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They were not traduction Espagnol

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Trust me, they were not good guys.
Confía en mi, no eran buenas personas.
And these babies would come in and be hopelessly damaged, brain damaged and terribly injured, because the parents didn't want them, or they were not prepared to be parents or whatever.
Y estos niños entraban y eran dañados irremediablemente, daño cerebral y heridos terriblemente, porque los padres no los querían, o que no estaban preparados para ser padres o lo que sea.
This family lived apart because they were not accepted.
Esta familia vivía apartada porque no eran aceptados.
We got a few cuts, made a few bucks, and one day, I was called in to a meeting with Billy and Tom and they advised me that they were not happy with the way things were going and thought
Teníamos unos pocos cortes, hicimos unos pocos dólares, Un día, me citaron a una reunión con Billy y Tom y me hicieron saber que no estaban contentos con el modo en que las cosas iban ocurriendo y creían que era demasiado adicto al trabajo.
They were not that reliable.
No eran muy confiables.
They were not the Zambelli's but, you know, if you needed some fireworks down at your church you called these guys.
No eran los Zambellis pero, sabes, si necesitabas fuegos artificiales en tu iglesia, llamabas a estos tipos.
They were not.
Ellos no lo eran.
They were not worried.
Ellos no estaban preocupados.
And... ( Chuckles ) they were not poetry.
Y... no fueron muy poéticas.
As for her defensive wounds, they were not sustained at the time of murder.
Y sus heridas defensivas, no son de la hora de la muerte.
I can tell you only that they were not killed on my watch.
Solo puedo decirle que no fueron asesinados bajo mi custodia.
Not that I believe they were bad, but they were otherwise? little.
No es que crea que ellos eran malos, sino que eran de otra época.
But if that rumour were true, my "Penthouse" centrefold, so groundbreaking that it completely redefined the term "hirsute", and gave birth unto these United States a pose so limber, they named it The Regal American Not-So-Bald Spread-Eagle.
Pero si eso fuera cierto, Mi poster de Penthouse fue tan novedoso que redefinió completamente el término "con mucho vello", y dio a luz por sí mismo a estos Estados Unidos una pose tan flexible que la llamaron la Majestuosa Águila Americana No-Tan-Calva.
It was at a Styx concert back when they were doing hard rock, not this weird robot stuff.
Fue en un concierto de Styx antes cuando hacían rock puro, no ese royo robótico de ahora.
They were diseased, but it was essential that they die on the journey or they would not come under the insurance consideration.
Estaban enfermos, pero era vital que murieran durante el viaje. Si no, no habrían sido responsabilidad de la aseguradora.
My friends, they were, like, "Oh, you should just have a meaningless fling to get over it," which is not something that I do ever.
Mis amigas decían... "deberías tener una aventura... para superarlo" lo cual es algo que yo nunca hago.
They just erupted, and we were afraid of not being able to cope with such a fast change when we didn't know the country and we didn't know the people, the culture.
Ellos sólo surgieron, y teníamos miedo de no ser capaz de hacer frente a un cambio tan rápido cuando no conocíamos el país y no conocíamos a la gente, la cultura.
There was a stark contrast between the women who were having babies they wanted and ready to care for them, and the women who for one reason or another were not gonna take care of their babies and continue with that.
Había un gran contraste entre las mujeres que tenían hijos que querían y estaban dispuestas a cuidar de ellos y las mujeres que por una razón u otra no iban a cuidar de sus bebés y continuaban con eso.
And they were purely doing this to intimidate him and he had the intestinal fortitude to say, "You're not gonna do that."
Y sólo lo hacían para intimidarlo y tuvo la fortaleza de decir "no harán eso".
The nuns are different. Not the same ones they had when the Magdalen girls were there.
Son otras monjas, no están las mismas de la época de las chicas de Magdalene.
We're not sure why they were targeted, but we believe the killer may be a surgeon.
No estamos seguros de por qué son el objetivo, pero creemos que el asesino es un cirujano.
He said he did, but he also told me the pipes were copper, and they're not.
Dijo que sí, pero también me dijo que las tuberías eran de cobre, y no lo son.
Not if they were smart, no.
No si fueron listos, no.
But the suspect they were investigating is not the guy that Sakelik arrested.
Pero el sospechoso al que investigaron no es a quien arrestó Sakelik.
It's for freshmen and sophomores only, not loser seniors who missed it'cause they were taking math two times.
Solo es para los de primero y segundo, no para perdedores de último año que no la tomaron porque tuvieron que tomar matemáticas dos veces.
Or maybe Kyle gave it to someone he trusts, and they were smart enough not to leave it at their house.
O tal vez Kyle se lo dio a alguien en quien confía, y esa persona fue lo suficientemente lista para no dejarlo en su casa.
Two of them weren't full and they were all as deep as each other, so why not?
