The waiting traduction Espagnol
23,258 traduction parallèle
Just so you know, at any one time, there could be up to 30 people on the waiting list, so it's always best to keep your options open.
Solo para que lo sepa, normalmente, hay unas 30 personas en lista de espera, así que es mejor que baraje varias opciones.
There could be up to 30 people on the waiting list.
Podría haber más de 30 personas en la lista de espera.
See, it's the waiting that does it.
Verá, es lo que tiene la espera.
The Prime Minister of Greenland is waiting for you.
La primera ministra de Groenlandia le espera.
Holy Father, the Italian Prime Minister is waiting for you in the Vatican.
Santo Padre, el primer ministro italiano le espera en el Vaticano.
Mother, the Holy Father is waiting there in the car.
Madre, el Santo Padre la espera en el coche.
We're still waiting on Sara and the two lovebirds to get back.
Todavía estamos esperando a Sara y los dos tortolos que vuelvan.
Yeah, just get it out of the way... Everyone's waiting outside!
¡ Todo el mundo está esperando afuera!
There's this one episode where they go to this Chinese restaurant, and they're just waiting for a table the entire time.
Hay un episodio en el que van a un restaurante chino y se la pasan esperando por una mesa todo el tiempo.
Do you feel like you're waiting for someone to take the first step?
¿ Sientes que estás esperando que alguien dé el primer paso?
That's it. Got to roll. Got the governor waiting.
Tengo que irme, el gobernador me espera.
Hey, man, I'm waiting on the Kool-Aid man to crash through the house. Oh, yeah.
Estoy esperando que el hombre Kool-Aid atraviese la pared.
But that wouldn't work now, the village sheriff was waiting there.
Pero eso ahora no funcionaría, el policía del pueblo estaba esperando ahí,
Nun, Japanese police is waiting outside the main door.
Hermana, la policía japonesa está esperando en la puerta principal.
I was waiting for the arrival of the Gyeongseong station police and to capture everyone in one swoop.
Estaba esperando la llegada de la policía de la estación de Gyeongseong, para capturar a todos de una sola vez.
So I knew I couldn't go back to my house'cause someone from the invasion might be waiting for me there. ♪ ♪
Así que supe que no podía volver a mi casa porque alguien de la invasión podría estar esperando por mí allí.
You keep waiting. For the best that will not come.
Sigues esperando por lo mejor que no vendrá.
# So I ran to the devil, he was waiting #
♪ Entonces corrí al diablo, él estaba esperando ♪
# I ran to the devil, he was waiting #
♪ Corrí al diablo, él estaba esperando ♪
And the prosecutors are waiting in my office.
Y los de la Fiscalía esperan en mi despacho.
Valentine's getting stronger and we're just sitting here on the sidelines waiting... doing nothing.
Valentine se vuelve más fuerte, y nosotros estamos sentados a los márgenes esperando... -... haciendo nada.
What the fuck are you waiting for?
¿ Qué mierda están esperando?
I won't be the girl waiting for the guy to show.
No voy a ser la chica que espera que el chico aparezca.
The car's waiting. We need to go.
El coche está esperando.
I'm not gonna keep the First Lady waiting if she wants to see me.
No haré esperar a la primera dama si desea verme.
Instead of waiting for him to find me and kill me so that I could love my Hannibal in the next life, I tried to find love in this one.
En lugar de esperar a que me encontrara para matarme y con eso poder amar a Hannibal en la siguiente vida, intenté encontrar el amor en esta.
I think they're waiting for us on the bridge.
Creo que nos están esperando en el puente.
Boom! The library will fall on the cafeteria, and when they all run out, we'll be waiting outside to take'em out.
La biblioteca se caerá por el comedor... y cuando todos salgan corriendo... estaremos afuera y listos para matarlos.
We're not waiting around for the other shoe to drop.
No estamos esperando a que el otro zapato caiga.
So we should stop waiting for the right time.
Así que debemos dejar esperando el momento adecuado,
Well, the good news is that whilst all dogs go to Heaven, you'd be surprised how many pigs are waiting for you in Hell.
Bueno, la buena noticia es que, si bien todos los perros van al cielo, usted se sorprendería de la cantidad de cerdos están esperando en el infierno.
Hurry, the boss is waiting.
el jefe espera.
You got kids off the West Side Highway waiting for cars to go over the potholes so they can collect the hubcaps.
Hay niños en West Side Highway esperando que los autos pasen un bache... - Para recoger los tapacubos.
Hey, listen, the musicians are waiting.
