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Were they traduction Espagnol

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Were they waiting for anyone?
¿ Estaban esperando a alguien?
Where were they going?
¿ A dónde iban?
They were both EMP'd.
Sí. Las dos estaban bajo un pulso electromagnético.
They signed up for it. They knew what they were getting into.
Y eres más amable de lo que piensas.
We don't know what they were building or who took it or where it is now.
No sabemos qué estaban construyendo, quién se lo llevó o dónde está ahora.
Hey, if it wasn't drugs, what do you think they were doing?
Si no era por drogas, ¿ qué creen que estaban haciendo?
I thought they were process servers sent by my wife.
Pensé que eran portadores de citaciones enviados por mi esposa.
They were inside the house.
Estaban dentro de la casa.
They were actually conversing.
Mantenían una conversación.
They were like, " Hey, man, you did what you had to do.
Dijeron : "Oye, hiciste lo que tenías que hacer".
We were told they were only stories.
Nos dijeron que eran solo historias.
They were going to take me back to civilization.
Iban a llevarme de vuelta a la civilización.
They were right, you know.
- Tenían razón, ¿ sabe?
At first, they were just letters to her lover,
Al principio, fueron sólo cartas para su amante...
Then they tailed off, and other notes were going back and forth.
Luego fueron disminuyendo y otras notas iban y venían.
It sounds like they were still a couple.
Parece que aún estaban juntos.
I thought they were right behind us.
¡ Pensé que venían detrás de nosotros!
They grabbed a building in Canarsie at an auction through a holding company that we were able to link to Cal Roberts.
¿ En la ciudad? ‐ Compraron un edificio en Canarsie a través de una subasta de un holding empresarial que logramos conectar a Cal Roberts.
They called themselves Eden, but they were no better than what came before.
Se llamaron Edén,... pero no eran mejores que sus antecesores.
I just need to know what they were so that I can give you the proper tip.
Solo necesito saber cuáles fueron, para poder darte la propina.
Mindy's injuries were much worse than they could have been because her feet were up on the dashboard, and...
Las heridas de Mindy fueron mucho peores de lo que podrían haber sido porque llevaba los pies en el salpicadero y...
Sometimes people don't like the way the meds feel, so they go off and end up back where they were.
A veces a la gente no le agrada cómo se sienten con los medicamentos, así que lo dejan y vuelven a donde estaban.
Their water was tainted, and they thought it was because we were dumping coal waste into it.
Su agua estaba infectada y creían que era porque echábamos los deshechos del carbón en ella.
The story has it, when the first Farrells, Shays and McGintuks, when they were looking for a place to settle, they came to this spot, right here.
Según dice la historia, cuando los primeros Farrell, Shay y McGintuk buscaban un sitio donde establecerse, vinieron a este sitio, aquí mismo.
You weren't trying to keep the Farrells in, you were trying to keep everybody else out, so they wouldn't find out what you're doing up there.
Estabas intentando mantener a los Farrell dentro, tratando de mantener fuera a todos los demás, así no podrían averiguar lo que tú estabas haciendo allí.
And people I thought were saints, they, um, they weren't.
Y gente que pensé que eran santos, no lo fueron.
It's not the car they were breaking into.
No es el coche que estaban robando.
Jessica, they were octopus because that's why we both got food poisoning and met in the bathroom line, and I know for a fact that it was octopus because Olivia Yang had just dumped me that morning and she was allergic to octopus, so I never got to eat octopus,
Jessica, eran pulpos porque es por eso que ambos tuvimos intoxicación alimentaria y nos encontramos en la fila de baño, y sé que era pulpo por que Olivia Yang me había dejado por la mañana y era alérgica al pulpo, así que nunca fuimos a comer pulpo, así que mi amigo Barry me llevó a comer pulpo.
I'm, I'm not too sure how they were able to lower your salary.
No tengo muy claro cómo han podido reducirle el salario.
That's how they were intended, but retail stores are using the same techniques against their own employees, and it's just as likely to result in a false positive.
Así es cómo estaban concebidos, pero las tiendas minoristas están usando las mismas técnicas contra sus empleados y es como si conllevase un falso positivo.
My calculations were off, weren't they?
Mis cálculos eran erróneos, ¿ no?
When we were unconscious, they even reprogrammed my watch to make us think that we flew for four hours, when they only drove us for one. Why would they do all that?
Cuando estábamos inconscientes, incluso reprogramaron mi reloj para hacernos creer que volamos durante cuatro horas, cuando solo nos llevaron durante una. ¿ Por qué harían todo eso?
But the Norteguayans wouldn't be here unless they were planning something much bigger than simple black market arms purchases.
Pero los norteguayanos no estarían aquí a menos que estuvieran planeando algo mucho más grande que las simples compras de armas en el mercado negro.
If the Norteguayans were here, they're long gone now.
Si los norteguayanos estuvieron aquí, ya se han ido.
They were definitely here.
Definitivamente estuvieron aquí.
They were just for the con.
Simplemente fueron parte de la estafa.
Clara, they were in the Army.
Clara, estuvieron en el ejército.
They and their driver were ambushed while David was on the phone with his wife.
Ellos y su conductor sufrieron una emboscada mientras David hablaba por teléfono con su mujer.
They were in Dhaka to find a factory for their start-up clothing brand, Team Kings.
Fueron a Dhaka a buscar una fábrica para su marca de ropa, Team Kings.
David was on the phone when they were abducted.
David estaba al teléfono cuando fueron secuestrados.
Well, they settled a bill just minutes before they were abducted at a local ex-pat club.
Bueno, pagaron una factura minutos antes de ser secuestrados en un club local para extranjeros.
Um, they were cool guys.
Eran muy majos.
They were celebrating some kind of deal they'd just closed on a clothing line.
Estaban celebrando un acuerdo que acababan de cerrar para una línea de ropa.
So they were being wooed by one company and chose to do business with another.
Así que, fueron invitados por una empresa y eligieron hacer negocios con otra.
They were witnesses.
Eran testigos.
And then it got mu... Muffled, like they were... like they were dragging a Bo... a body.
Y entonces hubo un ruido... amortiguado, como si... estuvieran arrastrando un... un cadáver.
They thought they were gonna roll a couple foreigners, make some quick cash.
Pensaban que iban a robar a un par de extranjeros y a ganar dinero rápido.
Well, we struck out on I.D.ing our third suspect, but given the fact that they were targeted and the violence, we think that this was a personal vendetta.
Bueno, tenemos que identificar a nuestro tercer sospechoso pero dado que fueron el objetivo y la violencia, creemos que esto es una venganza personal.
Yeah, dozens and dozens of people were buried alive, but they suffocated because the rescuers didn't have time to dig them out.
Sí, docenas y docenas de personas enterradas vivas pero se asfixiaron porque los equipos de rescate no tuvieron tiempo para desenterrarlos.
- Oh, come on, they were gonna find out.
- Venga, lo iban a descubrir.
They were sent to Chicago Poly-Tech
Se enviaron a la Politécnica de Chicago

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