Dos de ellas no estaban llenas y todas tenían la misma profundidad, entonces, ¿ por qué no?
We hit brick walls every time we try to trace Michael, which is odd, not to find out a damn thing about somebody other than they were born.
Chocamos contra un muro cada vez que rastreamos a Michael, es raro no encontrar una maldita cosa sobre alguien excepto dónde nació.
( Sa / ly Swarf ) They were always playing with engines or something like that, and not paying nearly enough attention to us.
Siempre jugaban con motores o algo así. No nos prestaban atención.
We were very aware then that the drivers had massive respect for each other because they kne w, a bit like fighter pilots in World War ll, that they might not come back.
Los pilotos sentían un gran respeto entre sí. porque sabían, como los pilotos de combate en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que quizá no volverían.
Were they not tears of joy? Not precisely.
¿ No fueron lágrimas de alegría?
Those masks they were wearing were not masks.
Las máscaras que llevaban no eran máscaras.
But not as surprised as the city council of the town of sterling, In scotland, who after the movie "braveheart," came out, Decided they were gonna put up a statue
Pero no tan sorprendido como el municipio de la ciudad de Sterling, en Escocia, que después de que saliera la película "Corazón Valiente", decidieron que harían una estatua del gran patriota escocés William Wallace,
The sharks were not what I thought They were gonna be at all.
Los tiburones no eran cómo creí que serían en lo absoluto.
Scarlet, I'm gonna find out whether you tell me or not, and if they were involved in Beau Randolph's death, then that makes you an accomplice unless you help.
Scarlet, lo voy a saber de una u otra forma, y si ellos están involucrados en la muerte de Beau Randolph, eso te convierte en cómplice, a menos que me ayudes.
They admitted that they were responsible for killing the three women and that the men they said were Taliban were not, in fact, Taliban.
- Admitieron ser responsables del asesinato de tres mujeres y que los hombres que dijeron que eran talibanes, no eran en realidad talibanes.
Being in the presence of the killer whales was just inspiring and amazing, and I remember seeing them for the first time, just not being able to believe how huge they were.
Berg : Estar en la presencia de las orcas fue simplemente inspirador y sorprendente, y yo recuerdo haber visto por primera vez, simplemente no ser capaz de creer lo grande que eran.
Costly, were they not?
Fueron caras, ¿ no es así?
Am I not Roman, as they were?
¿ No soy romano, como lo eran ellos?
Also, when they were spoken, it was not possible to libel Jan Palach.
Además, cuando fueron dichas, no era posible difamar a Jan Palach.
No están aquí ahora mismo, pero estaban más temprano.
No, they were very, very clear about the fact that they're definitely not publishing the book.
No, fueron muy, muy claros con el hecho de que definitivamente no publicarán el libro.
I think they were counting my years before I left, not just the last seven months.
Creo que han contado los años antes de que me fuera, no solo los últimos siete meses.
Maybe not the ones they were born with.
Quizás no con los que nacieron.
Of course, we all assumed he was talking about the ladies, and I thought Claire and Connolly were fighting over Ray, and of course, they were, only not quite as I imagined.
Por supuesto, todos supusimos que estaba hablando de las mujeres, y pensé que Connolly y Claire se peleaban por Ray, y, por supuesto lo hacían, sólo que no como me imaginaba.
My parents said no'cause they were worried I'd get molested, which is crazy,'cause I was not that cute a kid.
Mis padres dijeron que no porque estaban preocupados por si abusaban de mí, lo cual es una locura, porque no era una niña tan mona.
But they're not painters- - their shoes were as clean as they are expensive.
Pero no son pintores... sus zapatos estaban tan limpios como caros.
♪ a little bit of Tina's what I see ♪ ♪ a little bit of Sandra in the sun ♪ we wanted to convey just, like, how appreciative we were of what they had done for us. Not only from, you know, what they had shared with us, but being our friends and, you know, building a relationship with us, and in many ways teaching us and accepting us as a friend instead of just, you know, a foreigner. ♪ mambo number five!
Queríamos expresar lo mucho que apreciábamos lo que habían hecho por nosotros, y no solamente por lo que compartieron con nosotros, sino por ser nuestros amigos y por crear una relación con nosotros.
Maybe not spiritual energy, but actual physical energy that they were able to harness.
Tal vez no energía espiritual, sino energía física real que eran capaces de aprovechar.
And yet because it was so gradual and because it was so slow, not only was our 200 million great grandparent a fish, but if you go back further still, they were worms and so on.
porque era gradual y porque era tan lento No sólo era nuestro bisabuelo de 200 millones un pez pero si nos remontamos más aún eran gusanos y así sucesivamente.
The leadership changed its mind, and whatever system they were using to recall him is not working.
La cúpula cambió de idea, y los sistemas que tuvieran para contactar con él no funcionan.

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