The two of them traduction Espagnol
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Or two : You could unshackle yourselves, take that rifle, put a bullet in his head, bury the two of them deep, and then make your way to a more enlightened area of this country.
O la segunda : pueden quitarse los grilletes, agarrar ese rifle, darle un balazo, enterrar profundamente a los dos y luego abrirse camino a una zona más civilizada del país.
As you know, my presence tends to be the opposite of helpful around the two of them.
Como sabes, mi presencia tiende a ser lo contrario a útil cerca de ellos.
Just the two of them?
Solo dos de ellos.
He saw the two of them together.
El vio a dos de ellos juntos.
So like the two of them over there. Hmm?
Entonces, ¿ cómo aquellos dos que están por allá?
Leave the two of them to fend for themselves.
Dejemos que esos dos se las arregles solos.
The two of them go way back.
Los dos se conocen bien.
I want to throw a big fiesta for the two of them.
Quiero dar una gran fiesta para ellos dos.
The two of them together couldn't operate a parking meter. They're imbeciles.
Entre ambas no podrían manejar un parquímetro.
Okay, but if he can find something that finally nails the two of them together- - at least consider it.
Vale, pero si encuentra algo que finalmente los una a los dos juntos al menos considerarlo.
We set the the two of them up in an apartment?
¿ Y ponemos a las dos en un apartamento?
And what did she do? Next thing you know, the two of them are walking on their way outta there.
- Lo único que sé... es que salieron juntos de allí.
The two of them talking up there- - they're gonna figure out what we did.
Los dos hablando allá arriba... se van a dar cuenta de lo que hicimos.
Romantic stuff about the two of them together around the time that my mom got knocked up with me.
Cosas románticas de ellos dos juntos por el tiempo en el que se quedó embarazada de mí.
He knew that his days of mooching off of Kay were almost over, in spite of all the reports that the two of them were getting married.
Sabía que sus días de gorronear a Kay estaban casi terminados, a pesar de los reportajes que los dos se iban a casar.
I bet you Dempsey caught the two of them trying to run away together, and he killed them.
Apuesto que Dempsey los atrapó huyendo y los mató.
Stan's wife said that the two of them watched a documentary about him, and that inspired Stan to become a treasure hunter.
La esposa de Stan dice que vieron un documental sobre él, y que eso inspiró a Stan a volverse un cazador de tesoros.
Uh, yeah. Seriously, did you see the way the two of them were looking at each other?
- ¿ En serio habéis visto la forma en que se miraban uno al otro?
The two of them got real cozy like, you know?
Los dos se pusieron muy cómodos, ¿ sabes?
Can't be easy to see the two of them together.
No puede ser fácil verlos a los dos juntos.
Look, you just don't want to see the two of them walk happily into the sunset.
Mira, tu no quieres verlos caminar felices en la puesta del sol.
Mr Churchill, we've found the bodies of two of them.
Sr. Churchill, hemos encontrado el cuerpo de dos de ellos.
Two of the photos with Charlotte in them have got the same car in the background.
En dos de las fotos con Charlotte aparece el mismo carro en el fondo.
They have photos of the two of you at a townhouse, and they're gonna out them unless you tell them the truth.
Tienen fotos de ustedes en una casa, y van a publicarlas si no les dices la verdad.
The top two teams go to the finals, so we just have to beat one of them.
Los dos mejores pasarán a la final, así que debemos vencer a uno.
So we will have you go through... the last two decades of your accounts with one we have designated to supervise them. The Lady Giulia Farnese.
Así que haremos que revise las últimas dos décadas de sus finanzas con alguien designado por nos para supervisarle, la señora Giulia Farnese.
Two of them are coming from the island of Kos.
Dos de ellas vinieron de la isla de Cos.
working with the two of them on their applications
Así que he decidido que voy a posponer mi admisión para entrar en NYADA por una año y trabajar con ellos dos en sus solicitudes y audiciones para garantizar que todos vayamos juntos el año que viene.
The team's mistakes have cost them one of their two balloons.
Los errores del equipo les ha costado uno de sus globos.
And so began the fight career of two skimpy outfits and the feisty women who filled them.
Y así empezó la carrera luchadora de dos trajes reducidos y de las mujeres luchadoras que los llenaban.
Two of them have active personal numbers, they're on the system.
Dos de ellas tienen números personales activos, están en el sistema.
'" Two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulphur.
"Dos de ellos fueron lanzados vivos al lago ardiente de fuego y azufre".
I had the opportunity to speak to two of the Gaston Gang who had been there and they said that John didn't touch the cards, that the guards cut the deck for them.
