You and mr traduction Espagnol
12,675 traduction parallèle
You and Mr. Hanna, you both appreciate Claude Monet's paintings.
El Sr. Hanna y tú apreciáis los cuadros de Claude Monet.
Well, until that time, I'd like you and Mr. Callen to ensure that the Navy's C-4 supply hasn't been compromised.
Bueno, hasta que llegue ese momento me gustaría que usted y el Sr. Callen se asegurasen de que el suministro de C-4 de la Marina no lo tocó nadie ajeno.
He actually already developed an inkling towards this direction, if he saw the difference between you and Mr. Shin, it's game over.
Ya desarrolló un pálpito en esta dirección... vio la diferencia entre el Sr. Shin y tú, se acabó.
Since you and Mr. Shin are the same, I may be your first love, too.
Eso significa que como eres el Sr. Shin, también pude ser tu primer amor.
Mr. West, I know that you always drive the Batmobile, but it would be an honor and a privilege if you allowed me to drive the Batmobile today.
pero sería un honor y un privilegio si me dejara conducir el Batmóvil? ¿ Tú, conducir el Batmóvil?
I don't believe I pay you enough to replace it, Mr. Reese, and you're missing the point.
No creo que le pague lo suficiente como para reemplazarlo, Sr. Reese, y esa no es la cuestión.
What I'm saying is it's possible the child may know that his or her biological father is donor 1128, and that... that's you, Mr. McHolland.
Lo que estoy diciendo que es posible que el niño o niña sepa que su padre biológico es el donante 1128, y ese... ese es usted, Sr. McHolland.
And I was just about to give you the key to the city, mr. Dinard.
Y yo que estaba a punto de darle las llaves de la ciudad, Sr. Dinard.
If you like, Mr. and Mrs. Tate, we can arrange for one of our officers to come and stay with you.
- Si lo desea, señor y señora Tate, podemos arreglar que uno de nuestros oficiales venga y se quede con ustedes.
But you were there when Mr. O. and Rusty had words, right?
Pero estuviste allí cuando el Sr. O. y Rusty discutieron, ¿ verdad?
Thank you, Mr. Berger, and yes, it does look familiar.
Gracias, señor Berger, y sí, que tiene un aspecto familiar.
You rescued Mr. Lee and you stopped the robbery.
Rescataste al Sr. Lee y evitaste el robo.
You rescued Mr. Lee and you saved the...
Rescataste al Sr. Lee y salvaste el...
And when Mr. Ames found out what you were doing, you and your husband conspired to kill him.
Y cuando el Sr. Ames supo lo que estabas haciendo, usted y su esposo conspiraron para matarlo.
But you have the right to take it, Mr. Summerfeldt, and drop this suit.
Pero usted tiene el derecho de aceptar, Sr. Summerfeldt, y retirar la demanda.
If you like, Watson and I can look into the alleged break-in here while you take Mr. Misraki to the station.
Si quieres, Watson y yo podemos mirar la supuesta entrada con fuerza aquí mientras que llevas al Sr. Misraki a la comisaría.
Mr. President, we are not going to sit here and listen to you argue for your own interests.
Sr. Presidente, no nos vamos a sentar aquí y escuchar argumentos para sus propios intereses.
Just as soon as we've spoken to you and your wife, Mr. Foster.
Tan pronto como hablemos con usted y su esposa, señor Foster.
Hey, fool, this is Mr. T, and I pity you if you don't leave a message for Hayley.
Oye, tonto, aquí Mr. T y me das lastima si no dejas un mensaje para Hayley.
Lascelles, do you not think Mr Norrell has the grave and sober bearing of a scholar?
¿ Lascelles, no crees que el Sr. Norrell tiene el grave y sobrio porte de un estudioso?
My lords, ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you my dear friend, the saviour of English magic, the magician of Hanover Square, Mr Norr-ell!
Mis señores, damas y caballeros, Permítanme presentarles a mi querido amigo, el salvador de la magia inglesa, el mago de Hanover Square, el Sr. Norrell.
First of all, Mr. Prime Minister, on behalf of the ministers and would like to express its You our heartfelt condolences on this tragedy.
En primer lugar, Sr. Primer Ministro, en nombre de los Ministros y el mío... quiero expresar nuestras profundas condolencias por esta tragedia.
According to our information, Mr. Lambert, you owe Hector a quarter million dollars and he doesn't believe...
De acuerdo a nuestra información, Señor Lambert, Usted le debe a Hector un cuarto de millón de dólares y el no cree... - ¿ Qué?
And good afternoon to you, Mr. Barbara.
Y buenas tardes a usted, señor Barbara.
Mr. Griffin, did you or did you not distribute alcohol and marijuana to minors?
Sr. Griffin, ¿ distribuyó o no alcohol y marihuana a menores?
Mr. Castle, I will thank you and your ridiculous allegations to wait outside.
Señor Castle, le agradecería que usted y sus ridículas acusaciones esperen fuera.
And then, Mr. Durst, did you in fact get your head up?
¿ Y entonces se aclaró, señor Durst?
