You and you traduction Espagnol
1,487,062 traduction parallèle
We need to do something, and we need to do it now. - I don't care what you have tonight.
- No me importa.
And Stephanie might not talk to you, but I know she won't talk to me.
Stephanie tal vez no hable contigo, pero seguro no hablará conmigo. Bien.
- I know that you didn't feel valued at Pearson Specter, and I wanted to apologize for my part in that.
- Sé que no te sentiste valorada en Pearson Specter, y quiero disculparme por mi parte en eso.
You have... the nerve to fire me and then come here and accuse me of breaking attorney-client privilege?
Tienen el descaro de despedirme, ¿ y ahora me acusas de violar el secreto profesional entre cliente y abogado?
- What do you mean, it worked? - I got a number, and it's good.
- Tengo una cifra... y es buena.
Which means you need to convince Mr. Reyes to turn this down and keep looking.
O sea que debes convencer al señor Reyes de que rechace esto y sigan buscando.
- And you convince them...
- Convéncelo...
The truth is, I usually take the first hour to offer you a glass of champagne and try to get to know you anyway.
La verdad es que en la primera hora le ofrezco una copa de champaña y trato de conocerla.
And that little trick you played in the courtroom today?
Y ese pequeño truco que hiciste hoy en el tribunal,
I want my clients back, and I want the 30 million in billables that come along with them, hand-delivered... by you.
Quiero a mis clientes de regreso y quiero los 30 millones facturables que vienen con ellos. Entregados personalmente por ti.
And this is a fight that you cannot win.
Y es una pelea que no pueden ganar.
I got an offer for more money than I'll see my whole life, and you want me to turn it down based on a feeling that whatever happened to Chris
Tengo una oferta por más dinero del que he visto en toda mi vida, ¿ y quieres que la rechace porque crees que lo que le pasó a Chris
And if you take this deal, you're never gonna get the answers you want.
Y si acepta este trato, nunca va a obtener las respuestas que quiere.
- and then you backed out. - I told you,
Porque tú tomaste mi caso y después te echaste para atrás.
But what you don't know is that after they did, a lawyer... came to my grandmother and made her an offer.
Lo que no sabe es que después de que murieron, un abogado fue con mi abuela y le hizo una oferta.
And I am telling you, she regretted that for the rest of her life.
Y le puedo decir que ella se arrepintió el resto de su vida.
- And you think turning this down will do that.
Y crees que rechazar esto lo logrará.
- From what I hear, you need to spend less time talking and more time looking over your firm.
Por lo que escuché, debes pasar menos tiempo hablando - y más cuidando a tu bufete.
- And you said if I needed help doing that to let you know.
- Dijiste que si necesitaba ayuda te avisara.
- You're gonna go back to finding out who's feeding them inside information, and you two are gonna figure out who they're coming after first.
Seguirás buscando quién les da la información interna. Y los dos pensarán tras quién irán primero.
- And when I can't and I have to go back and tell Oscar that we can't move forward with this... that's gonna be on you.
Y cuando no pueda, ¿ le digo a Oscar que no podemos seguir adelante? Eso será tu culpa.
- Because you took me in. - I'm a part of this firm now, and if I do this, I'm not sure what's gonna come of it.
Ahora soy parte de este bufete, y si hago esto, no sé qué vaya a resultar.
- You go over there and do this, you sure as hell better make it work.
Si vas allá y lo haces, será mejor que te asegures de que funcione.
And not just what I did. What you did.
Y no solo lo que yo hice, también lo que tú hiciste.
- I let this shit go, and it comes back and hits you in the ass.
Si dejo esto, regresará y te golpeará el trasero.
- I think you probably went in there and said something like, " You're gonna drop these lawsuits
Creo que tal vez entraste ahí y dijiste algo como :
"and you're gonna forget about coming after any of our clients."
"Vas a retirar esas demandas y te olvidarás de perseguir a cualquiera de nuestros clientes".