Tuve la oportunidad de hablar con dos de la banda de Gastón que habían estado allí. Y me dijeron que John no tocó las cartas que los guardias cortaron las barajas por ellos.
One of the problems that we have with the larger cameras is the fact that if we were to put them side by side-like your two eyeballs, right?
Correcto. Uno de los problemas que tuvimos con las cámaras grades fue... el hecho de que si las poníamos lado a lado, como tus ojos, ¿ no?
And then he dumps every single one of them within two weeks of the ceremony.
Y luego las deja a todas en las dos semanas siguientes a la ceremonia.
That's good to hear,'cause it dawned on me that the only thing better than you having one of them would be you having two of them.
porque me di cuenta de que la única cosa mejor que tener uno de ellos es que tengas dos de ellos.
If we put it on the electric box and two of the outlets, then light them all at once, it'll look like a short circuit.
Si lo ponemos en la caja eléctrica y dos en la puerta y las prendemos a la vez, parecerá un cortocircuito.
What would you say if I told you I took my two best capes, cut'em, hemmed'em, and bedazzled the bahemus out of them?
Que dirías si te contara que tome mis mejores capas, las corte, cocí y deslumbre su bahemus internos?
I sat down with two of them and I swear by the end there were three.
Me senté junto a dos de ellos y juro que al final eran tres.
Or maybe we do, and we tell them that we heard noises and shouting from next door and then we saw two guys walking out and one of them saying to the other,'You didn't need to kill him.'
O llamémosle y les decimos que oímos ruidos y gritos desde el vecino..... y que vimos salir a dos tipos y uno le decía al otro "No tenías que matarlo".
The difference is that there is no buffer from security point of view there is no buffer between two of them.
- La diferencia es que, desde el punto de vista de la seguridad, ya no hay algo que los separe.
So if there's three horses in a field, two of them will stick together and shun the other one.
Así que si hay tres caballos de lejos, dos de ellos se mancha juntos y rechazar la otra.
Two of them did, the prince and Claudio, but the devil my master knew she was Margaret.
Dos de ellos lo creyeron ; pero el diablo de mi amo sabía que era Margarita ;
- Two of them have the very bent of honour ;
- Dos de ellos son el honor personificado ;
You guys get your G.E.D.'s, it'll be like the three blind mice, only two of them got their eyes fixed with that latex surgery and I'll be the only one bumping into things.
Si tenéis la ESO, será como los tres ratones ciegos, donde sólo dos de ellos recuperan la vista con cirugía de látex.
Couple walked into Club Firmament last night... and robbed the place. There's two of them.
Una pareja entró en el Club Firmament anoche y atracó el local.
The two of them...
¿ Cómo pudistes?
The crystals will refract their power onto this chart and pinpoint the location of them and the other two.
Los cristales reflejarán su poder en este mapa, y localizarán con exactitud la posición de todos ellos.
Yea, but they will be too hard for us. Well, for two of them, I know them to be as true-bred cowards as ever turned back, and for the third, if he fights longer than he sees reason, I'll forswear arms.
En cuanto a dos de ellos, me consta que son los mayores cobardes que hayan vuelto la cara y en cuanto al tercero, si combate más de lo que juzga razonable, abjuro del oficio de las armas.
But then one of them left when the other two went to the subway station.
Pero entonces uno de ellos se marchó cuando los otros dos fueron a la estación de metro.
Was that door open all night? * takin'this one to the grave * * if I show you then I know you * * won't tell what I said * *'cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead *
¿ Esa puerta ha estado abierta toda la noche? Spencer, le estás dando demasiadas vueltas.
the two of us 218
the two 72
the two of you 150
two of them 141
of them 508
the times 79
the truth is out there 16
the truth will set you free 17
the time is now 61
the truth 1031
the two 72
the two of you 150
two of them 141
of them 508
the times 79
the truth is out there 16
the truth will set you free 17
the time is now 61
the truth 1031
the time has come 121
the time will come 16
the time 110
the three musketeers 30
the truth is 1715
the truck 50
the twins 60
the truth hurts 29
the time masters 23
the term 42
the time will come 16
the time 110
the three musketeers 30
the truth is 1715
the truck 50
the twins 60
the truth hurts 29
the time masters 23
the term 42
the train 84
the table 26
the truth will come out 23
the toilet 49
the time is 69
the third 84
the thing is 2099
the trees 59
the tv 53
the teacher 58
the table 26
the truth will come out 23
the toilet 49
the time is 69
the third 84
the thing is 2099
the trees 59
the tv 53
the teacher 58