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We had an understanding traduction Espagnol

178 traduction parallèle
Look here, Martin... We've been friends for years, and I think it's time we had an understanding about this.
Mira, Martin, creo que es hora de que decidas.
Well, I thought that you and I we had an understanding that we were going together to the fair.
Bueno, pensé que tú y yo... habíamos acordado ir juntos... a la feria.
I thought we had an understanding.
- Creí que habíamos hecho un trato.
We had an understanding, you and I. ─ Sure we had an understanding.
- Claro que teníamos un acuerdo. Chocamos las manos.
I told him we had an understanding about my duties. It would be away, And it would be inconvenient for me to change.
Le dije que habíamos convenido de antemano mi trabajo y que un traslado sería inconveniente.
Why would I have called the paper if we had an understanding?
¿ Si hubiera venido con ella por qué habría informado al periódico?
It's time we had an understanding.
Es hora de entendernos.
I came this far because we had an understanding, didn't we?
Y ahora estoy aquí, porque hemos conectado. ¿ No es verdad?
We had an understanding. We were very today people.
Eramos personas muy modernas.
You wanted to be the star. You brought in the cops. I thought we had an understanding.
Querias ser una estrella trajiste a los policías.
Well, we had an understanding, all right.
Teníamos un acuerdo.
We had an understanding.
¡ Se sobrentendía!
I thought we had an understanding.
Creia que teniamos un acuerdo.
We had an understanding.
Teníamos un acuerdo.
We had an understanding.
Teníamos un trato.
Adam, I thought we had an understanding.
Teníamos un entendimiento.
We had an understanding.
- Teníamos un acuerdo.
Well, not in so many words but I believe we had an understanding.
Bueno, no con esas palabras pero creo que teníamos un acuerdo.
I thought we had an understanding.
Pensaba que nos entendíamos.
We had an understanding with respect to the X-Files.
Teníamos un acuerdo sobre los Archivos X.
I thought we had an understanding.
Pensé que teníamos un arreglo.
We had an understanding, Mr. Lindstrom... no commercial sales to anyone else while we were negotiating.
Teníamos un acuerdo, Sr. Lindstrom... no comerciar con nadie más mientras negociamos.
I thought that we had an understanding about Lois.
Pensé que habíamos hecho un trato con respecto a Luisa.
I thought we had an understanding.
Creí que habíamos convenido algo.
We had an understanding and you broke it.
Teníamos un trato y lo rompiste.
I knew that we had an understanding.
No era que amara a Sandy.
Charlie, I thought we had an understanding.
pensé que teníamos un acuerdo.
We had an understanding.
Tenemos un acuerdo.
I thought we had an understanding- - you don't do any work, and in return, you don't cash your paychecks.
Creí que teníamos un acuerdo. Tü no trabajas y a cambio no cobras tus chequecitos.
I thought we had an understanding.
Pensé que habíamos llegado a entendernos.
I thought we had an understanding.
Pensaba que teníamos un acuerdo.
I thought we had an understanding.
Yo creía que teníamos un arreglo.
I thought we had an understanding.
Pensé que teníamos un acuerdo.
We had an understanding with regard to tonight and interruptions, Charlie.
Creía que teníamos un acuerdo respecto a esta noche y las interrupciones, Charlie.
I thought we had an understanding.
Pensé que habíamos llegado a un arreglo.
I thought we had an understanding.
Creía que habíamos llegado a un acuerdo.
Look, Whitney, I know we've had our differences in the past but before you left, I thought we had an understanding.
Escucha. Sé que tuvimos nuestras diferencias en el pasado pero antes de que te fueras, pensé que habíamos llegado a un acuerdo.
I thought we had an understanding.
Creí que teníamos un acuerdo.
That we had an understanding we'd see each other again... and that we would give each other pleasure and go on.
Que acordábamos volver a vernos... y continuar dándonos placer el uno al otro.
I thought we had an understanding.
Creí que nos habíamos entendido.
I thought we had an understanding and a couple days later I found out I was wrong.
Creí que teníamos un acuerdo y un par de días más tarde vi que estaba equivocado.
- I thought, I thought we had an understanding - on the nine square blocks -
Teníamos el acuerdo de las nueve manzanas.
- I thought we had an understanding.
- Pensé que teníamos un arreglo.
I can't believe you told her we had an understanding.
No puedo creer que le hayas dicho que yo estaba de acuerdo.
Edgar and I have an understanding. We actually had a code to deceive our first assistant director, Jim Imber, who was very... good about health and safety and really cautious.
Edgar y yo tenemos un arreglo, realmente tenemos un código... que es desobedecer a nuestro primer asistente de director, Jim lmber, quien era muy... bueno con respecto a la salud y seguridad, era muy cauteloso.
- We had an understanding!
¡ Usted no entiende nada!
I thought that we had an understanding. No, you had an understanding. You made the rules.
pense que teniamos una especie de acuerdo no, tu tenias un acuerdo tu decias las reglas estaba bien yo queria estar contigo, hay una serie de cosas que no puedo dar, Nick.
Mr. Holsten, I thought we had an understanding.
Empezamos a las onces Su Señoría...
He had an understanding we were all a little crazy. He knew it.
Pensaba que todos estamos un poco locos, lo sabía.
Drue, I thought that we had come to an understanding.
Creí que habíamos llegado a un acuerdo.
So, at Tribal Council last night, Tina and I had an opportunity to get a little bit a better understanding of where we sit within our own tribe.
En el consejo tribal de anoche Tina y yo tuvimos la oportunidad de comprender un poco mejor lo que ocurría en nuestra tribu.

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