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Wouldn't she traduction Espagnol

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I was coming out of my car this morning... she was having sweaty car sex so her mom wouldn't know she was back with Dumbass Donny.
Estaba saliendo del coche esta mañana y ella estaba haciéndolo en el coche para que su madre no se enterara de que había vuelto con Donny el Tonto.
That's why she wouldn't really kiss you back.
Es por eso que ella no respondía a tus besos.
No, why wouldn't she tell us in advance that she was resigning?
No, ¿ por qué no nos avisaría de que iba a dimitir?
She wouldn't let me talk to her.
No me dejaba hablar con ella.
Only because she had a, a bandage on her chest and she wouldn't tell me what happened to her.
Sólo porque tenía una, un vendaje en su pecho y ella ¿ No me digas lo que le pasó.
And I got mad because she wouldn't let me help.
Y me enojé porque no iba a dejar que te ayude.
She wouldn't say.
No me lo ha dicho.
No,'cause she promised she wouldn't tell anyone.
No. Prometió no decirle a nadie.
Why wouldn't she believe me?
¿ Por qué no habría de creerme?
No, no, no, no, she wouldn't...
No, no, no, ella no lo haría...
She wouldn't do that.
Ella no haría eso.
If I knew where she was going, I wouldn't be calling the police.
Si supiera a dónde iba, no estaría llamando a la policía.
Too scared to go in, until a little bit of logic seeped in and told me, even if there is a witch in there, she wouldn't just make a noise and then just stand there for, like, an hour.
Una hora entera, incapaz de entrar. Hasta que entré en razón, y pensé que aunque hubiera una bruja no iba a hacer un ruido y quedarse en silencio una hora.
Wherever she goes, she leaves pain in her wake, and I know you don't want April to fall victim to that, or you wouldn't be here.
Allá donde va, deja un rastro de dolor y sé que no quieres que April sea víctima de eso también o no estarías aquí.
- She wouldn't do that.
Ella no haría eso.
~ No, she wouldn't say.
- No, no me lo dijo.
If you'd told Betty the truth when you should have done..... she wouldn't have even been in the country to try and comfort her sister.
Si le hubiera dicho la verdad a Betty cuando debió hacerlo... ella ni siquiera hubiera estado en el país para ir a consolar a su hermana.
She wouldn't have a chance.
No tendría ninguna oportunidad.
Strange, she said you wouldn't be able to.
Qué raro, me dijo que no podrías.
She made us wear hoods so we wouldn't see where the body was.
Nos hizo llevar capuchas para que no viéramos dónde estaba el cuerpo.
Wouldn't she ask Grace?
¿ No se lo pediría a Grace?
And I wouldn't be surprised if she had something to do with the other killings going on around here.
Y no me sorprendería que tuviera algo que ver con los otros asesinatos que ha habido.
How do we know she didn't just invent it just so we wouldn't think she was the killer?
¿ Cómo sabemos que simplemente no se lo inventó para que no creyéramos que era la asesina?
She said she... the only way she wouldn't kill me is if I came in here and I killed everyone.
Dijo que... la única forma de no matarme era venir aquí y matar a todos. Y si no lo hacía,
Well, that's easy. I was paying her 100 grand a month till she remarried, which she wouldn't, not when she was making seven figures a year to stay single.
Bueno, eso es fácil que estaba pagando su 100 mil dólares al mes hasta que se volvió a casar, que no lo haría, no cuando ella era haciendo siete cifras de un año para quedarse solo
She hugged me and wouldn't let go.
Me abrazó y no me soltaba.
If she was awesome and pretty, I wouldn't be dumping her.
Si fuera genial y guapa, no la habría dejado.
If you mean she has other lovers, I wouldn't know.
Si supieseis que ella tiene otros amantes, no lo sabría.
If you didn't shove all your girl power on her, she wouldn't have shoved her girl parts on me.
Si no la hubieras animado con todo tu poder femenino, ella no hubiera puesto sus partes femeninas en mi.
She wouldn't feel awkward.
Ella no se sentiría incómodo.
I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen.
Sí. Traté de detenerla pero no funcionó.
She wanted to tell you the truth the whole time, but I wouldn't let her.
Ella quería contarte la verdad todo el tiempo pero no la dejé.
She wouldn't just leave me, certainly not without getting the last word in.
No me dejaría, y desde luego sin decir la última palabra.
I wanted to warn Bob about how awful she is, but I knew he wouldn't believe me.
Quise advertir a Bob sobre lo horrible que es ella, pero sabía que no me creería.
I wouldn't be here if she did.
No estaría aquí si lo hiciera.
Mm-hmm, perhaps if you hadn't lost her license, she wouldn't be in this predicament.
Quizá si no hubieras perdido su licencia... ella no estaría en esta situación.
I wouldn't want her to think she was disappointing me in any way.
No quiero que piense que me está decepcionando.
Chloe wouldn't want you to stop with your studies, would she?
Chole no querría que dejaras tus estudios, ¿ verdad?
- She wouldn't know if it was Christmas or Tuesday. - What a man thing to say.
- Ella no sabía si era Navidad o el martes. - ¡ Qué cosa tan hombre para decir.
Why wouldn't she want that?
¿ Por qué no querría eso?
Aw, she wouldn't put out?
Aw, ¿ No quiso echarte ella misma?
She just wouldn't do it.
No lo hizo.
But, unfortunately, like too many veterans, she wouldn't come here for treatment.
Pero, desafortunadamente, como muchos veteranos... no vino para su tratamiento.
She lives in this shitty nowhere part of town, so he wouldn't just randomly be there.
Ella vive en el culo del mundo, así que él no estaba allí por casualidad.
She just wouldn't believe me.
Ella no me creería.
And she wouldn't be here unless you had lots of power.
Y ella no estaría aquí a menos que tuviera mucho poder.
She wouldn't do that to me.
No me haría eso a mí.
I mean, she could have died and you're acting like you wouldn't have even cared.
Quiero decir, podría haber muerto y estáis actuando como si ni siquiera os hubiera importado.
I mean, she could have died, and you're acting like you wouldn't have even cared.
Quiero decir, podría haber muerto y estáis actuando como si ni siquiera os hubiera importado.
She was going to be safe and wouldn't be afraid to stay in that apartment with her two babies.
Ella iba a estar, segura sin miedo en el apartamento con sus dos bebes.
She wouldn't just leave like that.
Ella no se marcharía así.

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