Would that help traduction Espagnol
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Wait. If I marry her, would that help?
Si me caso con ella, ¿ ayudará?
Would that help you out?
¿ Ayudaría eso?
Then who would that help?
¿ A quién le sería esto de utlidad?
Would that help?
¿ Ayuda eso?
- Maybe I should go on Friday Night, Saturday Morning. Would that help?
¿ Quizás deba ir a "Friday Night, Saturday Morning"?
No, no, she... she came here because she knew the only thing that could help Susan would be a miracle.
No, no, vino aquí porque sabía que lo único que podría ayudar a Susan era un milagro.
And that our means are enough but of course we would ask our soviet comrades for help if needed.
Y que nuestros medios son suficientes pero por supuesto rogamos a los camaradas soviéticos ayuda si es necesario 615 01 : 08 : 33,720 - - 01 : 08 : 35,599 Si los incidentes
I see that you're spinning out, and I would love to help you but I can't, because I am meeting Dennis for lunch, and I have to go, because we're under attack from Larry.
Veo que está girando hacia fuera, y me encantaría ayudarte pero no puedo, porque voy a comer con Dennis, y tengo que irme, porque Larry nos está atacando.
Look, I didn't tell you because you couldn't help and I knew that you would disintegrate, just like you're doing right now.
Mira, no te lo conté porque no podías ayudar, y sabía que te desintegrarías, justo como lo estás haciendo ahora.
They would invite Neil that Saturday to a game of Dungeons Dragons, designed by Abed to help Neil reclaim his confidence.
Invitarían a Neil ese sábado a una partida de Dragones y Mazmorras, diseñada por Abed para ayudar a Neil a recuperar su confianza.
I recovered all the cards that came in, and I sent them off, and after I said I would help hunter meet girls, he agreed to come back.
Recuperé todas las cartas que entraron y se las envié a ellos. y luego dije que ayudaría a Hunter a conocer chicas, aceptó volver.
Hey, now that you have done lots of drama now learn some job.. .. so that it would be of some help in your life Thank you
Hey, ahora que has hecho un poco de drama deberías comenzar a trabajar..... entonces harías un poco de bien a tu vida gracias
It would help to find some evidence that she was actually riding one.
Sería de gran ayuda que encontráramos alguna evidencia que demuestre que estaba montando uno.
- You know I can't help but think what would happen if you put all that energy you have into this play.
- Sabes, no puedo evitar pensar que podría pasar si pusieras toda esa energía que tienes en esta obra.
Yes... that... that would be a great help.
Sí... él... será de gran ayuda.
You told me that you would help get the man who killed my family.
- Me dijiste que me ayudarías a conseguir al hombre que mató a mi familia.
Well, I suppose it makes sense that someone with her psychological makeup would resent you for your help.
Bueno, supongo que tiene sentido que alguien con su estructura psicológica se sintiera molesta por tu ayuda.
Wait, why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?
Espera, ¿ por qué iba Derek a ayudarte a recordar que atacó al conductor?
And that man's gonna come back and ask more if we don't get some information, so we need to know if you would be able to help us.
Y ese hombre va a volver y seguir preguntando si no le damos algo de información, así que necesitamos saber si puedes ayudarnos.
I'm not sure that would help find her.
No estoy seguro de que eso ayude a encontrarla.
And how would you manage that, without my help?
¿ Y cómo manejar eso, sin mi ayuda?
Nothing that would help.
Nada que pudiera ayudar.
He promised to help get us to America and that the $ 2 million would be waiting for us when we arrived.
Prometió ayudarnos a llegar a América y que los 2 millones de dólares estarían esperándonos cuando llegásemos.
Because... how ironic would it be if I did so much for these kids at Manassas, trying to teach them from my life experiences and help them as best I can, and then my own kids experience some of the same hurtin'that I have?
Porque... ¿ no sería irónico si yo hiciera mucho por los chicos de Manassas, si intentara enseñarles de mis experiencias personales y ayudarlos todo lo que pueda, y que mis propios hijos tengan que vivir los mismos dolores que yo viví?
That information would be quite help...
- Esa información sería...
Is there anything you saw at the party that would help us find out who killed Milli?
¿ Vio algo en la fiesta que nos ayude a descubrir quién mató a Milli?
I'm willing to put it in writing if that would help.
Lo haré por escrito sí es necesario.
You don't have any original features that would help me pinpoint the year, do you?
No tiene todas las características originales que me ayudarían a señalar el año, ¿ verdad?
I... I doubt that Travis would be able to help you much.
Dudo que Travis pueda ayudarlos demasiado.
