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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / Where have i been

Where have i been traduction Espagnol

963 traduction parallèle
Where have I been?
¿ Dónde estaba metido?
Where have I been?
¿ Dónde he estado?
- Where... where have I been?
- ¿ Dónde me metí? .
Tell me, my little lotus blossom, where have I been all your life?
Dime preciosidad, ¿ dónde has estado todo este tiempo?
- Where have I been working?
- ¿ Que dónde he trabajado?
Say, Kay, I missed you. Where have you been keeping yourself?
Oye, Kay, te he echado de menos ¿ Dónde te has metido?
I have been called to the McGurk Institute of New York where I shall do only my own research.
Me llamaron del Instituto McGurk de Nueva York... donde realizaré mis propias investigaciones.
I phoned your house a dozen times. Where the devil have you been?
Telefoneé a tu casa una docena de veces. ¿ Dónde diablos estabas?
Now, at what polo game have I been where there was a robbery?
Ahora, ¿ en qué partido de polo al que he asistido ocurrió un robo?
Things have been happening so fast, I hardly know where I am.
Todo ha ido tan deprisa que no sé ni dónde estoy.
I ask your candidate and all those who love their fellow men... to set themselves resolutely to make the world a happier place... a world where no nation plots against nation... no neighbour plots against neighbour... where there is no persecution or hunting down... where everyone gets a square deal and a sporting chance... and where people try to help and not to hinder... a world where suspicion and cruelty and fear have been forever banished!
Le pido a su candidato y a todos los que aman a sus congéneres... que se dediquen a hacer de este mundo un lugar feliz... un mundo donde ninguna nación se enfrente a otra. Donde un vecino sea un vecino. Donde no haya persecuciones... donde primen la igualdad y las oportunidades... y donde la gente trate de ayudar y no entorpecer.
I was here before. Where have you been?
- Ya estuve acá. ¿ Dónde estabas?
I've been meaning to ask you, Nao, where have you been?
Oye, Nao-san, Quiero preguntarte algo..
I hate undercover work myself. I wouldn't have got where I have if it hadn't been in me to be ruthless.
Siento haber tenido que recurrir a una investigación, Fran, pero con ciertas personas no hay más remedio que ponerse en su terreno.
John, where have you been? I've been looking for you.
John ¿ dónde estabas?
- Yes, I think so. But where have you been?
- Sí, eso creo, pero ¿ dónde estabas?
I spend more than that in a month and I have never been too particular where it came from, as you probably know.
Gasto mucho más que eso por mes y no me preocupo de dónde viene.
Never did I have to ask, "Lucy, where have you been, what were you doing?"
Nunca tuve que preguntarle : "Lucy, ¿ dónde estuviste, qué hiciste?"
do you know where I have been, Wuttke?
¿ Sabe de dónde vengo, Wuttke?
Kelton was right, you are a cad. I don't - - Well, where on earth have you been?
Kelton, eres un golfo. ¿ Dónde diablos estabas?
I've been trying to get hold of you all afternoon. Where have you been?
He intentado encontrarte ¿ Dónde has estado?
Where have you been? Melsa and I have been getting engaged, And you weren't here.
Melsa y yo nos hemos prometido.
I think I have a right to know where my husband's been.
Tengo derecho a saber dónde estuvo mi esposo.
Where have you been? I've been waiting for you all morning.
Te he esperado toda la mañana.
I thought you were never coming back. Where have you been?
Pensé que nunca volverías. ¿ Dónde has estado?
- Where have you been? - I thought you were in Poland.
Creí que estabas en Polonia.
Then he couldn't have been mixed up in that Missouri express robbery... that I've been reading about, where a man was killed.
Entonces no pudo asaltar esa oficina del expreso en Missouri... sobre la que he leído... en la que mataron a un hombre.
Not that i would have been throwed out. Where'd they find you guys?
Aunque me habrían echado.
- I wonder who's flying number two? - Where have you been?
- Me pregunto quién volará con el 2 - ¿ Dónde has estado?
- Where have you been, Roger? - I've been out chasing the ghost.
¿ Dónde estaba, Roger?
Neither was I. Now tell me, where have you been keeping yourself?
- También yo.
Hey, where have I been?
¿ Dónde estaba?
Besides, I wouldn't have brought it up right now, but just the same... for the past several weeks you've been going out in the afternoons... and you've always managed to avoid telling me where you were.
Además, no habría sacado el tema en este momento, pero es lo mismo... durante las últimas semanas has estado saliendo por las tardes... y siempre te las has arreglado para no decirme dónde habías estado.
I say, Holmes, where have you been all this time?
Oiga, Holmes, ¿ dónde ha estado tanto tiempo?
- Where have you been? Uh, I went out.
- ¿ Dónde te metiste?
I don't know where we would have been without you.
No sé qué hubiera sido de nosotros sin usted.
Don't I have the right to ask my wife where she's been until two in the morning?
¿ No puedo preguntarle a mi esposa dónde ha estado?
Well now I tell you. I never have been run off no place yet. ... where I aim to stay.
Te Io aseguro, jamás me echaron de ningún sitio en eI que deseara quedarme.
I can't remember where. I have been out of England for so long.
No la recuerdo, he estado fuera de Inglaterra mucho tiempo.
Where have you been? I've searched everywhere for you.
¿ Dónde estabas?
If I'd known where it would end, I'd have never let anything start if I'd been in my right mind, that is.
Si hubiera sabido cómo iba a acabar todo, nunca habría dejado que empezara, es decir, si hubiera estado en mi sano juicio.
I had no idea. Where have you been all these years?
No tenía ni idea. ¿ Dónde has estado todos estos años?
I've had your nice sandwich all ready, and... and the ice all ready for your drink... and the bed all ready for your nap. Where have you been?
Tenía tus sándwiches y el hielo para la bebida y la cama para tu siesta.
I have a question came to thy brother. Where had he been all day?
donde ha estado todo el día?
I've been worried. Where have you been?
- Estaba preocupada.
Where have you been? I thought you were dead.
Pensé que estabas muerta.
May I know where you have been ; is it even possible that a gentleman, coming back home from work.. Work, I say, can't have the pleasure of finding his own family where it should be.
¡ Es posible que un hombre de bien que vuelve a casa del trabajo... y digo trabajo, no pueda encontrar a su familia en casa!
I have been an actor all my life, But in a theater where these mountebanks Could never play.
He sido un actor toda mi vida, pero en un teatro donde estos charlatanes nunca actuaron.
I'm not quite certain where I left them, but they might have been under one of those canteens, you understand?
No sé muy bien donde los puse, pero podrían estar debajo de una de esas cantimploras, ¿ comprende?
You went off somewhere, told us to wait I've waited, it's raining, where have you been?
Ha quedado en un sitio, me ha dicho que esperara, yo he esperado, aquí llueve. ¿ Se puede saber qué ha organizado?
- Where else would I have been as comfortable?
- ¿ Dónde hubiera estado mejor?

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