They have nothing traduction Espagnol
1,101 traduction parallèle
When they have nothing to think about, they joke. It makes life easier.
Cuando no tienen nada de que hablar, bromean, hace la vida más fácil.
We destroy them, they have nothing between us and the fuel depot.
Los destruimos y no habrá nada ante el depósito.
Now and then Pierre recalled what he had been told of soldiers under fire in ambuscade when they have nothing to do, how they try hard to find occupation so as to bear their danger more easily.
A veces, Pier recordaba el relato, oído por él, de cómo en la guerra los soldados, guarecidos de las balas que silban a su alrededor, buscan diligentemente una ocupación, para resistir con más facilidad el peligro.
They have nothing else to use on me.
- Quieres venganza.
Well, they have nothing.
Bueno, ellos no tienen nada.
If there isn't a possibility for a remission of their sentence... they have nothing to look forward to and no reason to cooperate, right?
Si no existe la posibilidad de una reducción de pena... ... no tienen nada a lo que aspirar, y no hay razón para que cooperen.
Don't they have nothing cooked?
No se han cocinado estas cosas?
The world's going to pot, because no-one knows how to prompt anymore... and what's worse is they have nothing to prompt.
El mundo se está dañando, porqué nadie sabe como apuntar a nadie.. y lo peor es que no tienen nada que apuntar.
They have nothing against me.
No tienen verdaderas pruebas.
They have nothing.
No tienen nada.
They have nothing to do with you
Ninguno guardaba relación contigo.
They have nothing in common :
No tienen nada en común.
There are those that eat their own kids when they have nothing left to live off.
Hay quienes se comen a sus propios hijos cuando no les queda nada con qué alimentarse.
Besides, they have nothing better to do.
Por otra parte, tampoco tienen otra cosa mejor que hacer.
They have nothing to be afraid of.
Ya no tienen nada qué temer.
When people have nothing to talk about, they crack jokes.
Cuando la gente no tiene nada de que hablar, cuenta chistes.
They have the kind of reverence without which religion would mean nothing.
Tienen la clase de reverencia sin la cual ninguna religión tendría sentido.
I have checked with Berlin- - they know nothing about it, which, of course, means that it is top secret.
He comprobado con Berlin- - no saben nada al respecto, lo cual es por supuesto, alto secreto!
And this they begin to do. And now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do. "
Están levantando una torre y nada les impedirá llevar a término lo que se han propuesto ".
From now on, we'll have nothing but leftovers if I can just figure out what they'll be left over from.
De ahora en más, tendremos solamente sobras No me imagino sobras de que habrá
You know how they'll react. We have nothing to prove.
Ya sabes lo que te dirán.
Without me, they have nothing to bargain with. Keep your saucer.
Sin mi, no hay nada para intercambiar.
God knows it is nothing! Everyone does, but they hide. I think a woman is good for this, He not only would have made us this way, so attractive to men.
Dios sabe que no es mucho todos lo hacen pero lo ocultan supongo que una mujer está aquí para eso o Él no nos hubiera hecho tan atractivas para los hombres en cuanto a aquellos que andan diciendo que no hay Dios
They may have nothing to report.
Quizá no tengan nada para informar.
By the time they tell you that there's nothing wrong with it, you'll all have disintegrated, except of course the Director.
En el momento en que le dicen que no hay nada malo en ello, todos ustedes se han desintegrado, a excepción por supuesto, el director.
Will they talk about that? If they think they have nothing to lose.
Temen que los expongamos.
Although almost nothing of these lizards was found... still when the police officers came to fetch him, they found a lot of heads chopped off... therefore they knew, that he must have been eating lizards.
En realidad, de las lagartijas no se encontró casi nada... pero cuando llegó la policía para llevárselo, hallaron un montón de cabezas cortadas... Fue así que se supo que debe haber comido lagartijas.
For many, many years now, they have led us to believe that the Devils wore nothing beneath their skirts, and we have feared them according.
Durante muchos años, nos han hecho creer que los Diablos no llevaban nada bajo la falda, y por eso los hemos temido.
Señor Quintero, for three years.... they have heard nothing but talk.
Señor Quintero, durante tres años... no han escuchado más que charlas.
They have done nothing.
No han hecho nada.
