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Trying to escape traduction Espagnol

927 traduction parallèle
I'd shoot him some night when he was trying to escape from the law.
Lo cogería una noche en la que intentara escaparse.
The captain wants you to know your husband was arrested while he was trying to escape to Palermo.
El capitán quiere que sepas que tu esposo fue arrestado, mientras trataba de escapar a Palermo.
Trying to escape, sir.
Tratô de escapar, señor.
You love Julia, and you're trying to escape it.
Estás enamorado de Julia, e intentas escaparte.
- I fell down trying to escape.
- Me caí intentando huir.
- What do you mean trying to escape?
- ¿ Cómo que intentando huir?
There's a traitor inside trying to escape!
¡ Un traidor intenta escapar!
Perhaps she's merely trying to escape reality.
Quizás solo intenta escapar de la realidad.
I wasn't trying to escape. I was
No intentaba escapar.
No, estás intentando escapar.
He's trying to escape!
¡ Se escapa!
- Ah. Shot while trying to escape.
Ah, para aplicarle el delito de fuga.
No one could take your place in the event anything unfortunate should occur to you while you were trying to escape.
Otros podrán ser reemplazados. Ud. no si le ocurriera algo al tratar de escapar.
We haven't quite decided whether he committed suicide, or died trying to escape.
No hemos decidido si se suicidó o murió tratando de escapar.
Shot trying to escape.
Lo mataron tratando de escapar.
I wonder if you know that you're trying to escape from yourself.
¿ Sabe que su escape es de sí mismo?
Like I was trying to get away from something... trying to escape.
Yo quería irme de algún sitio... quería escapar.
Is he really trying to escape?
¿ No piensa escaparse, no?
Why they got him two years ago trying to escape from Devil's Island. - Did they?
Lo mataron hace dos años cuando escapaba de la Isla del Diablo.
Ramson was shot three years later trying to escape from Talon Prison.
A Ramson le dispararon 3 años después al escaparse de la prisión.
Half of my patients are sick because the are trying to escape reality.
La mitad de mis pacientes están enfermos porque tratan de huir de la realidad.
They're trying to escape!
¡ Los novios se escapan!
They say, sir, that one of the poor devils in there fell from the roof trying to escape.
Dicen que uno de ellos se cayó del tejado intentando escapar. Lamentable.
- Shot while trying to escape.
- "Abatido a tiros mientras huía".
Shot while trying to escape.
- "Abatido a tiros mientns huía".
Was he trying to escape with you to Boston?
¿ Intentaba escapar contigo a Boston?
In the burnt wreckage of the aircraft in which Denant was trying to escape.
En los restos calcinados del avión en el que Denant intentaba escapar.
He's gonna be shot trying to escape in a few minutes.
Morirá en unos minutos al tratar de escapar.
Do not you were trying to flee the consequences of your crime when you were trying to escape the police?
¿ No estaba intentando huir de las consecuencias de su crimen cuando escapó de la policía?
The hat wasn't trying to escape, was it?
El sombrero no se le iba a escapar.
You wouldn't be the first prisoner that's been shot trying to escape.
No sería al primero que matan por intentar escapar.
Trying to escape?
¿ Quieres escapar?
Read all about the second stadium's burglar trying to escape!
¡ La dramática fuga del segundo ladrón del estadio!
He still looked good out on the field, but he'd begun to retreat back into the old hard shell, trying to escape from his bitterness.
Aún se desenvolvía bien en el campo de juego, pero comenzó a refugiarse de nuevo en aquella coraza... tratando de escapar de su amargura.
Trying to escape my obsession of the memory of you.
Tratando de escapar a la obsesión de tu recuerdo.
Not just whether somebody's trying to escape. What outfit we were with where we were stationed, how our radar operates.
No sólo sobre si alguien intenta fugarse, sino el uniforme que llevábamos, dónde estábamos destinados, cómo funciona nuestro radar.
- That one's trying to escape.
- Ese trata de escapar.
I wasn't trying to escape!
¡ Camina! ¡ No me he dado cuenta! ¡ No volverá a pasar!
He is flying to his interplanetary space station, trying to escape Zuba, Zuba the Magnificent.
Esta cubierto de plumas y se dirige hacia su estación interplanetaria huyendo de Usuva. La estupenda Usuva.
Let me emphasize it once more - the sole reward for trying to escape from Colditz will be death!
Déjeme enfatizarlo una vez más. La única recompensa de escapar de Colditz será la muerte.
I'll kill the first trying to escape.
Mataré al primero que intente una fuga.
I wasn't trying to escape, Warden, not by that route.
No estaba tratando de escapar, Alcaide, No por esa ruta. Lo sé bien.
He'll shoot me for trying to escape!
Un tiro en la nuca y luego dirán que intenté fugarme.
Imagine a girl like Miss Woodland... trying to help a would-be murderer to escape from prison.
Imagínense una chica así... que ayude a un supuesto asesino a escapar.
Apresúrate, Curtis!
Trying to twist and torture it out of him that you used Julian's death as part of an escape plan.
Lo torturan para que diga que Ud. usó a Julien para su fuga.
I was back on that high bed in London, And this time, I wasn't trying To escape what happened to us.
Estaba de regreso en esa alta cama en Londres, y esta vez, no estaba tratando de escapar de lo que nos sucedió.
And I'm trying to help you to escape, aren't I?
Y yo intento ayudarte a escapar, ¿ verdad?
He fell trying to escape.
Cayó al escapar.
He's out on the ledge below us, trying to make the fire escape.
Intenta escapar saltando a la escalera de incendios.
That's as bad as trying to escape!
- Por favor, piedad.

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