Wrong answer traduction Espagnol
743 traduction parallèle
That's the first wrong answer you've given me tonight.
- Primera respuesta errónea de la noche.
That's the wrong answer.
- Respuesta equivocada.
That's a very tiresome question, darling, and fully deserves the wrong answer.
Ésa es una pregunta absurda, que se merece una respuesta equívoca.
- Wrong answer.
Respuesta equivocada.
When you asked me if I was running from you, I gave you a wrong answer... but I was coming to Bradford.
Cuando me preguntaste si estaba huyendo de ti, te di una respuesta equivocada... pero iba a ir a Bradford.
It mixes him up. They figure you just added it all up wrong and got the wrong answer.
Creen que lo analizaste todo mal y llegaste a la conclusión equivocada.
The contestant gave the wrong answer, but he didn't know the rules.
El concursante dió una respuesta errónea,... pero no conocía el reglamento.
Lfl give the wrong answer, will you kill me?
Si respondo mal, ¿ me vas a matar?
Don't... remember there's no right or wrong answer ;
No hay una respuesta correcta y una equivocada.
Tee Hee. On the first wrong answer from Miss Solitaire, you will snip the little finger of Mr Bond's right hand.
Tee Hee a la primera respuesta errada de la Srta. Solitaria le cortarás el meñique de la mano izquierda.
Starting with the second wrong answer, you will proceed to the more... vital areas.
A la segunda equivocación seguirás con partes más vitales.
- That's the wrong answer, Frankie.
- Esa es la respuesta incorrecta, Frankie.
And Ivan Ackerman, always the wrong answer. Always!
E Iván Ackerman, siempre equivocado. ¡ Siempre!
Wrong answer.
¡ Error!
I don't know where Mike is! Wrong Answer!
¡ No sé donde está!
One wrong answer and you lose everything.
Una respuesta incorrecta y pierde todo.
Wrong answer.
Esa es la respuesta equivocada.
Wrong answer.
Respuesta incorrecta.
What's wrong? Answer me, Lee Go Eun! Writer Lee?
Responde, Lee Go Eun.
You were a bit wrong in your answer.
Tu respuesta fue equivocada.
He's gonna put a lot of things together and get a wrong answer.
No es bobo. Atará cabos.
Anybody can get off at the wrong floor. [Knocking] Well, answer the door.
Cualquiera puede bajarse en el piso equivocado.
Yo no di la respuesta equivocada.
"I won't take no for an answer, so I'll drop you off at the church basement... " take in a movie, then pick you up and take you home... "like a chivalrous gentleman so you won't get in wrong with Papa".
No admitiré un no por respuesta, así que te dejaré en el baile... veré una película, luego te recogeré y te llevaré a casa... como un caballero, para que no tengas problemas con tu padre ".
"Oh, no, must be the wrong address. It must be somebody next door." The answer is no!
- La respuesta es no.
Though, of course, scuttlebutt knew the answer, a hundred answers, all wrong.
Un centenar de rumores. Todos equivocados.
No answer means you know very well that it's wrong to deliver improper letters
Tu silencio significa... que sabes que está mal entregar cartas indecentes.
I think you know the answer to some questions I have in mind. You picked on the wrong party.
Pienso que usted sabe las respuestas de algunas preguntas que tengo en mente.
Now, if I tell my aides, "This is an entrechat", "This is a chassé", they'll always answer, "Yes, sire", even if I'm wrong.
Puedo decir a mis oficiales : "Eso es un'entrechat', un'chassé'." Y ellos contestan : "Sí, Sire", aunque me equivoque.
Bell rings. I knew somethin'was wrong because my room is on the ground floor. I had to get outta bed to answer the door, and there was Mr Stern.
Sonó el timbre y vi que pasaba algo porque abrí la puerta, y ahí estaba el Sr. Stern.
Oh, I see. Look, sir. All we have to do is take a card, punch holes in it, one for each wrong thing this Major Cargill did, send it through an IBM machine and come up with the right answer.
Mire usted no tenemos mas que coger una tarjeta, perforarla por cada falta que haya cometido ese mayor Cargill, introducirla en una máquina automática, y esperar las respuestas concretas.
- You were wrong to answer.
- Ves, habría que ignorarlo.
We've been looking the wrong way for our answer.
Buscamos la respuesta en el terreno equivocado.
I'll answer that burning question after you tell me what's wrong with that miracle of modern science, and also exactly how much this current larceny is going to cost me.
Contestaré a esa lacerante pregunta después de que me haya explicado que ha ocurrido con ese invento del diablo, y exactamente lo que va a costar el actual robo.
I tried to find out what was wrong, but she never had an answer except to say that... that something was oppressing her.
Intenté descubrir qué le ocurría, pero su única respuesta era que algo la oprimía.
Answer.. you say a wrong word and you won't be able to say the next one.
Contesta, y como lo hagas mal, no podrás volver a equivocarte.
If this should go wrong, you are to blame, and you will be the one to answer for it.
Si esto sale mal, tú tienes la culpa, y serás el que responda por ello.
So the not very original answer is : No matter what he does, even giving away a factory... a bourgeois is always wrong
Aunque no sea una idea original, cualquier cosa que haga un burgués, aún entregar una fábrica, ¿ está mal?
Yeah, but you have to answer to me! Listen, keeping Monique assigned to recipe columns, keeping her tied up filing - that's wrong, very wrong.
Tener a Monique escribiendo recetas y archivando está mal, muy mal.
The answer, right or wrong, will be in a few hours.
La respuesta, correcta o incorrecta, la tendremos en unas horas.
And it's the wrong answer.
La respuesta errónea.
The sub doesn't answer, something's wrong.
El submarino no contesta, pasó algo.
You will have to answer it correctly if you get it wrong the results... will be quite fatal, I mean as far as you are concerned of course.
Deberán contestarlo bien, de no ser así el resultado será fatal, tanto cómo nunca lo imaginaron.
And if the answer were the wrong one? You see, I too, perhaps, am in fear of the known. Shall we meet again, do you think?
La respuesta sería la equivocada ¿ pero si me negara lo suficiente crees que nos podríamos encontrar nuevamente?
I think it's an answer to you. And you're using Lucy to get at it. I don't care what you think, because you're wrong.
Bueno, en realidad, el hecho de que le costara tanto traer esto aquí significa que no se aferra a ellos.
- Consider the answer as wrong and send him 180 volts.
Considere su silencio como un error y aplique 180 Voltios.
If you know I'm wrong, you must know what the correct answer is.
Si sabe que estoy equivocado, sabrá la respuesta correcta.
'Arthur's next question is very complex and difficult'and Zaphod's answer is wrong in every important respect.'
La siguiente pregunta de Arthur es muy compleja y difícil y la respuesta de Zaphod es errónea en todos y cada uno de los aspectos relevantes
It is possible that we've just received the right answer to the wrong question.
Es posible que hayamos recibido la respuesta correcta a la pregunta equivocada.
Wrong answer, babe.
Te has equivocado, encanto.
They can never answer the question, "How could it possibly happen?" is that it's the wrong question.
Nunca hallarán una respuesta a la pregunta : "¿ Cómo pudo suceder?", porque no es la adecuada.
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answers 108
answer the question 474
answer me 1429
answer him 69
answer my question 103
answer the phone 120
answer your phone 51
answering machine 24
answer it 300
answer her 25
answerphone 16
answer the door 38
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wrong 1364
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answerphone 16
answer the door 38
answer that 36
answer me this 70
wrong 1364
wrong guy 28
wrong place 64
wrong number 137
wrong way 70