In Revolution, Proletarians have nothing to lose except their chains, and they will gain the whole World!
En la Revolución, el proletariado no tiene nada que perder excepto sus cadenas, ¡ y ganarán el mundo entero!
It's nothing, they'll have to let me go.
No importa, estaré un tiempo y me soltarán.
Obviously boxing must have its limits, but providing they're both perfectly fit I can see nothing wrong with one healthy man beating the living daylights out of a little schoolgirl ; it's quick and it's fun.
Tendría que haber límites. Si los dos están en forma, no veo mal que un hombre sano... le pegue una paliza a una colegiala. Es rápido y divertido.
They have shut him in prison, but he's done nothing wrong.
Lo han llevado a prisión, pero él no ha hecho nada.
People that do things, and the people who they have their attention focused on are being nothing but attracting attention.
La gente que hace cosas, y la gente que ya está siendo vigilada no están haciendo más que llamar la atención...
They have such a fear of work, and such a desire to do nothing, that they have tricked their masters.
- Untranslated subtitle -
So far they report that they have found nothing.
De momento, me dicen que no han encontrado nada.
They might have burst the stomach, in which case there is nothing I can do for her.
Puede que haya reventado el estómago y, si es así, no hay nada que hacer.
sorry I can not coach separate call not unless you see the name in the cage you can tell me the truth separate call for nothing I guess we have to do something do what they do the tracks what you mean they do on the slopes
perdon entrenador no puedo llamarlos por separado no a menos que vea el nombre en la jaula dime la verdad tu puedes llamarlos por separado para nada supong que tenemos que hacer algo hagamos lo que hacen en la pistas que quieres decir con lo que hacen en las pistas
Nothing of importance. Have they picked up that Doctor yet?
Nada de importancia. ¿ Han atrapado al Doctor ya?
They must have nothing to do with her.
No deben involucrarse con ella.
Please. If that girl comes back, they must have nothing to do with her!
Si esa chica vuelve, no habrá nada que hacer con ella. ¡ Es malvada!
They have done nothing.
Serán libres.
Well, maybe they do, sir, but you have nothing to worry about.
Bueno, quizá, señor, pero Ud. No tiene de qué preocuparse.
Then, there's another heaven for those who beat their chests, who always try to understand and say a lot of prayers, and they'll have nothing at all.
Y hay un paraisor para los que se golpean el pecho, Que sólo se justifican y rezan mucho. Estos son los que no tendran nada.
By the time the police would have got there, they would have found nothing.
Si veian que llegaba la policia lo hubieran ocultado todo.
McClain and Delaney... they have done nothing?
¿ McClain y Delaney... no han hecho nada?
This material I talk of has nothing in common with the so-called primary material of philosophers which they have so well despoiled of forms and qualities to the point that nothing has remained of it, but a vague conceptual abstraction,
Esta materia de la que hablo, no tiene nada en común con la llamada, materia primaria de los filósofos, que tan bien han despojado de formas y cualidades al punto de que nada ha quedado de ella, sino una vaga abstracción conceptual,
And the hardships, the terrors, the dangers they had gone through were as nothing to what we would all have to face.
Las dificultades, los temores y los peligros que habían superado eran nada en comparación a lo que debíamos enfrentar.
this was nothing but an age-old ruling-class ploy, designed, as Machiavelli put it, to allow them to retain at least the name of what they have already lost.
era simplemente, como decía Maquiavelo, "con el fin de que conservasen por lo menos el nombre de aquello que habían perdido".
They're full of fight and have nothing to do.
Les gusta pelear y están ociosos.
they have 241
they haven't 69
they have no idea 25
they have her 17
they have guns 38
they have to 65
they have it 19
they have to be 24
nothing 25771
nothing else matters 82
they haven't 69
they have no idea 25
they have her 17
they have guns 38
they have to 65
they have it 19
they have to be 24
nothing 25771
nothing else matters 82
nothing to see here 87
nothing to hide 21
nothing much 304
nothing more 611
nothing happened 754
nothing changes 92
nothing at all 597
nothing yet 509
nothing to worry about 339
nothing's changed 230
nothing to hide 21
nothing much 304
nothing more 611
nothing happened 754
nothing changes 92
nothing at all 597
nothing yet 509
nothing to worry about 339
nothing's changed 230