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They were just traduction Espagnol

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I think that was a factor like, "I have my normal life, and then I have this shitty thing I have to deal with, and I try to keep the two of them as separate as possible, but they were just beginning to blur together and everything was becoming shitty."
Creo que era un factor como : "Tengo mi vida normal y tengo este problema con el que tengo que lidiar e intento mantenerlos lo más separados posible pero esta línea comenzaba a borrarse, y todo empezaba a volverse una porquería."
They were just messing with my head... but I appreciate your concern.
Solo estaban jugando con mi cabeza... pero aprecio tu preocupación.
They were just gonna throw this guy away at work, and I saved it.
Iban a tirar esto en el trabajo, y lo rescaté.
They were just leaving.
Ya se iban.
When I woke up, they were just gone.
Cuando me desperté, simplemente habian desaparecido.
When I woke up, they were just gone.
Cuando me desperté, simplemente habían desaparecido.
They were just farmers.
Eran simples granjeros.
And I know you're angry, but maybe you just got to leave a little room to think maybe they were just hiding some of that truth to protect you.
Y sé que estás enfadada, pero tal vez simplemente necesitas espacio para pensar tal vez te estaban ocultando algunas de esas verdades para protegerte.
I turned it down because I figured they were just gonna make out the whole time, and I didn't want to be a third wheel.
Lo rechacé porque me imaginé que ellos solo se iban a besar todo el tiempo, y no quería ser la tercer rueda.
Lily, our-our wedding vows, maybe they were just too perfect for real life.
Lily, nuestros votos matrimoniales, tal vez eran demasiado perfectos para la vida real.
They were just friends, right?
Eran amigos solamente, ¿ cierto?
A second ago, they were just bank robbers.
Hace un segundo, ellos eran sólo ladrones de bancos.
They were just ordinary armed escorts.
No eran más que escoltas armados comunes.
They were just... like him.
Eran... como él.
They were just here.
Estaban aquí.
They were just looking for some mope with a record to pin the whole thing on.
Ellos solo buscaban algún memo con antecedentes - para cargarle el muerto.
The government came forward with an indictment based on what crimes they thought were committed, just as a purely lawyer's matter, looking at the precedents, looking at the statute, looking at the history, looking at the cases that are out there so far,
El gobierno avanzó con una acusación basada en crímenes que pensaban habían sido cometidos tal como un asunto puramente de abogados, viendo los precedentes, leyendo los estatutos mirando la historia y los casos que hay hasta ahora.
I believe the incursion of this facility and the rather sudden disappearance of Diane Fowler were just the beginning, and I'm certain that things will get considerably worse before they get better.
Creo que el ataque a este complejo y la desaparición repentina de Diane Fowler fueron solo el comienzo. Y estoy seguro que las cosas se pondrán considerablemente peor antes de que mejoren.
Well, is it possible they were friends, he was just paying his respects?
Bueno, ¿ es posible eran amigos, que era legítimamente sus respetos?
I just wish things could go back to the way they were.
¿ Podría yo sólo desearía cosas Vuelve a ser como antes.
They were shot at and had their pick-up torched, just a few miles from where Shane was killed.
Les dispararon y su camioneta fue prendida fuego, solo a unas millas de donde Shane fue asesinado.
They were like : Yes, just listen to.
Y decían : "Sí, escucha eso".
I just want things to go back to the way they were.
Solo quiero regresar las cosas a donde estaban.
We may have just gone to war with Russia, and they were clearly after you.
Podríamos haber entrado en guerra con Rusia, y está claro que iban tras usted.
[Gasps ] I was just seeing if the ski boots were all where they're supposed to be, and, uh [ Clicks tongue] they are.
Estaba viendo que las botas de esquí sigan en su lugar.
Just as they were in my vision.
Justo como estaban en mi visión.
They were probably just standing on the street, and they built the club around them.
Probablemente estaban en la calle, y construyeron el club a su alrededor.
