To be blunt traduction Espagnol
267 traduction parallèle
And literally someone just needs to be blunt about it, because Derrick is not understanding it.
Y alguien tiene que hablarle claro porque parece que no está entendiendo.
I didn't mean to be blunt as that.
No quería ser tan directa.
Oh, I'm sorry to be blunt, Mr Walker.
Siento ser tan franco, Sr. Walker.
Marie, I'll have to be blunt.
Marie, debo ser directo.
I don't want to be blunt, but your face looks a bit like a corpse.
Vea yo no quiero trabajar de la chuga, no? Pero le veo una carita de finado.
Ms. Thayar, I'm afraid I'm going to have to be blunt.
I hate to be blunt, but as a political advisor, you are a wonderful wife and mother.
Odio esto, pero como consejero político, usted es una maravillosa esposa y madre.
To be blunt, the jug.
Me refiero al licor.
To be blunt about it, Mr. Hoyt took the most irrational attitude... about a tax law that was levied on him by the Provisional Government.
Para serle sincero, el Sr. Hoyt mostró una actitud muy irracional... por los impuestos que le pidió el gobierno provisional.
Senator, I've got to be blunt.
Senador, debo ser sincero.
If you want to accept presents from him, even to the extent of a small establishment, or to be blunt, room, board and enough to get by on,
Si quiere aceptar regalos de él, incluso hasta el punto de un pequeño establecimiento, o para ser franca, alojamiento, comida y suficiente para salir adelante,
It depends, to be blunt, on the fanny.
Depende, para ser franco, del pandero.
To be blunt, your cat is in a rut.
Resumiendo, su gato está en un bache.
Pauline, I don't want to be blunt because bluntness is a flaw in a man's character.
Pauline, no quiero ser franco pues ser franco es falta de carácter en un hombre.
To be blunt, I'm in search of philanthropic assistance.
Para ser honesto, estoy en búsqueda de ayuda filantrópica.
I mean, to be blunt, what's in it for him?
Quiero decir, para ser francos, quá saca él de todo esto?
Coach, I'm going to be blunt.
Autobuses, voy a ser franco.
I got to be blunt.
Seré sincero.
To be blunt, the enemy's weaponry is fifty years ahead of ours.
Para ser embotado, el armamento del enemigo es cincuenta años mas adelantado que el nuestro. Sin embargo, no podemos dar marcha atrás.
To be blunt, I'm an Englishman who merely happens to be a librarian.
Para ser franco, soy un inglés que pasó a ser bibliotecario.
Stan, you know, I don't mean to be blunt... but you're never gonna make it as dean unless you learn to use a computer.
Stan, mira, no quiero ser rotundo... pero nunca tendrás éxito como decano si no aprendes a usar la computadora.
I hate to be so blunt about it, but business is business.
Siento ser tan directo al respecto, pero negocios son negocios.
It doesn't surprise me. So, Annette, allow me to be equally blunt and honest.
Entonces, Annette, permítame ser tan brutal y sincero...
To put it in your blunt Western fashion, if you'II do us this favor it's possible that, upon your return, you may be that much nearer to your own coveted trade agreements.
Para explicarlo en términos occidentales, si nos haces este favor... es posible que a tu regreso... estés mucho más cerca de los contratos comerciales que buscas.
- Do you want me to be quite blunt? - Oh, yes, of course.
- ¿ Quiere que le sea franco?
I'm afraid, you're not going to like this, Margaret, but I'm going to be quite blunt with you.
Esto no va a gustarte, Margaret, pero voy a ser muy directo.
I'm sorry to have to be so blunt with you but you're one of a vast army of silly women. Capital S, capital W.
Lamento ser tan franco pero usted es una de un gran ejército de Tontas.
Just be sure to lock up all blunt instruments and throwable objects.
Asegúrate de guardar bien todos los objetos contundentes.
This friend has noticed that Miss Beaurevel seems to take rather a dangerous interest in you, if I may be blunt.
Bueno. Este amigo se ha dado cuenta de que Vd. le interesa mucho a la Srta. Beaurevel. - Si puedo ser franco.