If you wanna drop everything right now and plan the wedding and the honeymoon and start picking out baby names, then that's what we'll do.
Si quieres dejar todo ahora mismo y planear la boda, la luna de miel y empezar a escoger nombres de bebé, pues eso es lo que haremos.
Why don't you go home and get some rest?
Vine a decirte que se acabó. Ve a casa y descansa.
You had faith in me, and I never found out who it was...
- Tú me ascendiste. Tuviste fe en mí y no descubrí quién fue. Te decepcioné.
- Donna, you haven't let me down in 12 years, and you didn't start now.
Donna, no me decepcionaste en 12 años y no vas a empezar ahora.
You called Tommy Bratton and gave him the roadmap to me and Louis, and I wanna know why.
Llamaste a Tommy Bratton y le dijiste todo sobre mí y sobre Louis, y quiero saber por qué.
And whether you like hearing it or not, Harvey, nothing unites a divided house
Y aunque no te guste escucharlo, nada une más a una casa dividida que un ataque del exterior.
- That doesn't mean you pick up the phone and call him.
Eso no significa que tenías que llamarlo.
I didn't like the way I was treated on my way out the door, and if he wanted to get to you, he should play you against Louis.
No me gustó la forma en que me trataron cuando me fui. Si quería atacarte, debería ponerte contra Louis.
- Jessica, I called you for advice, not so that you'd go behind the scenes - and manipulate things.
Jessica, te pedí un consejo, no era para que actuaras tras bambalinas y manipularas todo.
And now they know you are, and they're behind you for the next time.
Lo estás. Y ahora saben que lo estás y están detrás de ti por primera vez.
- And what I want is gonna take some time, because, Dad, you were right.
Y lo que quiero va a tomar tiempo porque tenías razón.
- Well, Katrina told me that you said something once that I was afraid I'd never hear, and...
Katrina dijo que una vez dijiste algo, y tenía miedo de no oírlo jamás.
And that you're proud of me.
Y que estabas orgulloso de mí.
As soon as, uh, it was done and over, "Thank you very much,"
Al terminar una historia, pasaba a la siguiente.
Those objects hold that energy and they twist you... and turn you in the wind, and you start asking, you know, " What was...?
Estos objetos retienen esa energía y te cambian, te ponen a contramarea, y empiezas a preguntar : " ¿ Qué sucedió? ¿ Qué pasó?
You felt like you were an individual with her and she was, like, encouraging you to bloom as a person.
Podías ser tú misma con ella y te animaba a florecer como persona.
You know, "I'm barely gonna survive sitting through hours of Romeo and Juliet."
Apenas voy a sobrevivir a largas horas de lectura de Romeo y Julieta ".
When you're an adolescent and you're a girl, that resonates with you.
Cuando eres adolescente y eres mujer, eso se queda contigo.
You'd see them in the hallway and you see them at different places together.
Las veías en los pasillos, en diferentes lugares juntas.
We ducked down and, you know, trying not to giggle.
Nos agachamos y tratamos de no reírnos.
They responded rather rapidly, secured the area and told us, you know, "Hey, don't go in, don't touch nothing."
Vinieron rápido, aseguraron el área, y nos dijeron : "No entren, no toquen nada".
And somewhere... Somewhere back in here, you go back about 25, 30 yards, and there's the Little Patuxent River, and that's where her body was found.
Y por algún lugar de aquí, si avanzas de 23 a 24 metros, ahí está el río Little Patuxent, donde encontraron su cadáver.
They wander off, you know, and... And, usually, nothing comes of it.
Se van y, normalmente, no hay nada extraño.
And they kept coming to us, " Did you hear anything?
Nos preguntaban constantemente :
you and your sister 16
you and your family 21
you and your brother 31
you and your wife 27
you and your friend 16
you and your friends 27
you and your husband 19
you and your 24
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and your family 21
you and your brother 31
you and your wife 27
you and your friend 16
you and your friends 27
you and your husband 19
you and your 24
you and me 2253
you and me both 228