The last i heard traduction Espagnol
924 traduction parallèle
Well, it was quite a surprise when I found out you were here. The last I heard your outfit was dodging bullets with that fellow down in Atlanta, you know, the one who stole all those spoons.
Lo último que supe es que estabas esquivando las balas de aquel tipo de Atlanta que robó un montón de cucharas.
The last I heard, the Curtises don't live here anymore.
Dicen que los Curtis ya no viven aquí.
Uh, the last I heard of her, several summers ago she was living near here with friends.
Eh... Por lo último que supe de ella, hace unos veranos vivía cerca de aquí. Con unos amigos.
The last I heard of her, she was in the south.
Lo último que oí fue que estaba en el sur.
Oh, yes. The last I heard, she was getting much less beautiful in prison in Tamaulipas.
Lo último que supe fue que ya no está tan hermosa en prisión en Tamaulipas.
Well I ran home, the last I heard, the elephants were fighting the lions
Lo último que oí es que los elefantes se peleaban con los leones.
The last I heard we were gonna bypass the Bonins.
Lo último que oí fue que íbamos a evitar las Bonin.
And now, all I've heard about Terje, I'll try to tell from the first to last.
Y ahora, voy a intentar contaros todo lo que oí sobre Terje, de pricipio a fin.
I heard it leave the boathouse last night.
Salió con ella la noche pasada.
All I've heard is "the last three years."
Todo lo que oigo es "los últimos 3 años".
I don't think you deceived him about the success of that mine - but - when he came last night, I heard you demanded his sister.
No creo que le engañase sobre el éxito de la mina, pero cuando anoche vino, me enteré que había pedido a su hermana.
Listen, Claude, I've had a lot of trouble in the last 24 hours, and I've just about heard enough from you.
Escucha, Claude, ya tuve suficientes problemas estas últimas 24 horas... y no estoy dispuesto a oír más tonterías de tu parte.
I hate to talk about myself... but last year in Flushing, where I turned out, as you might have heard... one of the greatest, one of the -
No me gusta hablar de mí mismo... pero el año pasado en Flushing, donde me convertí, como sabrán... en uno de los mejores, uno de los...
But he was here Tuesday... and that's the last I've heard from him.
Pero estuvo aquí el martes... y fue la última vez que supe de él.
And the last words I ever heard him say were to reproach me.
Y las últimas palabras que le oí decir fueron de reproche.
I heard her on the roof last night. She'll come back.
Sé porque se fue, una noche maullando decía : ¡ miau!
You did the last time I heard about ya.
- ¿ Eh? Creías en ellas la última vez que oí hablar de ti.
- I heard it on the radio from London last night.
La escuché por la radio, desde Londres, anoche.
I have heard you mention them with consideration for the last twenty years.
Me ha oído decirlo repetidamente durante los últimos veinte años.
He heard the shot last night... and rushed up here as I was putting the rifle back on the wall.
El oyó el disparo anoche... y subió corriendo cuando yo colocaba el rifle en el muro.
Last I heard was a post card months ago from, I think, the Grand Canyon.
Recibí una carta suya hace meses, desde el Gran Cañón, creo.
Well, the last thing I heard, he was taking a boat to South America.
Lo último que oí es que cogía un barco para Sudamérica.
Mother, I've heard the last from you or any of you, and so you don't stay here and make trouble, you're coming along with me.
Madre, no quiero oír nada más de ti ni de vosotras, así que no te quedes aquí causando problemas, tú vienes conmigo.
Kindly tell Mignonette I heard that last remark, that I wouldn't have the gentleman in question as a gift.
Dile a Mignonette que la he oído y que yo no le daría ni los buenos días a ese tipo.
Naturally, I was excited because it was here last night, and I heard somebody coming and I hid in the closet.
Claro que me puse nerviosa, porque estaba aquí anoche y oí que alguien venía. - Entonces me oculté en el armario.
He was an Oberst in your regiment the last time I heard of him.
La última vez que lo vi era un oficial de vuestro regimiento.
I heard all that in the last war.
Eso ya me lo dijeron en la guerra pasada.