To be very blunt, Mr. Jessup, I'm not particularly interested in saving your neck.
Sr. Jessup, no me interesa especialmente salvarle el cuello.
What a blunt fellow is this grown to be.
Qué tosco se ha vuelto.
- Sorry to be so blunt about it.
- Siento haber sido tan explícito.
To be very blunt, I'll make it worth your while.
Seré directo, les merecerá la pena.
Medical testimony will be introduced to prove that death was caused by a blow from a blunt and heavy instrument, and it is the case for the prosecution that the blow was dealt by the prisoner, Leonard Vole.
Se presentarán testimonios médicos para probar que la muerte fue causada por un golpe con un elemento chato y pesado. La fiscalía sostiene que tal golpe le fue asestado por el acusado, Leonard Vole.
To be absolutely blunt about it, Nicholas believes that Elizabeth may have been interred prematurely.
Para decirlo claramente, Nicholas cree que Elizabeth pudo haber sido enterrada prematuramente.
To be very blunt, gentlemen, my client has been thoroughly rousted.
Para ser franco, caballeros, mi cliente ha sido provocado.
Sure, he appears to be bold, and even blunt.
No creo, aparenta ser audaz incluso desafiante.
You don't have to be so blunt.
No hace falta ser tan fresco.
Sorry to be so blunt, Miss Spencer... but are you sure you're not concealing your relationship with the would-be deceased?
Perdón por ser tan directo, pero ¿ seguro que no está ocultando... su relación con el supuesto fallecido?
I mean, if a man wants to reach one of them shady way stations along the torturous, spine-busting road of life, he can't be blunt with folks.
Si un hombre quiere superar una situación turbia a lo largo del tortuoso camino de la vida, no puede ser franco.
I mean, you come in here, just like that, and, well, to be perfectly blunt, you have a very good time at our expense.
Vienen aquí y lo pasan en grande a nuestra costa.
You don't have to be so blunt about it.
No tenía que ser tan directa.
To be quite blunt, there are several people competing for the on-camera reporter job.
Para serle honesta hay muchas personas esperando el empleo de reportera.
They may be due to a blunt trauma.
Podrían deberse a un traumatismo.
Her blunt pronunciation contained layers of unconscious innuendo and the ambiguous imagery had a hazardous relevance. "... since a mere list of Commission Statistics compiled by assistants who don't know a ruff from a decorated neckband, it's bound to be unacceptable, and on this Standard is bound to agree. "
Su pronunciación directa contenía insinuaciones inconscientes y las imágenes ambiguas tenían una relevancia arriesgada. que no saben distinguir un collar de una tirilla decorada, se considerará inaceptable y Standard estará de acuerdo ".
Ours is so blunt. - Yeah. Mitya would've sharpened it, but he's nowhere to be found, just watch his smoke.
- Sí. simplemente se ve el humo.
Well, I'm sorry to be so blunt, but sometimes a surgeon has to cut in order to cure.
Bueno, siento ser tan franco, pero a veces un cirujano tiene que cortar con el fin de curar.
I used to be ladylike, but this country's made me blunt.
Yo antes era una dama, pero este país me ha cambiado.
We would love to hear you sing again, but what we'd really appreciate would be if you could see your way to lending not giving of course but just lending us the.... um well, to be quite blunt the Horn Resounding.
Nos encantaria oirles cantar nuevamente pero lo que realmente... nos gustaria, es que nos prestaran, no darnos, sino solo prestarnos a... hum... Bien, yendo directo al grano... El Cuerno Resonante
We're on the same team here. Well, to be perfectly blunt... what's in it for me?
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so blunt.
Lo siento, querida. No quise ser tan brusco.
to be continued 170
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be happy 39
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be happy 39
to be with you 30
to be honest with you 224
to be completely honest 27
to be free 36
to begin with 126
to be fair 354
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be sure 151
to be honest with you 224
to be completely honest 27
to be free 36
to begin with 126
to be fair 354
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be sure 151
to be precise 156
to be 126
to be clear 133
to be safe 60
to be specific 31
to be alone 26
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21
to be 126
to be clear 133
to be safe 60
to be specific 31
to be alone 26
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21