Your career traduction Espagnol
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Your career's taking off.
Tu carrera está despegando.
I bet you're regretting your career choice about now?
¿ Apuesto a que ahora lamentas la carrera que elegiste?
I just wanna put a bag over your career choices.
es solo que quisiera tapar con una bolsa tu carrera.
I have followed your career since you won Miss Long Beach. Oh.
He seguido tu carrera desde que ganaste Miss Long Beach.
I mean, if you get caught, your career is over.
Quiero decir, si te cogen, tu carrera está acabada.
Oh, well... [Laughs] you wanted help--you want help with your career, you are on Skype with the right person.
Bueno... querías ayuda... quieres ayuda con tu carrera, estás en Skype con la persona correcta.
It's not gonna ruin your life or end your career.
No va a arruinar tu vida o terminar con tu carrera.
Which is you and your career.
Tú y tu carrera.
Your career is not over.
Su carrera no ha terminado.
Look, even if you were found innocent, indictment would have ended your career at the FBI because of me.
Mira, aunque te encontraran inocente, la acusación habría acabado con tu carrera en el FBI por mi culpa.
Marshall was just trying to fix the public relations nightmare that your career had become.
Marshall solo trataba de arreglar la pesadilla de relaciones públicas en que se había convertido tu carrera.
Your career and achievements are are exceptional.
Lo que has logrado es algo excepcional.
Putting your career in perspective.
Poner tu carrera en perspectiva.
And that, Henrietta, will be the end of your career.
Y eso, Henrietta, será el fin de tu carrera.
Be happy your career's not over.
Alégrense de que su carreras no se hayan acabado.
Just like your career prospects.
Como tus perspectivas de carrera.
And if you just ignore all of them, your career is over before it starts.
Y si los ignoras, tu carrera está acabada antes de empezar.
I'm not sure how things work here, but does that mean that your career is in my hands?
No estoy seguro de cómo funcionan las cosas aquí, pero, ¿ no significa eso que tu carrera está en mis manos?
I say piss off Holt, so we get to watch your career end right in front of us.
Yo digo que le den a Holt, así podemos ver tu carrera terminar delante de nuestros ojos.
If Gabby asked you to put your career on hold and move to Denver, would you do that?
Si Gabby te pidiera que dejaras tu carrera y te mudaras a Denver, ¿ qué harías?
But I cannot, um, be the guy that makes you put your career on hold.
Pero no puedo ser el tipo culpable de que dejes tu carrera a un lado.
If you report a U.F.O. incident in the Air Force, that's the end of your career.
Si reportas un incidente con un OVNI en la Fuerza Aérea, será el fin de tu carrera.
Your career, not mine.
Es tu carrera, no la mía.
I mean, seriously, what are you doing about your career?
Digo, en serio, ¿ qué estás haciendo por tu carrera?
I just made your career tonight, okay, kiddo?
Solo lancé tu carrera hoy ¿ vale, chico?
Your career looks immaculate.
Su trayectoria parece impecable.
It could make a jury think differently about you, and that could end your career...
Podría hacer que un jurado cambiara su opinión de ti, y eso podría acabar con tu carrera...
Now when your career destroys this relationship, we're both gonna feel horrible.
Ahora cuando su carrera destroce esta relación, ambos nos vamos a sentir fatal.
Hey, Fusco, want to know your fortune? Huh? "You will be unusually successful at your career."
Oye, Fusco, ¿ quieres saber cuál será tu fortuna? "Tendrás un éxito excepcional en tu carrera".
- I am. And let me be crystal clear... Your eyeballs wander one millimeter from those sons of bitches, and you can kiss your career in government goodbye.
Así es y déjame ser claro como el cristal... tus ojos se mueven un milímetro de esos hijos de puta y puedes decirle adiós a tu carrera para gobernador.
You have a real opportunity to reclaim your life, your career, to recover your reputation on the very case that brought you considerable disrepute.
Tiene una oportunidad real de recuperar su vida, su carrera, de recuperar su reputación en un caso que le trajo considerable descrédito.
The moment you are selected, you have the rest of your career made for you.
En el momento en que eres seleccionado, el resto de tu carrera está hecho.
He said, "it's time to chase your music career!"
Dijo, "¡ es hora de perseguir tu carrera musical!"
Your career's on the line.
¿ Qué pasa aquí?
That may be so, but it wouldn't look good for your political career, would it?
Puede que así sea. Pero no sería bueno para su carrera política, ¿ verdad?
We know Professor Katz was trying to have you expelled from the college, and I imagine your family have great expectations of your medical career.
Sabemos que el Profesor Katz estaba intentando que fuese expulsado de la universidad, e imagino que su familia tiene grandes esperanzas en su carrera médica.
Your investigation cost him his career.
Tu investigación le costó su carrera.
I was just telling your parents that, uh, despite all these trophies, being mayor of bluebell is the highlight of my career.
Solo les decía a tus padres que a pesar de todos los trofeos, ser el alcalde es lo más importante de mi carrera.
This isn't just the first day of your new job, it's the first day of your new career!
Hoy no solo es vuestro primer día de trabajo, ¡ es el primer día de vuestra carrera profesional!
Kimmie, a career's not gonna butter your crumpet.
Kimmie, la trayectoria no te convertirá en tía buena.
Kristin, listen, this move is gonna be great for your PTA career.
Kristin, escucha, esta movida será genial... para tu trayectoria en PMA.
Can't I just sit back and mock people - who say things like "your PTA career"? - No...
¿ No puedo solo sentarme atrás y burlarme de la gente... que dice cosas como "tu trayectoria en PMA"?
My guess is that you have a dark and stormy cloud over your head, over an otherwise spotless career.
Mi conjetura es que usted tiene una nube oscura y tormentosa sobre su cabeza, a través de una carrera de otra manera impecable.
My brothers, your sons, my career?
¿ Mis hermanos, tus hijos, mi carrera?
You are one of 10,000 beautiful boys here in New York City, and the word that you will hear more than any other during your brief career... will be... "no."
Eres uno de los 10.000 chicos lindos en la Ciudad de Nueva York y la palabra que más escucharás más que ninguna otra en tu corta carrera... será un... "no".
You and I should set a time to talk about your budding solo career.
Tú y yo deberíamos fijar una fecha para hablar sobre tu carrera en solitario.
You will be grateful that you didn't jeopardize your whole career for a fling.
Agradecerá no haber puesto en peligro su carrera por una aventura.
And someone to save your failing political career.
Y alguien que salvara tu carrera política en declive.
Enjoy your mediocre coaching career.
Disfruta tu mediocre carrera de entrenador.
This accusation could derail your entire career.
Esa acusación podría arruinar toda tu carrera.
- Your political career will be over!
- ¡ Su carrera política estará acabada!
career 87
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your mum 57
your majesty 3240
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your dad 423
your mum 57
your majesty 3240
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your dad 423
your mind 60
your brother 593
your father called 16
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your friend 527
your hand 189
your brother 593
your father called 16
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your friend 527
your hand 189