The two of us traduction Espagnol
6,519 traduction parallèle
Another problem between the two of us... there's none.
Otro problema entre nosotros... no, no hay ninguno.
However, between the two of us, questions have been raised about his ability to lead a group.
Sin embargo entre nosotros hay dudas sobre su capacidad para liderar un grupo.
Just the two of us
Solo nosotros dos
Why aren't the two of us together?
- ¿ Por qué no estamos juntas?
- The two of us?
- ¿ Nosotros dos? Sí y mi mamá.
The two of us with the two of you.
Nosotros dos y vosotros dos.
Maybe, uh, maybe the two of us can go down to the station
Tal vez, uh, tal vez los dos de nosotros puede ir a la estación de
It'll be just the two of us, just you and me.
Seremos nosotros dos, tú y yo.
Guys used to hire the two of us, so I know her really well.
Los tipos solían contratarnos de a dos, así que la conozco realmente bien.
Well, we've both seen our fair share of bad relationships yes, and we're both detectives, so we have a tendency towards suspicion, even though the two of us are soul mates.
Bueno, los dos hemos tenido nuestra ración de malas relaciones. Sí, y los dos somos detectives, así que tenemos tendencia a sospechar aunque seamos almas gemelas.
The two of us, like this!
¡ Nosotros dos, así!
I think that the two of us could drag it onto your grass.
Creo que entre los dos podríamos arrastrarla al césped.
I mean, the two of us haven't hung out in, like, forever, right?
Bueno, hace un montón que no pasamos tiempo juntos, ¿ no?
- From now on, it's just the two of us.
- A partir de ahora, somos solo nosotros dos.
The two of us.
Nosotros dos.
It's not working, the two of us.
No va bien lo de nosotros dos.
Between the two of us, there has to be a black person that we don't know.
Entre tú y yo debe haber una persona negra que no conozcamos.
It's fine. It's kind of nice being cut off from everyone, everything, just the two of us.
Es buena idea estar separados de todo y de todos, solo nosotros dos.
That blanket embodies your love, Caroline... gentle, kind and absolutely unique to the two of us.
" Esa manta encarna el amor, Caroline- - gentil, amable y absolutamente única para los dos de nosotros.
There was never anything between the two of us.
Nunca hubo nada entre los dos.
That's the most important thing, for the two of us to survive, isn't it?
La cosa más importante para los dos es sobrevivir, ¿ no?
~ It's just the two of us, Sidney.
- Estamos solos los dos, Sidney.
Just the two of us, right?
Solo nosotros dos, ¿ cierto?
And it's not just about the two of us anymore.
Y ya no es solo cosa de dos.
I thought this was just gonna be the two of us
Pensaba que solo íbamos a estar solo los dos
Just the two of us?
¿ Los dos solos?
And I swear I will stay out of the way, and I will make sure that nothing gets weird just'cause the two of us aren't together anymore.
Y te juro que me quitaré del medio, y me aseguraré de que nada sea raro solo porque ya no estamos juntos.
Not the way I would categorize the two of us.
Nosotros dos no nos clasificaríamos de esa forma.
You think you can handle the two of us?
¿ Crees que puedes con los dos?
And then the two of us will be...
Y luego los dos haremos...
Consider the two of us.
Cuenta con los dos.
You know, between the two of us, we've probably beaten death a hundred times, we've resisted the possessions, fought off how many black-eyed beasts, and now it'll probably come to an end at the hands of Thomas Frost.
¿ Sabes? , entre los dos, podríamos haber caído muertos una centena de veces, resistimos las posesiones, peleamos contra no sé cuántas bestias de ojos negros, y ahora vamos a acabar cayendo a manos de Thomas Frost.
But I thought the two of us could go out and grab a bite to eat.
Pero pensé que nosotras podíamos ir fuera y agarrar algo para comer.
Well, the two of us really think you two would get along if you took the time to get to know one another.
Creemos que os llevaríais bien si os conocierais.