Me and Mr Sander have got you a little gift.
El Sr. Sander y yo te hemos comprado un regalo.
Mr. Hanna, I'd like you and Ms. Blye to handle the crime scene.
Sr. Hanna, me gustaría que usted y la Srta. Blye se ocuparan de la escena del crimen.
And I have a plan for you, Mr. Callen.
Y tengo un plan para ti, Sr. Callen.
Spend a little time with us, Mr. Tull, and you'll find that it's just another day at the office around here.
Si pasa un tiempo con nosotros, Sr. Tull, verá que es un día como cualquier otro.
The only thing I'm seeing out here is you, me and Mr. Happy.
Lo único que veo es a usted, a mí y al Sr. Feliz.
You said that. And please tell Mr. Fremer that I do not accept that explanation.
Y por favor, decirle al señor Fremer que no acepto esa explicación.
But the blame for that lies not with Mr Higgins, rather it lies with you, Mr Wood, and your employer, Mr Bray.
La culpa no es del Sr. Higgins... sino suya, Sr. Wood. y de su empleador, el Sr. Bray.
Yeah, does Mr. Clean want to tell me exactly what the fuck happened between you and Anderson today?
Sí, ¿ quiere el Sr. Don Limpio contarme exactamente qué coño ha pasado hoy entre tú y Anderson?
Between Se Gi and Mr. Cha, do you, perhaps...
Entre Se Gi y el Sr. Cha, tú tal vez...
If you appeal a charm that Mr. Cha has and you don't have, you can earn more points.
Si muestras un encanto que Mr. Cha tiene y tú no, puedes ganar más puntos.
When you cause trouble and and disappear it's the end for you, but Mr. Cha does his best cleaning up the aftermath of that.
Cuando causas problemas y desapareces termina para ti... pero el Sr. Cha hace lo mejor para limpiar las consecuencias.
Mr. Shin always threatened me to kill you and he constantly didn't listen to me.
El Sr. Shin siempre me amenazaba con matarte y nunca me escuchaba.
The reason you want to find out about your past... And the reason you feel excited about the process... Is that all because of Mr. Cha Do Hyun?
¿ La razón por la que quieres buscar en tu pasado... la razón por la que estás emocionada mientras buscas en tu pasado... es Cha Do Hyung?
Although the contract with me and Mr. Cha was terminated, but the deal between you and me has nothing to do with that.
Aunque el contrato entre el Sr. Cha y yo terminó... el trato entre tú y yo no tiene nada que ver.
For me, who was abandoned in the basement I fear of, Mr. Cha, who came to look for me every night while putting his life on the line, You were my savior and hope.
Para mí que fui abandonada en el sótano que temía... el Sr. Cha, que vino a verme cada noche arriesgando su vida... fuiste mi salvador y esperanza.
- As for you, Mr. Cha, don't ever dream nightmares and cry.
- En cuanto a ti, Sr. Cha... no tengas pesadillas y no llores.
- And you're Mr. Thompson?
- ¿ Y usted es el Sr. Thompson?
You need to tell me exactly what happened with Mr. Bainbridge so I can do my job and make sure you win.
Tiene que contarme exactamente qué pasó con el señor Bainbridge para que pueda hacer mi trabajo y asegurarme de que gane.
You rescued Matty at Mr. PHHS, and then even though I came up to that mountain to be with you, you couldn't resist getting involved with him and Eva.
Rescataste a Matty al Sr. Instituto Palos Hills, y entonces incluso aunque fui a la montaña para ir contigo, no pudiste resistirte a meterte entre él y Eva.
Thank you, and another one for my friend, Mr...?
- Gracias. - Y otra para mi amigo, ¿ el Sr...?
Yes, sir, Mr. Bentley, how do you feel that fracking affects our community and the safety of our sensitive coastal environment?
Sí. Sr. Bentley, ¿ cómo cree que afecta la fractura hidráulica a la comunidad...? ... ¿ y la seguridad de nuestro sensible medio ambiente costero?
Mr. Vice President, I need to get you and your staff on the roof and ready for evac.
Sr. Vicepresidente, necesito que suba a la azotea con su equipo, listos para evacuar.
It would mean a great deal to both of them if you could exert your authority and postpone the execution of Mr. Ahmadi until... uh, if-if you... until at least...
Significaría un excelente acuerdo para ambos si usted pudiera ejercer su autoridad y posponer la ejecución del señor Ahmadi hasta... si usted, hasta al menos...
Mr. and Mrs. Parks, I'm sorry, I have bad news to share with you.
Señor y señora Parks, lo lamento, tengo malas noticias para darles.
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your family 21
you and your brother 31
you and your wife 27
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your family 21
you and your brother 31
you and your wife 27
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your friend 16
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i together 16
you and i both know that 16
you and dad 20
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i together 16
you and i both know that 16
you and dad 20
you and 111
you and your 24
you and her 39
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and him 50
you and you 80
and mrs 1140
and mr 568
you and your 24
you and her 39
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and him 50
you and you 80
and mrs 1140
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