Whit traduction Espagnol
903 traduction parallèle
Whit best wishes for your future happines!
Para los recién casados.
Not a whit. I have a device to make all well.
Nada de eso : con mi idea quedará bien.
Get some water, Whit.
Ve a buscar algo, Whit.
Hiya, Whit!
¡ Hola, Whit!
chief : Whit, I've just seen the greatest actress since Cleopatra.
Whit, he visto a la mejor actriz desde Cleopatra.
- Hello, Whit. You wanted to see me?
- Hola Whit. ¿ Querías verme?
- Now listen, Whit, I'm doing the best I can but I'm no miracle man.
- Escucha Whit, estoy haciendo todo lo que puedo, pero no hago milagros.
- whit : Make him.
- Haz que juegue.
Whit, what am I going to do now?
Whit, ¿ que voy a hacer ahora?
As for the prosecution's case... ... not one whit of evidence has been produced... ... to refute the defendant's testimony.
En cuanto al caso de la fiscalía no se ha presentado más evidencia que refute el testimonio de la acusada.
who, holding in disdain the German women for some dishonest manners of their life established there this law - to whit, no female should be inheritrix in Salic land, which is this day in Germany called Meissen.
que desdeñando a las mujeres alemanas por ciertas costumbres deshonestas establecieron esta ley : Decretaron que ninguna mujer heredaría en tierra sálica que hoy se llama en Alemania Misnia.
She died on Whit Monday.
Murió el lunes de Pentecostés.
Keeping the peace is no whit less important.
Claro, mantener el orden es importante.
- Whit used to look at me... shake his head, and wish I had brains like you.
- Whit solía mirarme sacudir la cabeza y desear que tuviera tus sesos.
I'm still working for that guy, Jeff. - Whit?
- Trabajo con él todavía.
- He'd like to see you.
- ¿ Con Whit?
No one ever thought more of you than Whit. Or more about me.
No hay quién te recuerde más que Whit.
Look, Whit never steered you into anything bad, did he?
- Whit nunca se portó mal contigo, ¿ verdad?
And then I saw her coming out of the sun... and I knew why Whit didn't care about that 40 grand.
Un día la vi entrar con el sol. Comprendí por qué a Whit no le importaba el dinero.
I went to send a wire to Whit that I'd found her... but the telegraph office was closed for the siesta.
Intenté telegrafiarle a Whit que la había encontrado pero el telégrafo estaba cerrado al medio día.
Whit didn't die.
Whit no murió.
I don't want anything of his or any part of him. - Except his life.
No me interesa nada de Whit.
I wired Whit, but I didn't tell him. "I'm in Acapulco," I said, "I wish you were here."
Telegrafié a Whit, pero sólo le dije que estaba en Acapulco.
To make a life for ourselves, to get away from Whit.
Para empezar una vida nueva y para huir de Whit.
- You don't know Whit. He won't forget.
No conoces a Whit, él no olvida.
You might remember that, Whit.
Recuerde eso, Whit.
Whit, my friend, there's a million dames in this world, and they all look like her.
En el mundo hay miles de mujeres parecidas a esa chica.
Whit should've got her back. As I understand, they deserve each other.
Whit debe recuperarla, son uno para el otro.
I can give you a tip. You tell Whit where we are, he might slip you a sawbuck. Jeff.
Pero dile a Whit dónde estamos y él te pagará.
He isn't going to tell Whit anything.
No quiero que él hable con Whit.
- There isn't any 40 grand. Of course Whit's broad-minded.
- Ella no tiene los $ 40000.
He don't care about a few slugs in the stomach... or the 40 grand the dame went off with... or even Jeff pretending he fell down on the job.
- Claro, Whit es flexible. A él no le importa el tiro que recibió ni los $ 40000 que ella se llevó, ni que Jeff le mintiera.
You know Whit and you know how far he can reach.
Conocen a Whit y saben cómo es.
- You wouldn't have killed him. He'd have been against us, gone to Whit.
Si no lo mataba se hubiera ido a ver a Whit.
- I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, Whit.
- No quise ofenderlo.
- Whit told me you'd be charming.
- Whit sólo dijo que era amable.
Whit said you'd tell me the other.
Whit dijo que Ud. me diría algo.
Whit even trusts me twice.
Whit confía en mí.
In a day or so, he'll take some papers home.
En unos días él llevará unos papeles de Whit a su casa.
Whit wants Eels out of the picture and to square an account with me. Two birds together.
Whit quiere liberarse de Eels y vengarse de mí.
The papers go back to Whit. I'm the fall guy.
Whit los recupera y yo seré el sospechoso.
Whit owns a club. The Sterling Club on North Beach.
Whit es dueño de un club, en la playa.
That's the theory, isn't it? Keep the files away from the treasury boys. Save Whit from doing 10 years in a federal pen.
No quieren que ellos reciban los papeles para que Whit no vaya a la cárcel.
Of course, the government may just pat Whit on the back and say : " Go on home. We got all the dough we need.
El gobierno puede decirle a Whit que tienen todo el dinero, y que no les hace falta su millón.
Four of us knew about that affidavit outside of Whit.
Sólo cuatro sabíamos de la declaración aparte de Whit.
- Put in a call for Whit Sterling...
- Llame a Whit...
- We better keep Whit out of this.
- No lo metamos en esto.
- And you won't need Whit.
- No necesita a Whit.
Are you gonna buy us a whit? I like them fat!
- Te invitaré a una copa.
Not Whit.
- Whit no.
That Whit can really hate, can't he?
Whit sabe odiar.
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whitehall 26
whitman 48
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whites 22
white boy carl 25
whitey 118
whitehall 26
whitman 48
whitaker 27
whitney 272
whitehead 26
whitley 37
whites 22
white boy carl 25
white girl 29
white boy 86
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white guy 31
white hair 22
white wine 69
white people 43
white man 35
white male 81
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white boy 86
white and blue 25
white guy 31
white hair 22
white wine 69
white people 43
white man 35
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white star 17