[sighs] Out on the road... Just the two of us.
Salir a la carretera... solo nosotros dos.
The two of us against the world.
Los dos contra el mundo.
Well, in addition to DNA evidence linking him to the crime scene, Mr. Blunt lied to us repeatedly over the course of several interviews spanning two murder investigations.
Además del ADN que lo vincula a la escena del crimen... el Sr. Blunt nos mintió repetidamente durante varias entrevistas... por dos investigaciones de asesinato.
Two weeks ago, an invisible dome crashed down on Chester's Mill, cutting us off from the rest of the world.
Hace dos semanas, una cúpula invisible cubrió Chester's Mill aislándonos del resto del mundo.
I mean, part of the reason why he let us have her was that there were two of us.
Es decir, parte de la razón por la cual nos dejó tenerla era que éramos dos.
It's difficult enough to keep our presence in the city a secret without the two of you doing absolutely everything in your power to draw attention to us.
Ya es difícil mantener nuestra presencia en la ciudad en secreto sin que hagan todo lo posible para atraer la atención.
You see, you may have thought you were one step ahead of us, but the truth is Rebekah was two ahead of you.
Pensaste que estabas un paso por delante de nosotros pero la verdad es que Rebekah iba dos pasos por delante tuyo.
Except instead of scotch, I got us two front-row tickets to the ballet. Oh.
Excepto que en vez de whisky, nos conseguí dos entradas delanteras para el ballet.
Condor will drop us two clicks short of the target, and we'll proceed on foot.
El Cóndor nos dejará a dos kilómetros del objetivo. Seguiremos a pie.
I think the only thing we can do is get two of us up and out towards that tug, whilst the other remains behind. Detonates the Havok by hand.
Lo único que podemos hacer es enviar a dos de nosotros al remolcador, mientras el otro se queda aquí y detona el Havok a mano.
Just the two of us?
¿ Solo nosotras dos?
We were screaming across Florida in three mighty muscle cars, competing to see which two of us can outgun the other and face off in a drag race.
Estábamos gritando a través de Florida en tres coches del músculo poderosos, que compiten para ver cuál de nosotros dos se superan en armas al otro y se enfrentan en una carrera de velocidad.
Two of us would get to race at the drag strip.
Dos de nosotros iba a llegar a correr en la pista de carreras.
We're hoping you could tell us what went on between the two of you at that fund-raiser.
Two weeks ago, an invisible dome crashed down on Chester's Mill, cutting us off from the rest of the world.
Hace dos semanas, una cúpula invisible cayó sobre Chester's Mili aislándonos del resto del mundo.
Two weeks ago, an invisible dome crashed down on Chester's Mill, cutting us off from the rest of the world.
Hace dos semanas, una cúpula invisible cayó sobre Chester's Mill, aislándonos del resto del mundo.
It's always been like this with the two of you, fighting over a world that was never even created for us.
Siempre ha sido así con vosotros dos, peleando por un mundo que ni siquiera fue creado para nosotros.
the two 72
the two of you 150
the two of them 40
two of us 35
of us 249
the times 79
the truth is out there 16
the truth will set you free 17
the time is now 61
the truth 1031
the two of you 150
the two of them 40
two of us 35
of us 249
the times 79
the truth is out there 16
the truth will set you free 17
the time is now 61
the truth 1031
the time has come 121
the time will come 16
the time 110
the three musketeers 30
the truth is 1715
the truck 50
the twins 60
the truth hurts 29
the time masters 23
the term 42
the time will come 16
the time 110
the three musketeers 30
the truth is 1715
the truck 50
the twins 60
the truth hurts 29
the time masters 23
the term 42
the train 84
the truth will come out 23
the table 26
the toilet 49
the time is 69
the third 84
the thing is 2099
the trees 59
the tv 53
the teacher 58
the truth will come out 23
the table 26
the toilet 49
the time is 69
the third 84
the thing is 2099
the trees 59
the tv 53
the teacher 58