Los músicos están esperando.
There was a third person outside waiting in the car.
Había una tercera persona ajena a la espera en el coche.
During the flower shop robbery, when Officer Reese was murdered, could there have been someone waiting for Daniel and Emile in the car?
Durante el robo de la floristería, cuando el agente Reese fue asesinado, ¿ podría haber habido alguien esperando a Daniel y Emile en el coche?
Mark Hickman was at the prison when you were released, waiting for you?
¿ Mark Hickman estaba en la cárcel cuando te pusieron en libertad, esperándote?
When Emile and Daniel Price robbed the flower shop and killed Officer Reese, there was a third guy in the car waiting for them.
Cuando Emile Y Daniel Price robaron en aquella floristería y mató al agente Reese, había un tercer hombre en el coche esperándolos.
Patrollers are driving Dennis Price to the church and his brother is waiting for him in his office.
Patrulleros están impulsando Dennis Price a la iglesia y su hermano lo está esperando en su oficina.
The food is waiting.
El alimento espera.
"The food is waiting."
"El alimento espera".
And I think you're in a position to become the spokesperson the foster community has been waiting for.
Y creo que tú estás en una posición para convertirte en la vocera que la comunidad de acogida tanto ha estado esperando.
The fuck you waiting on?
¿ Qué diablos estás esperando?
Grant gives him the opportunity he's been waiting for.
Grant le da la oportunidad que ha estado esperando.
For Custer, it's the opportunity he's been waiting for to step back into the spotlight.
Para Custer, es la oportunidad que ha estado esperando para volver al primer plano.
Instead of waiting for the remaining two columns of U.S. troops to arrive,
En vez de esperar a que lleguen las dos columnas de tropas estadounidenses restantes,
After the army's embarrassing defeat at Little Bighorn, Hayes is under pressure to ramp up military efforts against the Indians, and General William Tecumseh Sherman sees the opportunity he's been waiting for.
Después de la humillante derrota del ejército en Little Bighorn, se presiona a Hayes para que eleve los esfuerzos militares contra los indios y el Gral. William Tecumseh Sherman ve la oportunidad que ha estado esperando.
On October 26, 1881, Deputy Sheriff Wyatt Earp leads his brothers Morgan and Virgil, along with gunslinger Doc Holliday, on a mission to confront a gang of ruthless outlaws led by Ike Clanton, who are waiting for a fight near the place called the "O.K. Corral."
El 26 de octubre de 1881, el ayudante del Sheriff, Wyatt Earp, dirige a sus hermanos Morgan y Virgil, junto al pistolero Doc Holliday, a una misión para enfrentarse a una banda de despiadados forajidos liderados por Ike Clanton, que está esperando una pelea
And it isn't long before the opportunity he's been waiting for comes to him.
Y no pasa mucho tiempo antes de que la oportunidad que ha estado esperando le llegue.
I think you're in a position to become the spokesperson the foster community has been waiting for.
Creo que estás en una posición para convertirte en la portavoz que la comunidad de acogida tanto ha estado esperando.
Waiting in the space between life and death.
Esperando en el espacio entre la vida y la muerte.
waiting 432
waiting for you 189
waiting for me 66
waiting for us 32
waiting to die 18
waiting room 17
waiting for someone 27
waiting for 19
waiting for what 38
the world is yours 18
waiting for you 189
waiting for me 66
waiting for us 32
waiting to die 18
waiting room 17
waiting for someone 27
waiting for 19
waiting for what 38
the world is yours 18
the walking dead 44
the who 68
the way i see it 340
the world is changing 33
the whole thing 282
the way of the future 27
the way you talk 19
the walls 37
the wall street journal 16
the world has changed 35
the who 68
the way i see it 340
the world is changing 33
the whole thing 282
the way of the future 27
the way you talk 19
the walls 37
the wall street journal 16
the world has changed 35
the way i look at it 29
the wall 69
the way i figure it 33
the way things are going 26
the waitress 23
the whole nine yards 33
the war is over 139
the way things are 19
the way i heard it 23
the witch 63
the wall 69
the way i figure it 33
the way things are going 26
the waitress 23
the whole nine yards 33
the war is over 139
the way things are 19
the way i heard it 23
the witch 63
the wedding 120
the way 34
the words 90
the whole world 65
the window 97
the warehouse 20
the whole truth 141
the witness 70
the whole day 16
the war 122
the way 34
the words 90
the whole world 65
the window 97
the warehouse 20
the whole truth 141
the witness 70
the whole day 16
the war 122