To the door traduction Espagnol
15,072 traduction parallèle
Bukes? Take Mills to the door.
Bukes, lleva a Mills para que abra la puerta.
I go to the door and there was nobody there.
Fui a la puerta y no había nadie.
The door, you must get to the door by the lake.
La puerta. Debes llegar a la puerta por el lago.
Listen, and you'll have a brief moment to make it to the door, find the light, drink from the water, and go on your way.
Escucha, y tu tendrás un breve momento para llegar a la puerta, encuentra la luz, bebe el agua, y sigue tu camino.
- I'm going to take Emma to the door.
- Voy a llevar a Emma hasta la puerta.
I'll walk you to the door.
Te acompaño a la puerta.
You wanna tell your wife or girlfriend or so forth to come to the door?
¿ Quiere pedirle a su esposa o novia si puede acercarse a la puerta?
I really shouldn't have my back to the door.
No debería darle Ia espalda a Ia puerta.
We get to the door, we should be safe.
Llegamos a la puerta, estaremos a salvo.
We're bringing it to the door.
Si te parece bien, se van a acercar a la puerta.
So a few days later, I went to the house... and, um... she met me at the door, and, uh... she smiled.
Así que unos días más tarde, fui a la casa... y... Ella me encontró en la puerta, y... se sonrió.
The photograph is of a door to a row house in back bay where you have been keeping time with a young man of Mexican descent.
La fotografía es de la puerta de una casa en Back Bay donde usted ha pasado tiempo con un joven de ascendencia mexicana.
I want you to cover the door and the stairs like Roman fucking centurions.
Quiero que cubran la puerta y las escaleras como malditos centuriones romanos.
I think you need to close the door.
Creo que debes cerrar la puerta.
We just need to go through the door.
Solo tenemos que cruzar la puerta.
Has anyone tried to open the back door?
¿ Alguno intentó abrir la puerta trasera?
'When we drove up to the stage door,
Cuando nos dirijamos hasta la puerta del escenario, los Beatles estaban casi completamente aplastados
If their atmosphere is different from Earth, it would certainly take hours to rebalance the O2 content and pressure for us every time they open their door.
Si su atmósfera es distinta de la nuestra, llevaría horas equilibrar el O2 y la presión cada vez que abren.
We have been called the people of the shut door..... because we believe that the door to the Holy Place was closed, and the door to the Most Holy Place in the Heavenly Sanctuary was opened.
Nos han llamado el "pueblo de la puerta cerrada". Porque creímos que la puerta del Lugar santo estaba cerrada, y la puerta del Lugar santísimo del santuario celestial estaba abierta.
Thank you. Boys, please show the good doctor to the door.
Chicos..., por favor acompañen el doctor a la puerta.
And the entire world is going to be beating down your door like... like salmon trying to go up a... a stream when it's mating season.
Y todo el mundo golpeará tu puerta como un salmón intentando subir por la corriente cuando sea época de apareamiento.
She answered the door to the White House herself.
Abría la puerta de la Casa Blanca personalmente.
I know this is your house, now, hon, but you don't have to slam the door and frighten me to death.
Sé que esta es tu casa ahora, cariño. pero no tienes que azotar la puerta y matarme de un susto,
And remember to tell him to go through the door and find the fountain and drink from it, and I will do the rest.
Y recuerda decirle que pase por la puerta y que encuentre la fuente y beba de ella. Y yo haré el resto.
I'm going to open this door... and you're going to tell that otter you're a former meter maid... with delusions of grandeur... who will not be taking the case!
Ahora, abriré la puerta y usted le dirá a la nutria que es una reparte-multas con delirios de grandeza ¡ qué no tomará este caso!
Two of them got in and Evan told me to go to the bathroom... and lock the door and hide and that's exactly what I did.
Dos de ellos entraron y Evan me dijo que fuera al baño, cerrará la puerta y me escondiera, y eso es exactamente lo que hice.
- It is better to ask someone to open the door.
Es mejor preguntarle a alguien que habra la puerta.
