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The little mermaid traduction Espagnol

153 traduction parallèle
" And so, gradually, the little mermaid began to understand.
" Y así, poco a poco, la pequeña sirena empezó a comprender.
- The Little Mermaid
- ¡ La Sirenita! - Basta ya.
Look, Mark, the little mermaid.
Mire, Mark, "La sirenita". - ¡ Tan bonita!
THE little mermaid
Do you know that as soon as the Prince marries the Princess the Little Mermaid will die?
¿ Sabéis vos que tan pronto el Príncipe se case con la Princesa la Sirenita morirá?
It is the Little Mermaid!
Es la Sirenita!
Since then the Little Mermaid has been wandering around the earth, bringing happiness to everyone who happened to see her.
Desde entonces la sirenita ha vagado alrededor del mundo, trayendo felicidad a cualquiera que la viera.
My favorite is "The Little Mermaid".
Mi favorita es "La Sirenita".
The Little Mermaid falls in love with the Prince during a storm.
La Sirenita se enamora del Príncipe durante una tormenta.
There's a picture of the Little Mermaid.
Hay un dibujo de la Sirenita.
- They're showing The Little Mermaid.
- Pondrán La Sirenita. - Claro.
They thought The Little Mermaid was pornographic.
Pensaban La Sirenita / ​ ​ i era pornográfico.
The Little Mermaid.
La sirenita.
- You'll be the little mermaid?
- ¿ Haces "la sirenita"?
Yesterday, he said he wanted the Little Mermaid to be his mommy.
Ayer, me dijo que quería que la "Sirenita" fuera su mamá.
"The Little Mermaid."
"La Sirenita".
It's the Little Mermaid and Aqua Nerd.
Es la Sirenita y Aqua Nerd.
- Let's finish The Little Mermaid.
- Terminaremos La Sirenita, ¿ vale?
I didn't make it over to Fantasy land. But I did see the Little Mermaid.
No pude ir a Fantasyland, pero sí he visto a la Sirenita.
One for the little pirate, one for the little mermaid...
Uno para el pequeño pirata, uno para la sirenita...
The Little Mermaid.
La pequeña serenita.
I'm George Hanson. This afternoon we are proud to present our own adaptation of The Little Mermaid.
Hoy presentamos orgullosamente... nuestra adaptación de La sirenita.
Today it's The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Pocahontas.
Ahora son la Sirenita Aladdin, Pocahontas.
Who are you, anyway, the little Mermaid?
¿ Quién te has creído que eres, la "Sirenita"?
" The little mermaid could not take her eyes from the ship or from the beautiful prince.
" La sirenita no quitaba los ojos del barco ni del bello príncipe.
Once more the sails were reefed and the great ship pursued her course over the raging sea to the little mermaid. "
Se recogieron las velas y el barco siguió su curso... "
- The Little Mermaid.
- La Sirenita
Ariel, from The Little Mermaid.
Ariel, de la sirenita.
vamos chicas, miran La Sirenita una vez mas... ella morirá
You watched The Wizard of Oz and The Little Mermaid over and over again.
Veías El mago de Oz y La sirenita una y otra vez.
Wait, what was the Little Mermaid?
Oye, ¿ qué era La Sirenita?
And there, behind the walls of coral, and beneath its roof of cockleshells lived the little mermaid. "
Y ahí, atrás de los muros de coral, y bajo su techo de conchas vivía la sirenita ".
" The witch said to the little mermaid,
" La bruja le dijo a la sirenita,
He is always in my thoughts and I would place my happiness in his hands,'replied the little mermaid. "
Siempre está en mis pensamientos y pondría mi felicidad en sus manos,'respondió la sirenita. "
I know I'm not as interesting as The Little Mermaid and all that magical crap- - l think I'm gonna write my own comic.
Sé que no soy tan interesante como Ia Sirenita y esa pavada mágica... tal vez escriba mi propia historieta.
... and then the Little Mermaid said to the Taxi Driver
Y la sirenita le dijo al taxista :
So he got on the first elevator and then on the second elevator that's as fast as a space rocket, and they got to the top of the Empire State building and the Little Mermaid was looking down and she said
Él se subió en el primer ascensor y después en el segundo, que era rápido como un cohete. Y llegaron a lo alto del Empire State y la sirenita miró hacia abajo y dijo :
Maybe when I forget all the Iyrics... to The Little Mermaid sound track he'd play every time he'd take me so he could score.
Quizás cuando olvide todas las letras... de la banda de sonido de La Sirenita, que ponía cuando quería acostarse con alguien.
As if you were a kind the little mermaid.
Como si fueras una especie de pequeña sirena.
The Golden Bird, The Little Mermaid, Pretty Woman...
¿ Pulgarcita? No. El Pájaro Dorado, la Sirenita, Mujer Bonita...
Look at the little mermaid.
Mira a la sirenita.
'l used to have a recurring nightmare where l was trapped in a roll of'carpet when I was due to turn on the Christmas lights in Copenhagen,'home of the Little Mermaid.
en la que estaba atrapada en un rollo de una alfombra... cuando debía prender las luces de navidad... en Copenhague hogar de la Sirenita.
'lt's such a lovely story, the Little Mermaid.
Es una historia tan linda la de la Sirenita.
We could stop at the Little Mermaid and take a photo.
Podríamos parar en La Sirenita y tomar una foto.
" The Little Mermaid.
" La Sirenita.
Don't prance around like the goddamn Little Mermaid.
No te pasees como una maldita sirena.
A little mermaid flopped up on deck and told him the whole story!
Una sirenita saltó a cubierta y se lo dijo.
You are the little, little mermaid sow virgin.
Eres la pequeña, cerda y virgen sirenita.
You were getting a little mermaid on the side.Am I right?
Alquiló a la sirenita para otra cosa, verdad?
so, this is the place that turn you into a fish a mermaid, Lewis yes, that's what i mean i don't know, i just expected something a little more?
Así que en este lugar se convirtieron en peces. En sirenas Lewis. eso mismo.
¿ "La Sirenita"?

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