacia de burlarse de un verdadero avión.
Well, maybe if i speak real nice to'em, maybe they'll talk back to me, huh?
Bueno, si me dirijo a ellos con cariño, puede que me contesten, ¿ no?
Talk real English.
Hábleme en nuestro idioma.
If there's talk of epidemic in town, it'll scare the - with 6 children to a room on mill street and no real sanitation, we can't stop it.
Con seis niños en la misma habitación de la calle Mill y sin unas medidas sanitarias dignas no podemos evitarlo.
You talk about that mountain like it was a real woman.
Hablas de la montaña como si fuera una mujer.
Not mule talk, mind you, but real important conversation.
No son relinchos de mulas, sino conversaciones importantes.
# And listen, if you can't Say anything real nice # # It's better not to talk at all ls my advice #
Escucha, si no vas a decir algo bonito, mejor no digas nada, es mi consejo.
I was very relieved as well to think Miss Chantal could have been sincerely mistaken as to the real meaning of our talk, which she may well have misheard.
Y también era un gran alivio pensar que Chantal podía haberse equivocado sobre el carácter de una conversación que habría oído mal.
All right, don't talk, but you're gonna listen real hard.
Está bien, no hables pero vas a tener que oírme.
The Atlantic one yes... not to talk bad about it but... is it a real Sea?
También el Atlántico, no puede decirse lo contrario, pero...
This will give us a real chance to talk about old times.
Esto nos dará una oportunidad real de hablar sobre los viejos tiempos.
Well, I could talk about national security, beating the potential enemy bomber, flying to New York in two hours, but that's not the real point.
Podría hablar de seguridad nacional, ganando al enemigo potencial. Volando a Nueva York en dos horas. Pero eso no es lo más importante,
Say, you talk English real good.
Ud. habla muy bien inglés.
I mean, real inspectors just don't talk like that.
Quiero decir, los verdaderos inspectores no hablan así.
Help us, our Father, to show other nations an America to imitate... an America that loves fair play, honest dealing... straight talk, real freedom and faith in God.
Ayúdanos, Padre, a mostrar a los demás unos EE. UU. Que sean un ejemplo.
It's a real laugh that you thought she could talk me into anything.
Tiene gracia que pensara que ella podría convencerme de algo.
I want to talk about my girl, the real one.
Quiero hablar de mi novia, la verdadera.
- "They must be real saints." - Do you talk about us at home?
- "Deben ser unos santos." - ¿ Hablan en casa de nosotros?
I'll talk to the real estate people.
Hablaré con los de la inmobiliaria.
Looks like this time I let my big mouth talk me into real trouble.
Me parece que esta vez, no saldré de este lío.
You talk real big.
Si eres buen niño...
Mom hired a hotshot lawyer from Paris. Someone who don't talk natural. A real asshole.
Mamá trajo expresamente un abogado famoso de París, un idiota, no como nosotros.
- Talk to me. Where's the real one?
¿ Dónde está la sierra verdadera?
There's talk of cold war while men and women die in real wars, and the echoes of persecution and atrocities will not be stilled.
Se habla de guerra fría mientras hombres y mujeres caen en guerras reales, y los ecos de las persecuciones y atrocidades no han enmudecido.
Tomorrow morning when you're sitting down drinking your coffee, just sip on your coffee, real easy like, and talk to her like what you're saying ain't really that important to you.
Mañana por la mañana cuando estés tomando el café bébelo de a sorbos, tranquila y habla con ella de lo que dijiste como si no fuera importante para ti.
- You talk like a real kook.
- Hablas como un verdadero loco.
I don't get a chance to talk to real people very often.
No tengo la oportunidad de hablar con gente normal muy a menudo.
Patient doesn't talk about real sex, he talks about sexual fantasy, if he has any.
El paciente no habla de sexo real, sino de sus fantasías sexuales, si las tiene.
They've taken over the lodge. They look, act and talk like real people but they're not.
Se ven, hablan y actúan como personas normales, pero no lo son.
Stalin's death gave us the right to count exactly what we own. To call both wealth and nakedness... by their real names, to think and talk aloud about our problems and to undertake serious research.
La muerte de Stalin nos dió el derecho de saber lo que poseemos,... lo que es nuestra riqueza, y nuestra indigencia, de plantear nuestros problemas y conducir rigurosamente la investigación.
A real quarter. Talk to the juke, Charly, like you always do.
Bueno, háblale a la gramola, como haces siempre, ¿ eh?
It would be unpleasant if there was talk of this at the royal court.
Sería desagradable... si se supiera todo esto en la corte real.
So talk real nice to mom, okay?
Así que hable muy bonito a la mamá, ¿ de acuerdo?
Just for a moment, let's forget about your story and let's talk about real life.
Por un momento, olvidémonos de su historia y hablemos sobre la vida real.
I'd like you to go down and talk to Billy. Real calm-lIke.
Quisiera que te acercaras a hablar con Billy, con calma.
What we need is some real vigilante talk.
- Necesitamos actuar con mano firme.
That's a real shame. But you will talk.
You talk like a real professional.
Hablas como un verdadero profesional.
If I had real proof that they regard Wolf as Himmler's representative, we could seriously talk about the breakdown of the coalition.
Si tuviera pruebas reales de que ven a Wolf como representante de Himmler, podríamos hablar seriamente del colapso de la coalición.
Man, it wasn't like this before, When we were little, all you used to talk about, after our old man died, was how you were gonna get Mom a decent place to live in, How you were gonna work real hard... to get her a new pad,
Tío, esto no es como antes, cuando eramos niños, todo lo que deciamos después de morir el viejo, de como ibamos a conseguirle a Mama un lugar decente para vivir, como ibamos a trabajar duro para comprarla una casa nueva.
talkies 34
talk 1219
talking 358
talks 18
talkie 126
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk 1219
talking 358
talks 18
talkie 126
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk to you soon 72
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talking to yourself 25
talk later 61
talking about me 21
talk to your father 18
talking about 61
talk to my lawyer 20
talk me 19
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talking to yourself 25
talk later 61
talking about me 21
talk to your father 18
talking about 61
talk to my lawyer 20
talk me 19