Do you uh, do you want to go out the back door, dude?
¿ Quiere salir por la puerta de atrás, amigo?
There is only one person in this world that I want to see suffering, and that is the man that lives next door.
Solo hay una persona en este mundo a la que quiero ver sufrir, y es el hombre que vive junto a mi casa.
The last to enter the door is closed.
El último que entre que se cierre la puerta.
I had to hold my foot against the door.
Tuve que poner mi pie contra la puerta.
In the building next door, the super, Luis, didn't have anything to add since the investigation 17 months ago.
En el edificio de al lado el supervisor, Luis, no tenía nada que añadir desde la investigación hacía 17 meses.
You already know the answer to that question, you sick fuck. Open the door.
Abre la puerta.
The one next door that they demolished was identical to my building.
El de al lado que demolieron era idéntico a mi edificio.
The one next door was already in the basement, didn't need to be dropped.
El del al lado ya estaba en el sótano, no necesita que lo bajaran.
You used the padlock from your ankle to lock the basement door so no one would find the body.
Usaste el candado de tu tobillo para cerrar la puerta del sótano y que nadie hallara el cuerpo.
Either he gamed the hinges, so he could kick the door and they would pop out, or he had access to the lock from the inside so he could pick it.
O bien trucó las bisagras, para que pudiera patear la puerta y hacerla salir, o tenía acceso a la cerradura desde el interior para que pudiera hurgarla.
His nickname is from the fact that he'd always turn up to your door with a different girl with big boobs.
Le decían así porque siempre se aparecía con chicas de pechos grandes.
Cameron, buddy, we need you to open the door.
¡ Cameron, chico, tienes que abrir la puerta!
You have to try to open the fucking door!
¡ Tratemos de abrir la maldita puerta!
I'm trying, I'm trying to get the door and close it!
- ¡ Estoy tratando! - ¡ Métete y cierra la puerta!
Move forward to the right or left exit door. Jeff!
- Puerta derecha o izquierda.
Then we let the military sweep in, go door to door if necessary and clear these bastards out.
Entonces dejamos que los militares los busquen. Puerta por puerta, si es necesario para acabar con esos bastardos.
The door to the tunnel is right of the entrance.
La puerta de la derecha le llevará al túnel.
Best way to keep the wolf from your door is to go to his.
La mejor manera de alejar al lobo de tu puerta es ir a la suya.
And you live next door to the Lassiters?
¿ Y vives al lado de los Lassiter?
I must journey to the other side, where I will extract the first nail, and then I must return through the golden door... into my body.
Debo seguir mi camino hacia el otro lado, donde extraeré el primer clavo, y después debo volver a través de la puerta de oro... hacia mi cuerpo.
We have to select at the door, goddammit.
Tenemos que seleccionar en la entrada, maldita sea.
He had walked through the street, approached to door.
Caminó por la calle, acercándose a la puerta.
And I want you to lock the door.
Y quiero que cierre la puerta.
He's still trying to get her dumb ass out the door.
¡ Sigue intentando alejar su tonto culo de la puerta!
to them 177
to the beach 25
to the moon 20
to the sea 38
to the airport 39
to the end 49
to the future 91
to the top 23
to the north 16
to the hotel 25
to the beach 25
to the moon 20
to the sea 38
to the airport 39
to the end 49
to the future 91
to the top 23
to the north 16
to the hotel 25
to the kitchen 20
to the point 24
to the left 221
to the police 36
to the right 265
to the car 26
to the tune of 23
to the hospital 50
to the death 78
to the outside world 64
to the point 24
to the left 221
to the police 36
to the right 265
to the car 26
to the tune of 23
to the hospital 50
to the death 78
to the outside world 64
to the house 19
to the station 29
to the bridge 17
to the wall 16
to the bathroom 47
to the contrary 33
to the king 27
to the 197
to the front 27
to the side 32
to the station 29
to the bridge 17
to the wall 16
to the bathroom 47
to the contrary 33
to the king 27
to the 197
to the front 27
to the side 32