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You haven't told her traduction Espagnol

252 traduction parallèle
I haven't told you I'll walk out of her and spill your racket to the newspapers.
Y que delataré tus tejemanejes a la prensa.
But Dr. LeBarron, you haven't told us what to do for her.
Doctor, no nos ha dicho qué hacer.
Young man, why haven't you told me about her before?
¿ Por qué nunca me había hablado de ella?
- I told you, my dad is dead. Mom is in real estate but I haven't seen her in six years.
- Te lo he dicho, papá está muerto, y en cuanto a mi madre,
- You haven't told her you're leaving?
- ¿ No le has dicho que te ibas?
I told you, I haven't even met her, but I'd kind of like to marry her.
Te digo que ni la conozco. Aunque me casaría con ella.
I just told you I haven't seen Her since last night.
Le he dicho que no la he visto desde anoche.
Haven't I told you never to leave her alone in the dark?
Le dije que no la dejara sola a oscuras.
I haven't seen her all morning, your excellency she'll turn up here you are, your excellency as I told you, now you're as fit as a fiddle again after the sweating cure and the tea made of cucumber peel
En toda la mañana no la he visto, Excelencia. Ya vendrá... Bien..., Excelencia como yo le había dicho, ya está Ud. otra vez como pez en el agua.
Haven't you told me that you're expecting her tonight?
¿ No me has dicho que esta noche la esperas aquí?
- Haven't you told her?
- ¿ No se lo ha dicho?
- Haven't you told her about my offer?
- ¿ No le ha hablado de mi oferta? - ¡ Oh, sí!
Mesquita, haven't you told her yet?
- ¿ EI amigo Mesquita no Ie contó nada?
I won't give you any of the usual alibis as to why I haven't told you about her before.
No pienso usar ninguna de las típicas excusas de por qué no te he hablado antes de ella.
Maud, you haven't told her.
Maud, ¿ cómo pudiste?
Haven't you any sense at all? - I told him to catch her.
Yo le dije que la atrapara.
I told you I haven't seen nor heard of her...
Ya le dije que ni la había visto ni sabía nada de ella.
You haven't told her?
¿ No se lo has dicho?
Listen, you have told her to write, haven't you?
Oye, has sido tú quien le ha dicho que me escriba, ¿ no es cierto?
- You haven't told her anything?
- ¿ No se lo ha dicho? - Todavía no.
Then... you haven't told her any of this yet?
Entonces... ¡ ¿ aún no le has dicho nada de esto? !
She told me that you and her haven't made it together for over a year.
Me dijo que ustedes dos no han hecho el amor en más de un año.
I haven't told her what you told me.
No le he dicho nada de lo que me has contado.
You guys have screwed her nine times... and you haven't even told me?
¿ Se la han jodido nueve veces, y ni siquiera me dijeron?
- You haven't told her yet?
- ¿ No le has puesto al corriente?
You haven't told her about us, have you?
- ¿ Pero qué dices? ¿ No le habrás contado Io nuestro?
Lieutenant, you still haven't told me how you found her.
Teniente, aún no me dijo cómo la encontró.
You haven't told her, have you?
No se lo has dicho, ¿ verdad?
You haven't told her everything, have you, Dad?
No le habrás contado todo, ¿ verdad, papá?
Roger, don't tell me you haven't told her?
Roger, ¿ no me digas que no le has dicho?
But you haven't told us anything about her condition.
¡ Pero aún no nos ha dicho nada sobre su estado!
- You haven't told her yet?
- Así que, ¿ aún no se lo habías dicho?
Ni le dijiste a Laurie lo que sientes por ella.
But you haven't told me how we're gonna get her back. Where is she?
Pero no me has dicho cómo vamos a recuperarla. ¿ Dónde está?
What do you mean you haven't told her?
¿ Cómo que no se lo has dicho?
- Sure you haven't told her yet?
- ¿ Seguro que no le dijiste nada?
And you haven't told her?
¿ Y no se lo has dicho?
Why haven't you told her?
¿ Por qué no le habías dicho?
- You mean you haven't told her?
- ¿ No se lo has dicho?
You still haven't told her.
- Aún no le dices a ella.
- I haven't told you her middle name yet.
- No te dije el segundo nombre.
Why haven't you told her that Marvin was her real father?
¿ Por qué no le has dicho que Marvin era su verdadero padre?
- So why haven't you told her?
¿ Y por qué no se lo ha dicho?
You haven't told her have you?
No se lo habéis dicho.
- You haven't told her?
¿ No se lo has dicho?
You haven't told her? Why?
¿ Por qué no se lo has dicho?
Why haven't you told Julie, you know, that you love her?
¿ Por qué no le has dicho a Julie que la amas?
- You haven't told her.
- No se lo dijiste.
But you still haven't told her how you feel
Pero aun no le has dicho lo que sientes
If you love Pooja so much, why haven't you told her?
Si tanto quieres a Pooja, ¿ por qué no se lo has dicho?
You haven't told her that you're working on this, have you?
¿ Aún no le has dicho que trabajas en esto?

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