I heard about the tragic events of last night.
- Me he enterado de lo de anoche.
Last night I heard the radio and it wasn't even connected.
Anoche escuché la radio, y ni siquiera estaba enchufada.
It was the last time I ever heard her voice.
Fue la última vez que oí su voz.
And the last time i heard of him was in paris in connection with an international smuggling gang.
Y la última vez que supe de él fue en París,... conectado con una banda internacional de contrabandistas.
Last night papa had some of his business friends to dinner, and I heard them say they're going to extend the railroad into Dakota.
Y los escuché decir que extenderán la línea a Dakota.
The last thing i heard him say,
Lo último que dijo fue...
And as for the last one, he can't be alive or I would have heard from him.
Y en cuanto al último, si estuviera vivo tendría alguna noticia de él.
About 10 : 35 last night I heard this thud on the floor above my ceiling.
Anoche, a eso de las 22.35, oí un golpe sobre el techo de mi casa.
That was the very last I saw or heard of Sophie MacDonald for almost a year.
No volví a ver a Sophie MacDonald en casi un año.
Last I heard, he was in the Army. I hope so.
Lo último que supe fue que estaba en el ejército.
No, I haven't heard anything since the last time I talked to you.
No, no he sabido nada desde que hablamos.
The last address Yale had for Preston was a town I'd never heard of.
La última dirección de Preston era en un pueblo del que nunca había oído.
Also a very vivid memory the last time I heard you broadcast.
Aún recuerdo su último concierto por la radio.
- I heard of the Duke's plan last evening.
Me enteré anoche de los planes del Duque.
For the last six weeks, I've heard nothing but how important it was that you should have a new dress for this dance tonight.
En las seis últimas semanas, sólo he oido lo importante que era que tuvieras un nuevo vestido para el baile de esta noche.
I heard the war was on its last legs, so I thought I'd come back.
Oí que la guerra está por terminar, así que decidí regresar.
Last night, for the first time I heard it played as it should be played.
Anoche, por primera vez, lo oí tocado como debe ser tocado.
I heard somebody crying last night when I went to the...
Oí a alguien llorar anoche.
Haven't I heard enough about that in the last 5 years, boss?
¿ No oí suficiente de eso en los últimos cinco años, jefe?
Last night I heard an owl the worst of all signs.
Anoche oí una lechuza la peor señal.
Madame, I must tell you, it is true that no one has yet dared to attack your friend Cyrano. Nevertheless, at the theater last night, I heard some things.
aunque es cierto que nadie se atreve a atacar a vuestro primo Cyrano... tramaban algo contra el.
I heard you talking to some other people on the radio last night.
Le oí por la radio la otra noche.
Why don't you play me some samba ; I heard one last night, at the Garibaldi, it was a bomb.
¡ La otra noche en "El Garibaldi" tocaron una fenomenal!
I heard the voters. I heard them talking before the last election.
Oí a los votantes, les oí hablar antes de las últimas elecciones.
the last few days 25
the last one 115
the last time you were here 18
the last 153
the last time i saw you 99
the last time 101
the last time i checked 40
the last time i was here 29
the last time i saw him 32
the last few months 17
the last one 115
the last time you were here 18
the last 153
the last time i saw you 99
the last time 101
the last time i checked 40
the last time i was here 29
the last time i saw him 32
the last few months 17
the last few weeks 16
the last time we met 19
the last time i saw her 28
the last thing i remember 34
the last time we spoke 24
last i heard 195
i heard it too 19
i heard screaming 20
i heard her 44
i heard you the first time 95
the last time we met 19
the last time i saw her 28
the last thing i remember 34
the last time we spoke 24
last i heard 195
i heard it too 19
i heard screaming 20
i heard her 44
i heard you the first time 95
i heard a noise 55
i heard everything 60
i heard 1243
i heard you talking 16
i heard you 527
i heard it 224
i heard something 119
i heard about it 61
i heard about you 41
i heard you were here 21
i heard everything 60
i heard 1243
i heard you talking 16
i heard you 527
i heard it 224
i heard something 119
i heard about it 61
i heard about you 41
i heard you were here 21