You'd be wrong traduction Espagnol
265 traduction parallèle
But, if anything should go wrong, I'd be glad to call on you, doctor.
Pero si algo fuera mal, me encantará llamarle, doctor.
You'd be wrong to think he's the only one.
¡ Y estaba en las trincheras! ¡ Esa es la diferencia! - No es la única.
You'd be wrong to pity yourself, René.
Haces mal en compadecerte, René.
I was wrong, Your Excellency, I know. If you'd have seen the faces of those children as they were struggling to breath. If you'd known there was a chance they might be saved.
Estaba equivocado, Excelencia, lo sé, pero si hubiese visto el rostro de esos niños moribundos, sabiendo que podía salvarles...
I didn't think you'd be dumb enough to put yourself in a spot for the wrong people.
No pensé que serías tan tonta como para meterte en líos por la gente equivocada.
You'd be wrong to pay too much attention to these trifles.
Te equivocas al prestar demasiada atención a esos cuentos.
She may be funny some ways, but she wouldn't do nothing wrong, so I'd like it if you didn't talk to people like it was.
Sé que a veces es un poco rara, pero no hace nada malo. Así que no hable así de ella, señor Barker.
Well I'm not telling you, mind you... But that'd be the wrong kind of hat to wear up in the pine country.
No debía decirlo, pero no sería el sombrero adecuado para los bosques.
I'd be tempted to marry someone like you, but it would be all wrong.
Estaría tentada a casarme contigo, pero sería un error.
I might have known there'd be something wrong with you.
Debí suponer que tendría algún defecto.
Of course. You'd be wrong if you didn't.
De lo contrario, te equivocarías.
I was wrong for taking it for granted that you'd be here all...
Hice mal en dar por hecho que estarías totalmente...
You'd be wrong.
Estarías equivocada.
Oh, you just don't have to worry, dear, because if anything would go wrong... one of the things that would happen... I'd be living in the same house with little stinker.
No debes preocuparte porque si algo llegara a salir mal... una cosa que ocurriría es que viviría en la misma casa con ese monstruito.
You'd mind terribly if you turned out to be wrong for once.
Te importaría mucho equivocarte por una vez, ¿ verdad?
If you can find out how to get it, please let me know because if, God forbid, anything went wrong it'd be nice to have an American to blame it on.
Si descubre el modo de conseguirlo, avíseme, por favor, coronel Marcus, porque, si ocurriera algo, estaría muy bien tener a un americano a quien echarle la culpa.
Yes, but you'd think one of them would be standing by to make sure nothing goes wrong.
Sí, pero no piensas que alguno estará despierto, esperando, asegurandose que todo vaya bien.
It'd be wrong to distract you.
Estaria mal distraerte de ello.
You shoul'd be in row C. You're in the wrong row.
Usted tiene la fila equivocada.
That'd be'cause you loaded it wrong when you were in a state of drunkenness.
Porque lo cargó mal cuando estaba borracho.
If you weren't a fool, you'd know one can be decent, and wrong.
Si fueras lista, sabrías que puedes ser decente y estar errado.
You'd be wrong.
Se equivoca.
Yes, tell me more about your problem. Well, as I say, you'd just be talking And out'll pudenda the wrong word
Pues que, a media frase, me genitales de palabra.
You'd be terribly wrong if you'd let those two spies go.
Cometería un grave error si permitiese que despegara con los dos espías.
Sometime I'd be at the job... and I had to go and sit in the car for a few minutes. They'd ask me, "What's wrong with you, man?" And I wouldn't tell them.
Alguna vez en el trabajo, tener que ir a esconderme unos minutos al coche, y mis compañeros me preguntaban :
You thought I'd be good for another year, but you were wrong.
Querías estarte un añito más conmigo, ¿ verdad?
If you kill me, you'd be killing the wrong man.
Si me mata, se equivocará de hombre.
You might think Richard III of England was bad, but you'd be wrong.
Puedes pensar que Ricardo III fue malo, estarás equivocado.
You'd think there'd be something in here about what to do when it goes wrong.
¿ Crees que aquí puede haber algo sobre qué hacer si sale mal?
