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Since you traduction Espagnol

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Ever since you replaced my brother, all I do is cover for your awful existence!
¡ Vivo cubriendo tu horrible existencia!
Since you went through the trouble.
Ya que se tomaron el trabajo.
Since you got together?
¿ Desde que son novios?
Since you're going for it?
¿ Ya que es lo que buscas?
But since your exhibition got pushed back, does that mean you have more time?
Como la exhibición se pospuso, ¿ significa que tienes más tiempo?
Especially since you look like a player.
Especialmente porque pareces un mujeriego.
- since you drove.
- desde que manejaste.
Since you're roommates, you should be nicer to them.
Como vivimos juntos, deberías ser más amable.
Then it's been a while since you've seen them.
Entonces, hace tiempo que no los ves.
I'm unsure of his feelings ever since you guys came back from the fireworks.
No estoy segura de sus sentimientos desde que regresaron de ver los fuegos.
Since you're here...
Ya que estás aquí...
How have things been since you left?
¿ Cómo les fue desde que se fueron?
- Since you robbed the bank?
- ¿ Desde qué robaste el banco?
Since you got me infected, I've looked all around the world for a cure and I've finally found it.
Desde que me infectaste, he buscado una cura en todo el mundo, y al fin la encontré.
Since you killed his mother.
Ya que mataste a su madre.
Let me give you some advice since you're new to all this.
Te daré unos consejos, ya que eres nuevo en esto.
How long has it been since you took your meds?
¿ Hace cuánto que tomaste tus medicinas?
Ever since my human deformity, you have been distant.
Desde que me deformé en humano estás distante.
You've been acting real weird since the Quagawumps.
Estás raro desde Quagawumps.
I thought you'd be unhappy since he was hungover... and you couldn't have fun.
Creí que te molestaría que tuviera resaca y no pudiste divertirte.
- You haven't talked since then, right?
- No hablan desde entonces, ¿ no?
Since going out for okonomiyaki together, since I invited you out, things have changed between us.
Desde que fuimos a comer okonomiyaki juntas, desde que te invité a salir, las cosas cambiaron entre nosotras.
- You haven't gone out since then?
- ¿ No volvieron a salir?
- It's been awhile since I've seen you.
- Hace tiempo que no te veo.
Especially since I didn't say I'd be cooking, I was afraid you'd have eaten already.
Especialmente porque como no dije que cocinaría, temía que ya hubieran comido.
You haven't been yourself since Hansan appeared.
No has sido la misma desde que apareció Hansan.
But since I was told that before, what you said made me happy.
Pero como ya me lo habían dicho, lo que dijiste me hizo feliz.
And you've had no contact with Medivh since?
¿ Y no has hablado con Medivh desde entonces?
Good... since a temblorcito you leave him lame... I'd say I'm close enough.
Bueno... dado que un temblorcito te dejaría cojo... yo diría que estoy suficientemente cerca.
I must look very different to you since the last time we saw each other.
Debes verme muy diferente desde la última vez que nos vimos.
I've known you since we were boys, Jan.
Te he conocido desde que éramos niños, Jan.
And I've known you... since we were, what, nine years old?
Y te conozco desde que teníamos, ¿ qué, nueve años? ¿ Diez?
You know, they haven't changed at all since the time of the dinosaurs.
No han cambiado en absoluto desde la época de los dinosaurios.
You ain't bought a drink since the Blitz, have you?
- ¿ Bebiendo desde muchacho, no es así?
- Are you kidding? I've been carrying this since 2008.
Lo traigo desde el 2008.
And since I'm including everything inside, it looks like you're the one that can't call, Abnegazar.
Y como incluyo todo lo de adentro, parece que tú eres quien no puede igualarme, Abnegazar.
I brought you my favorite book on Tesla, who was also totally defeated and humiliated in his lifetime and has since regained popularity and had a resurgence of respect.
Mi libro preferido sobre Nikola Tesla, que también fue totalmente derrotado y humillado en vida y desde entonces recuperó popularidad y respeto.
- Um you know, I guess it was pretty obvious since
Fue muy evidente desde niña.
So it had all been a lie, which was fitting since when you think about it most of high school is a lie.
Así que todo había sido una mentira. Algo lógico, puesto que la Secundaria es, en general, una mentira.
You know, since we're having this conversation, I can tell you that fully consensual, emotionally driven, not-for-profit sexual intercourse has been attained.
Ya que estamos en eso, te puedo asegurar que un coito consensuado, sin fines de lucro, ha tenido lugar.
Oh, you've come a long way since the Agnes croft school for girls, huh?
Has evolucionado mucho desde la Escuela Agnes Croft para señoritas, ¿ no?
Good, since I've got you in a lucid moment.
Qué bueno porque así te agarro en un momento lúcido.
You kidding me? I've been up since 5 : 30 a.m.
Estoy despierto desde las 5 : 30.
Every story you've told me since I met you. It's about how you were here and you ended up here.
Cada historia que me has contado desde que te conocí trata de cómo estabas aquí y terminaste aquí.
90 % of what you said since we sat down is nonsense!
¡ El 90 % de lo que dijiste desde que nos sentamos son necedades!
Everyone knows you've fancied Lucy Walker since forever.
Todo el mundo sabe que siempre te gustó Lucy Walker.
I, uh, was wondering if you could help me'cause I tried looking at it, and then I remembered I haven't paid attention in science since, like, 2011.
Quería saber si podías ayudarme porque intenté mirarla y recordé que no presto atención a la clase de ciencia desde el 2011.
'Cause, you know, since it happened, some little prick has been playing these childish games with us.
Desde que pasó eso, algún idiota estuvo haciéndonos bromas infantiles.
You've got to help. Things haven't been the same since it's happened.
Tiene que ayudarme, las cosas no son iguales desde que esto pasó.
What, just like you've seen me every fucking day since nursery?
¿ Qué? Como me viste todos los días desde jardín de infantes.
Don't start! No, I haven't had a choice about how I felt since the moment I saw you.
No, no he tenido elección sobre cómo me sentí... desde el primer momento en que te vi.

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