They've only just told me you were waiting.
Me acaban de avisar de que me estaba esperando.
And I can't imagine that you're in a relationship. But, if you were you'd understand that they're not just about finances.
Y no puedo imaginar que estés en una relación, pero si lo estuvieras entenderías que no se tratan solo de finanzas.
- No. Me neither, I don't know why they are doing it, they were nice before but now it's just, that's just coo coo.
Yo tampoco, no se por que lo hacen, eran buenos antes, pero ahora son solo sinsentidos.
That's when the priest finds out that they were married, not even a proper wedding, just some scribble in a book at some registry office.
El cura se enteró de que estaban casados. No hubo boda formal, sólo firmaron en algún registro.
- They're just... - Didn't say you were too...
No me dijiste...
But your powers... they were only just switched on very recently.
Pero tus poderes... solo están desde hace poco.
Well, we're just assuming they were pros, right?
Así que ahora asumimos que eran profesionales, ¿ no?
After they were done, I was just lying here and he jumped up.
Después de que lo hicieran, estaba acostado aquí y saltó.
They were circling and dock's doing the Ali shuffle around and throwing punches, and Ali gave him just a quick little jab in the middle of dock's chest, and it folded his chest.
Lo rodearon y Dock hacía el movimiento de Ali, tiraba golpes, y Ali le dio un pequeño golpe en medio del pecho y lo hizo doblarse.
Dock apparently got up to speak, and as he's slowly talking, people are starting to realize, and as he's slowly talking, people are starting to realize, he's not apologizing, he's just reinforcing his belief that they were wrong in putting him in the bullpen.
Al parecer, Dock fue a hablar y a medida que hablaba lentamente la gente comenzó a darse cuenta de que no se estaba disculpando, estaba reforzando su creencia de que hicieron mal en ponerlo en el bullpen.
It's just a closet that they were hiding?
¿ Es solo un armario lo que estaban escondiendo?
One web site member logged in and viewed each of these videos just minutes after they were posted.
Un miembro del sitio ingresó y vio cada uno de esos videos solo unos minutos después de que fueron publicados.
You know, I was just thinking that if someone were to cook the upcoming quarterfinal games, they could make a killing.
Ya sabes, estabas pensando en que si alguien fuera a amañar los próximos cuartos de final, ellos podrían hacer una fortuna.
We're just trying to figure out how they knew that your parents were away or how they knew that you and Manny were home alone.
Sólo estamos tratando de averiguar como ellos sabían que tus padres no estaban o como sabían que tu y Manny estaban solos en casa.
They just wanted her to say how talented they were.
Sólo querían que dijera lo talentoso que eran.
The Dennison family, they..... they were involved with just about every charity I can think of.
La familia Dennison, ellos... estaban involucrados en todas las organizaciones benéficas que pueda pensar.
But you were just giving the people what they wanted, right?
Pero le estabas dando a la gente lo que quería, ¿ verdad?
She knew they were weeds but she put'em on a vase full of water, just the same.
Sabía que eran hierbas pero las puso en un florero lleno de agua.
Just like they were a dozen roses.
Como si fuera una docena de rosas.
They were all just staring at me, judging me, with their little resident eyes.
Estaban todas mirándome, juzgándome, con esos ojos pequeños de residente.
I mean, wouldn't it be awesome if-if they were all grouped together, like in a cafeteria, and you could just go in there with a trench coat and just waste them?
¿ No sería genial que estuviesen todos agrupados juntos, como en una cafetería y simplemente entrar con un piloto y aniquilarlos?
They were premonitions, and one by one, just like the envelope, they'll all come true.
Eran premoniciones, y una por una, como el sobre, se harán realidad.
The young man, just older than they were.
El joven, algo mayor de lo ellos eran.
You knew they were gonna drop you, you just didn't know when.
Sabías que te iban a arrojar, solo que no sabías cuándo.

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