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Two pounds traduction Espagnol

671 traduction parallèle
Well, I'll take two pounds of round steak, I guess.
- Bueno, déme un kilo, supongo.
Two pounds you spent in the fish and chips shop.
Gastaste 2 libras en pescado con papas.
Five percent on all sales and two pounds a week salary, Mr. Bliss.
Cinco por ciento de las ventas y dos libras por semana.
Two pounds and three schillings.
2 libras y 3 chelines.
Two pounds of bread, right?
¿ Hacen falta dos libras de pan?
Two pounds.
Dos libras.
Not until I spent two pounds trying to find out who its owner was.
No hasta que me gasté dos libras averigüando quién era su dueño.
And, yet, suddenly, he has so much money that he'll take a girl like Lydia for two pounds a week.
De pronto tiene tanto dinero que se lleva a una chica como Lydia por dos libras a la semana.
Davy Morgan, two pounds five.
Davy Morgan, dos libras con cinco.
Owen Morgan, two pounds five.
Owen Morgan, dos libras con cinco.
Two pounds ten.
Dos libras con diez.
- Two pounds of bacon a week.
- Un kilo de cerdo a la semana. - ¡ Trent!
Fority-two pounds.
19 Kilos.
Two pounds on Tantibus.
Dos libras a Tantibus.
- Two pounds.
- Un kilo.
'Two pounds?
¿ Dos libras?
Who comes up to two pounds?
¿ Quién sube a dos libras?
Two pounds!
¡ Dos libras!
Two pounds.
Ofrecen dos libras.
Two pounds a one, two,... Two pounds... three.
Dos libras a la una, a las dos, dos libras a las tres.
Awarded the Knight for two pounds.
Adjudicada al caballero por dos libras.
Who gives me two pounds?
¿ Quién me ofrece dos libras?
Who starts the bidding at two pounds?
¿ Quién empieza la puja con 2 libras?
Does anyone offer two pounds?
¿ Hay quién ofrezca 2 libras?
Two pounds, no way.
Dos libras, ni hablar.
The first was bought for two pounds, for Don Julian Hemory.
La primera fue comprada por dos libras, por don Julian Hemory.
Went down a lot since the two pounds.
Bajó mucho desde las dos libras.
I bought it at an auction yesterday, in Nicebridge, I paid just two pounds.
La compré ayer en una subasta, en Nicebridge, pagué sólo dos libras.
If that box was not worth two pounds.
Si esa caja no valía ni dos libras.
Who gives two pounds for it?
¿ Quién ofrece dos libras por ella?
Someone offers me two pounds?
¿ Alguien me ofrece dos libras?
- Great shape. - Two pounds under Davis.
- ¿ Te encuentras en forma, Marlowe?
- Miss America 1913 it weighs two pounds less than a grand piano.
- Miss América, 1913, pesa un quilo menos que un piano de cola.
I reckon two pounds will cover this. Hey, how many in your litter?
- Creo que con dos libras habrá suficiente.
He's two pounds in a one-pound bag, that's what he is.
Lo que es es un kilo en una bolsa de medio kilo.
And if the second bag had the phony gold pieces it would weigh six pounds and two ounces because I took two pieces from the second bag.
Si las falsas estuvierán en la segunda pesarían 20 gramos menos porque tome dos de esa bolsa.
Two hundred and eighty pounds of as nice a girl as -
Ciento treinta kilos de chica tan linda como- -
The solicitor took two or three pounds in advance.
El abogado cobró dos o tres libras de adelanto.
Two million pounds are unaccounted for!
¡ Dos millones de libras que hay que comprobar!
L " ve purchased two million pounds worth of arms and ammunition!
¡ He comprado dos millones de libras en armas y municiones!
Two more pounds on that Jane...
¿ La vaca de la otra noche?
I'll meet any man who will stand on his own two feet, and if you had about 30 pounds more on you, you'd be the first one, sir.
Pelearé contra cualquiera que se tenga en pie... y si pesara 15 kilos más, usted sería el primero, señor.
And I am glad to be able to tell you that one result is that the sum of one hundred and thirty-one pounds, two and sixpence will be handed over to the War Nurses'Benevolent Fund.
Y me alegra decirles que gracias a él, se han recaudado 131 libras con 26 céntimos para el Fondo de Beneficencia de las Enfermeras de Guerra.
She caught her first rainbow with my rod. Two and a half pounds.
Pescó su primera trucha con mi caña, de dos libras y media.
The real weight is three pounds and two ounces... and the other gentleman won it.
El verdadero peso es de dos kilos y medio. Y ha ganado aquel otro señor.
Five hundred and fifty-one pounds, two shillings and sixpence.
551 libras, 2 chelines y 6 peniques.
I grew a whole inch, got two new teeth, and weigh 50 pounds.
Crecí una pulgada, tengo dos dientes nuevos y peso 50 libras.
I'm gonna need a couple of pounds of nails. Ain't got none to fit a two-by-four.
Necesitaré un par de libras de clavos, no tengo ninguno para esos tablones.
Two hundred and sixty-five pounds.
265 libras.
I can give you two hundred and sixty-five pounds.
Puedo darte 265 libras, nada más.
Two hundred and sixty-five pounds. Is that all you're worth to him?
265 libras ¿ Para el sólo vales eso?

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