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We're just playing traduction Espagnol

255 traduction parallèle
They're up here from down home to see me, just like if we were playing New York, all the people from the Bowery would come to see you.
Son mis paisanos. Imagina que estuvieras en Nueva York. Como si todo el Bowery te viera.
But that's no reason that we have to break up just because we're playing fair with each other.
Pero no hay ninguna razón... para romper nuestra relación sólo porque jugamos limpio.
That... That "s just a silly game we" re playing.
Es un juego tonto que estamos jugando.
Oh, nothing, we're just playing.
Nada. Sólo estamos jugando.
We're not playing "What's My Line?" Just a hint, okay?
Le daré una pequeña pista.
We're just playing, aren't we?
Si nomás estaba jugando, ¿ verdad?
Just a friendly little game we're playing.
Era sólo un juego entre amigos.
Oh, we're just playing games, Tommy.
Estábamos bromeando, Tommy.
We're not playing on money, it's just between us.
No nos estamos jugando dinero, sino entre nosotros.
We're just playing it safe.
Estamos jugando a lo seguro.
Well, we're just playing for chips - you know, sociable.
Jugamos sin apostar dinero. Ya sabe, es algo social.
I just offed a bloke and now we're playing undertakers.
Acabo de cargarme a un tipo y ahora estamos de enterradores.
- We're just playing hide and seek. It's all...
- ¡ Jugando al escondite!
We're playing, and you just stop!
Estábamos brincando, ¿ y tú paras al medio?
We're not playing Ping-Pong. We just got through telling the president...
Acabamos de decirle al Presidente...
We're just playing games, now.
Estamos jugando.
We're just playing a game.
Solo estamos jugando.
No, we're just playing
No, solo estamos jugando
Look, we're just playing.
Sólo estábamos jugando.
I mean, are we just like bored, spoiled children... who've just been lying in the bathtub all day... just playing with their plastic duck... and now they're just thinking, "Well, what can I do?"
¿ Somos como niños mimados... que se han pasado el día en la bañera jugando con un patito... y ahora nos preguntamos qué podemos hacer?
Sure, go around playing cops with the other suspects. We're just stirring the pot, we'll see what comes out of this.
van por ahí jugando a los policías con los otros sospechosos. ya veremos qué sale a flote de esto.
Sólo estamos jugando.
We're just playing.
Estamos jugando.
The actress in the play who was playing the wife that we just saw tonight, you're saying she's in an advert at the moment?
La actriz que interpretaba a la esposa en la obra que acabamos de ver, ¿ dices que ahora sale en un anuncio?
May I ask just what it is we're playing?
¿ Puedo preguntar simplemente qué es lo que están representando?
We're just playing with you.
- Sólo te estamos tomando el pelo.
Son, I know you're upset because you thought you saw us on TV... saying we didn't want you in our family... - but those were just actors playing us.
Hijo, sé que estás molesto porque pensaste que nos viste en la TV... diciendo que no te queríamos en nuestra familia... pero ésos sólo eran actores interpretándonos.
Just as well we're not playing for real.
Menos mal que no jugamos de verdad.
After dinner, we'll go to the Forum, they're playing women's basketball tonight, she can just do the whole team.
Después de cenar, vamos al Forum, hay un partido de basket femenino esta noche, ella puede tirarse a todo el equipo.
You and I, we're just playing house.
Tú y yo, solo jugamos a la casa.
Tocaremos "Dark side of the moon" o algo.
Look, Wednesday night we're playing Hey Eddie's Pizza, and I just wanna beat them.
Tal vez... Mira. El miércoles vamos contra Eddie's pizza y quiero vencerlos.
Well. it's strip poker. We just keep playing till we're both naked.
Es póker de prendas, seguimos jugando hasta estar desnudos.
We're just playing a baseball game here.
Sólo estamos jugando al béisbol.
Just pretend we're playing a videogame.
Hacé de cuenta que jugamos un video juego.
We're just playing Hlynur hot templer.
Le hemos puesto caliente.
When I think of it today, it still gives me the creeps... like, okay, we're playing, it's just a movie... one, two, three, action!
Hoy cuando pienso en aquello, es una broma cavernosa... sabes cuando tú, todo bien, estamos brincando de hacer cine...
That's just his angle to get his foot in the door. Then the next thing you know, we're talking about old times, we're playing cards, and he's clamped on me like a deer tick.
Y cuando menos pienses, va a comenzar de los viejos tiempos o querrá jugar a las cartas y de ahi no me lo podré quitar de encima.
It's just a little intimacy game we're playing.
Es un pequeño juego de intimidad que estamos jugando.
We're just playing catch-up with this thing.
Estamos jugando a nada con esta cosa.
This isn't just a game. I mean we're not a bunch of kids just playing make-believe.
Esto no es un juego, no somos unos chicos que juegan.
- We're just playing I Spy, Dad.
- Estamos jugando Veo, veo, papá.
- We're just playing. MARTIN :
- Sólo estamos jugando.
I guess the crew's just playing a prank by paging me to a stage we're not shooting on.
Bueno, supongo que el equipo me está gastando una broma cariñosa... al mandarme a un estudio donde no están rodando.
I just don't want any emotional outbursts while we're playing poker.
Simplemente no quiero después de esos tremendos arranques emocionales.
Yeah, we're just playing it by ear.
Sí, vamos improvisando.
I think Gina is part of our I think Gina is part of our tribe like there's no more Rotu, tribe like there's no more Rotu, and we're just one big tribe and we're just one big tribe together and that's how I'm just together and that's how I'm just going to finish playing the game.
Para mí, Gina es parte de la tribu, ya no hay Rotu, somos una tribu unida, y así es como voy a terminar este juego.
We're just playing cards That's all
Solo estamos jugando a las cartas. Eso es todo.
We're just playing hooky.
Estamos haciendo pellas.
Look, we're just playing a little trick on Grandma and Grandpa.
Miren, sólo es una broma con los abuelos.
We're just levelling out the playing field.
Uh, utilizaremos su misma táctica.

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