Now, ma'am, I hope you ain't suggesting'... that I had anything to do with Carrie's death, because the fact of the matter is, you'd be dead wrong.
Espero que no insinúe que tuve algo que ver con la muerte de Carrie. Estaría equivocada.
You'd be wrong.
Estás equivocada.
I'd be very happy, sir, if you could prove I was wrong.
Me alegraría, señor, si usted pudiera demostrarme que estoy equivocado.
- No, you'd be wrong to believe that, Inspector.
- No, se equivoca, Inspector.
If something should go wrong, if anything should happen to you, I'd be responsible.
Si algo va mal o le ocurre algo, yo sería el responsable.
To pick what was actually wrong with the steps..... you'd have to be an experienced professional.
Para saber que estaba mal con los pasos..... deberías ser un experto profesional.
To pick what was actually wrong with the steps..... you'd have to be an experienced professional.
Para saber lo que estaba mal con los pasos..... tendrías que ser un profesional experimentado.
I'd be happy anywhere with you. You're so wrong!
Contigo seré feliz, en cualquier lado.
Yeah, well, you'd think so, but you'd be wrong.
Bueno, así lo crees, pero estás equivocado.
If everybody loved you, you'd be doing something wrong.
Se supone que te odien.
If you were to get into debt with the wrong people you'd be a security risk. You could be blackmailed.
Si tuviera deudas con la gente inadecuada sería un riesgo para la seguridad.
When you're not sure you trust a person anymore... say a person you really trusted, say your father, you start wishing... they'd do something really wrong so you could be right about them.
Cuando crees que no volverás a confiar en una persona nunca más... por ejemplo, una persona en la que confiaste de verdad, como en tu padre... empiezas a desear que haga algo muy malo para poder tener razón sobre ella.
If you feel this'd be for the wrong reasons, don't say another word.
De cualquier manera, es tiempo ya que deje de buscar esa clase de aprobación.
- You'd be wrong.
- Pues se equivocaría.
You may think I want your friend Kar to die, but you'd be wrong.
Quizá piense que deseo que su amigo Kar muera, pero se equivoca.
It'd be nice if I could say you've got the right attitude, but if you expect to get any praise out of me, you're wrong, Shinji Ikari.
Sería bueno si pudiera llamar a eso "buena preparación" a pero estás cometiendo un gran error si crees que tendrás mi admiración.
Now, there ´ s where you ´ d be wrong.
Ahí es donde te equivocas.
- You'd better not be wrong.
- Será mejor que no estar equivocado.
You might think I became a lawyer to piss him off, but you'd be wrong.
Podría pensarse que me hice abogado para molestarlo. Pero sería una equivocación.
You'd think with all that... the world would lose its power to seduce... but you'd be wrong.
Muchos pensarían que para mí la vida ha perdido su atractivo. Pero se equivocarían.
L "ve always prayed we" d all be wrong, but somehow you always just seemed so doomed to failure.
Rogué que estuviésemos equivocados, pero de alguna manera tú siempre pareciste condenada al fracaso.
You'd think so, but you'd be wrong.
Uno lo pensaría, pero estaría equivocado.
you'd better watch out 24
you'd better 93
you'd better come in 34
you'd better believe it 24
you'd better be careful 19
you'd be surprised 231
you'd better be 34
you'd better not 25
you'd be 37
you'd better go 90
you'd better 93
you'd better come in 34
you'd better believe it 24
you'd better be careful 19
you'd be surprised 231
you'd better be 34
you'd better not 25
you'd be 37
you'd better go 90
you'd better go home 18
you'd be doing me a favor 23
you'd better hurry up 17
you'd better hurry 34
you'd be dead 120
wrong 1364
wrong guy 28
wrong place 64
wrong number 137
wrong answer 165
you'd be doing me a favor 23
you'd better hurry up 17
you'd better hurry 34
you'd be dead 120
wrong 1364
wrong guy 28
wrong place 64
wrong number 137
wrong answer 165
wrong way 70
wrong door 22
wrong room 34
wrong one 16
wrong question 22
wrong time 78
wrong floor 19
wrong again 87
wrong door 22
wrong room 34
wrong one 16
wrong question 22
wrong time 78
wrong floor 19
wrong again 87