That would oddly really help me right now.
Eso extrañamente me ayudaría ahora mismo.
You know that I wouldn't, I would stay and help if I wasn't in the final days of the Wharf project.
Me siento tan mal dejándote. tu sabe que no querria, me quedaria y ayudaria si yo no estubiera en los días finales del proyecto Wharf.
And I was told that I would be given sleep treatment to help my, erm..... head to have a nice, long rest.
Y me dijeron que me darían tratamiento de sueño para ayudar a que mi... cabeza tuviera un bonito y largo descanso.
If you can think of anything that would help us...
Si se le ocurre algo que pudiera ayudarnos...
Okay, so at this point, if I could help you, I would say that you should try to help yourself.
Vale, en este punto, si pudiera ayudarte, yo diría que deberías intentar ayudarte a ti mismo.
I think that's the most logical explanation because actually it's the goddess who is the one who you would pray to for help with nursing your child and many scholars say that it's a generic mother goddess, or mother of fertility.
Creo que esa es la explicación más lógica porque en realidad, es a la diosa a quien le rezaría para pedir ayuda para amamantar a su hijo y muchos estudiosos dicen que es una diosa madre genérica, o la madre de la fertilidad.
That would help us out.
Eso nos ayudará.
Ali's father thought that it would help me, but there were certain things that I just couldn't...
El padre de Ali pensó que eso me ayudaría, pero había cosas que sólo no podía...
That would help.
Eso ayudaría.
And why would "A" help us when we know that "A" ultimately wants to hurt us?
¿ Por qué iba "A" a ayudarnos cuando sabemos que quiere hacernos daño?
That would help?
¿ Eso ayudaría?
In East Boston's ward two, an Irish immigrant's son named. Patrick J. Kennedy used profits from two saloons and a wine and spirits import business to begin to build the political machine that would one day help put his grandson into the White House.
En el distrito 2 del este de Boston, el hijo de un inmigrante irlandés llamado Patrick J. Kennedy usó las ganancias de dos tabernas y de un negocio de importación de vino y bebidas para empezar a construir la maquinaria política
Would it help if she... Lost that file out of her car?
¿ Ayudaría si a ella le desaparece el archivo de su auto?
Hank, that moment my mom was about to bleed to death, I realized if you weren't there, I would not have been able to do anything to help her.
Hank, en el momento en que mamá estaba desagrandose y a punto de morir, me di cuenta de que si no hubieras estado allí, no hubiera sido capaz de hacer algo para ayudarla.
It's obvious that you're deeply troubled, and I would be more than happy to help if you were truly interested in therapy.
Es obvio que estas en grandes problemas, y yo estaria mas que feliz de ayudar si de verdad estuvieras interesado en la terapia.
Why would you use Max when you said that you would help me get rid of him?
¿ Por qué usas a Max cuando dijiste que me ayudarías a deshacerme de él?
That would be a big help.
Eso será una gran ayuda.
Nobody in their right mind, I think, would ever pursue that life unless they could not help themselves.
Nadie en sus cabales, creo, nunca querría tener ese tipo de vida a menos que no pudiera ayudarse a sí mismo.
But Fargo thought he found something that would help.
Pero Fargo pensaba que encontró algo que ayudaría.
I never thought that I would be the one to help drive a stake through his heart.
Nunca pensé que sería la que ayudara a atravesar una estaca en su corazón.
Is if somebody would come here and give me a theory that would actually help me solve this case.
Si alguien viniera y me dijera una teoría que realmente me ayudara a resolver este caso
So that's where somebody like you would come in and really be able to help us.
Así que por eso es que alguien como tu llegaría y realmente estaría dispuesto a ayudarnos.
would that it were so simple 17
would that be okay 38
would that work 27
would that be all right 34
would that be so bad 32
that helped 20
that helps 91
help 8877
help me 6892
helping 62
would that be okay 38
would that work 27
would that be all right 34
would that be so bad 32
that helped 20
that helps 91
help 8877
help me 6892
helping 62
helped 17
helpless 96
helpful 64
help yourself 675
help me please 29
help me understand 34
help is on the way 77
help you with what 18
help me with this 60
help wanted 20
helpless 96
helpful 64
help yourself 675
help me please 29
help me understand 34
help is on the way 77
help you with what 18
help me with this 60
help wanted 20
help her 180
help me out 369
help a brother out 20
help me out here 204
help people 28
help him 346
help us 749
help me here 41
help me find him 18
helping me 31
help me out 369
help a brother out 20
help me out here 204
help people 28
help him 346
help us 749
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help me find him 18
helping me 31