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You really did it traduction Espagnol

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You really did it.
Realmente lo hiciste.
You really did it!
¡ Realmente lo lograste!
Yeah, you really did it.
Sí, realmente lo hiciste.
You really did it.
Realmente lo hizo.
So you really did it!
De verdad lo hicisteis!
You really did it this time, Will.
Es un corte muy profundo... pero tiene arreglo. Esta vez lo ha logrado, Will.
You really did it this time, Bishop.
Esta vez lo lograste, Bishop.
You really did it?
Lo hice.
So you really did it, huh?
¿ Entonces de verdad lo hiciste?
You really did it. "
Lo has conseguido ".
Did you really just write it?
¿ Es realmente la última frase en la hoja?
You did it all the way. You were really a hero.
Fuiste un verdadero héroe.
All right, now you guys really did it.
Cometieron un error.
I heard from some of the technical advisors stories about the air cavalry that were real, that would serve my fulfilling fiction, that they really did, you know, like, for instance, a guy would go into his helicopter in North Vietnam and try to hook a bicycle and steal it with the runner.
Algunos asesores técnicos me contaron historias de la Caballería Aérea que eran reales que eran útiles para mi ficción plena, por ejemplo, un tipo subía a su helicóptero en Vietnam del Norte y trataba de enganchar una bicicleta y robarla con la alfombrilla.
You know what really turned me on? I mean, what really did it?
¿ Sabes qué es lo que me ha excitado de verdad?
Did you really mean it about getting married?
¿ Fue en serio lo que dijiste sobre nuestro casamiento?
Did you really think it was so special?
¿ Realmente creíste que fue tan especial?
I thought you were joking but you really did do it.
Pensé que inventabas las historias. Pero realmente lo hiciste.
- Really? - Did you get it?
- ¿ Lo conseguiste?
It wasn't until that moment, when I came so close to death that I realized you really did have a divine connection.
Fue en ese momento en el que estuve tan cerca de la muerte cuando me di cuenta de que realmente tiene poderes divinos.
If something like that did happen, it would really be a drag because there are a lot of things I wanna tell you and say to you.
Si ocurriera algo así, sería desafortunado... porque son muchas las cosas que quiero decirte.
So I did, you know, and it looks really good.
Así que lo hice, sabes, y luce realmente bien.
I mean, did you really think I would fall for it?
¿ Realmente creíste que me lo creería?
Did you really think you'd get away with it, Cory?
¿ De verdad crees que te saldrías con la suya, Cory?
Did you really think I hadn't figured out... what it was about you and Superman?
¿ De verdad crees que no me había dado cuenta de tu relación con Supermán?
You really did it.
Lo hiciste.
You didn't tell him... so how did he know it was really wires?
Si tú no se lo dijiste, ¿ cómo supo que eran alambres?
You didn't really mean it when you said our scoundrel days were behind us, did you?
¿ No hablabas en serio al decir que se acabaron... las trampas?
But the first time that you tried something... that was really important to you, to us... and it didn't work out, what did you do?
Pero la primera vez que intentaste algo... que era realmente importante para tí, para nosotros... y no funcionó, qué hiciste?
Did you really think it would be?
¿ Creíste que lo tendría?
Come on, Mike. You really believe that girl did it on purpose?
Vamos, Mike. ¿ Crees que esa chica lo hizo a propósito?
I want to tell you, and I will tell you how the meeting went... but I really just can't talk about it, now! Did you feel like you made all your points?
¿ Sentiste que expresaste todos los puntos?
Did you really mean it about turning in your resignation?
¿ Hablabas en serio sobre entregar tu dimisión?
You think the boy really did it?
¿ Crees que lo hizo el chico?
- Charles, did you really find it?
- ¿ Charles, realmente lo encontraste?
Even if I did get together with him, and this isn't saying I did or anything, but if I did, y'know that it wouldn't actually mean anything, I mean y'know that I really only love you,
Incluso si hubiera estado con él, y no estoy diciendo que haya estado con él, pero si lo hubiera estado, sabes que no significaría nada para mí, quiero decir que tú sabes que sólo te quiero a tí,
That trick you did with my wallet, it was really something.
El truco que hiciste con mi billetera, es de verdad algo grande.
They might think that you made your decision on information you really had, and I think perhaps you did let it influence you just a teeny bit, didn't you?
Creerá que tomó su decisión en base a la información que realmente conocía, y creo que tal vez dejó que le influyera ni que fuera sólo un poquitín... ¿ No fue así?
They might think that you made your decision on information you really had, and I think perhaps you did let it influence you just a teeny bit, didn't you?
Pensarían que tomó su decisión con información que sí tenía. Y creo que quizá dejó que lo influenciara un poquito, ¿ no?
I really think that it would be a very good thing if you just did something about that musk oil...
Realmente creo que sería una buena idea si hicieras algo con ese aceite de musk...
Paolo, I really hate you for what you did, but I still have five of these so heat it at 375 until the cheese bubbles.
Te odio por lo que le hiciste a Rachel Pero aún tengo cinco lasañas caliéntalas hasta que el queso se derrita.
You really did, but then you blew it.
- De verdad, pero lo has estropeado.
Forgiveness means that when you did something really wrong, you want somebody to tell you... that it wasn't really, really wrong, when you know what you did was wrong because you did it!
"Perdón" significa que cuando has hecho algo malo, quieres que alguien te diga que no fue tan, tan malo, aunque tú sabes que lo fue, ¡ porque lo hiciste tú!
- Did you eat it, really?
- Lo comiste realmente?
Do you really think Billy did it?
¿ Crees de veras que ha sido Billy?
You really did like it.
En verdad te gustó.
It really gets to the mother, did it get to you?
Realmente molesta a la madre, ¿ le molestaba a usted?
You know, Ray, it's a really great thing you did.
Sabes, Ray, fue algo grandioso lo que hiciste.
And everybody in town is convinced that she's crazy and she killed her daddy when really you did it, didn't you?
Y todos estos años todo el pueblo ha estado convencido de que está loca y mató a su papá cuando fuiste tú, ¿ verdad?
You really did. And I appreciate it.
De veras que sí, y te agradezco.
- Did you really like it that much?
¿ De veras te gustaba mucho?

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