And dropping traduction Français
855 traduction parallèle
A bunch of us came over here in'29 to fly planes, and some of the fellows are still flyin'planes and dropping bombs on the same people I'm working for.
Certains parmi nous sont arrivés ici en 1929 comme pilotes et il y en a qui pilotent toujours, et qui lâchent des bombes sur les gens pour qui je travaille.
I seem to remember running out there and dropping the gun in the driveway.
Je me rappelle avoir laissé tomber le revolver dans l'entrée.
And dropping a sling on Kayo Dugan... because he was ready to spill his guts tomorrow... that's a crucifixion!
Et lâcher une charge sur Kayo Dugan... parce qu'il était prêt à cracher le morceau demain... c'est une crucifixion!
N.Y. 32 to N.Y. 19, in control and dropping.
N.Y. 32 à N.Y. 19, le suspect a été aperçu.
Buzz, we're losing altitude, 1800 and dropping.
Nous sommes en dessous de 600 m.
I'm sick and tired of running Miss Priss all around..... buying her grilled lobster and dropping her off at midnight sharp.
Ben, j'en ai drôlement marre de trimbaler, mademoiselle la Bêcheuse! De lui filer du homard grillé, de la reconduire à sa porte sur le coup de minuit!
Five feet and dropping.
Cinq pieds, on débarque.
People are dropping like flies from hunger and cholera.
Les gens meurent de faim et du choléra.
It was awful to see him down there, twisting and diving... crippled, always dropping.
C'était affreux de le voir, tourbillonner et plonger... handicapé, et tomber.
We'll be dropping her back again in the morning, and then I'll head back and pick up that little girl with the golden locks, eh?
On va le remettre en marche demain matin et on ira chercher la fille aux boucles dorées, hein?
It seems that somebody around here's dropping sand bags on the leading lady's dome and trying to cut her up with broken glass.
Quelqu'un ferait tomber des trucs sur la tête de la dame et aurait tenté de la couper avec un miroir cassé.
They're dropping in and out all the time.
Ils valsent en permanence.
It's her first offense and she's shown remorse, so we're dropping the charges.
C'est la première fois et elle semble repentante. On passe l'éponge.
I'm dropping in at the clinic and have a tour about before I turn in.
Je dois passer à la clinique avant de rentrer.
- And, uh, thanks for dropping in.
- Merci d'être passée.
People keep dropping in and out of here.
On n'arrête pas d'aller et venir ici.
Keep on the left, and start dropping after you pass that second peak.
Lâchez-la après avoir passé la seconde crête.
But when I hear them machine guns a-going and all them fellows are dropping around me, I figured that them guns was killing hundreds, maybe thousands, and there weren't nothing anybody could do, but to stop them guns.
Là-haut, quand j'ai vu les copains tomber, je me suis dit que ces mitrailleuses allaient en tuer des milliers.
- But that's not all, Grandfather. It seems, from what I could gather, that Mrs. Asterbrook, of the Asterbrooks... who was sitting at an adjoining table... resented bitterly the idea of Henry dropping a nickel into her décolletage... and complaining to the management because no chocolate bar dropped out of Mrs. Asterbrook.
J'ai cru comprendre que Mme Asterbrook se serait formalisée du fait qu'Henry ait introduit une pièce de 5 F dans son décolleté et qu'il se soit plaint de ne pas voir venir du chocolat.
The dropping of grenades and hand bombs... led to a new and terrible instrument of war-the bomber.
Le largage de grenades et de bombes à main permit l'apparition d'un nouvel avion de guerre, le bombardier.
- Thank you very much, Mr. Henry. And be sure and tell Al that I said that I'll be dropping in on him one day.
Dites à Al que je passerai un de ces...
The fellow'll put an end to his pain and nightmare fantasies either by blowing his brains out or dropping himself out of a window.
Il mettra fin à ses douleurs et cauchemars en se faisant sauter la cervelle ou en se jetant par la fenêtre.
Two squadrons dropping high explosives... followed by two squadrons at minimum interval... to smother the entire target area... with rockets and machine gun fire.
Deux escadrilles de bombardiers... et puis des chasseurs... pour mitrailler l'ensemble du secteur visé.
I'll go on and on dropping platters, putting hot water bottles into cold beds, and having Wednesday afternoon off in the village, - where the cinema opens only at night.
Mettre la table et des bouillottes dans les lits, sortir l'après-midi alors que le cinéma ouvre le soir.
And another thing, frankly I don ´ t want to be within 1000 miles of that city or any city when they start dropping those bombs.
Et, honnêtement... je ne voudrais pas être près de cette ville, ou d'une autre... quand les bombes commenceront à tomber.
I think you'd be better off dropping this bitterness and forgetting the past.
Arrêtez d'être aigrie, oubliez le passé.
We're gonna do some egg-dropping over Germany, and I'm the belly gunner!
On va lâcher des œufs sur l'Allemagne et je serai le mitrailleur ventral!
Mme Remy was so taken by surprise by this inaccurate report and alarmed at dropping her dishes that she spoke in haste.
.. la surprise d'une nouvelle, d'ailleurs inexacte, n'a pu.. .. garder le contrôle de son langage. Ses paroles ont trahi sa pensée.
The deadly organisms were there. There was no protection against them, and yet a small percentage of people lived on, as we have lived, with the rest of the world of men dropping dead around them.
Il n'y avait aucune protection contre ce virus Et pourtant un petit pourcentage a survécu....
That front's moving fast and the temperature's dropping too.
Le mauvais temps vient vite et la température baisse.
I'm dropping every other project, and there are plenty, believe me.
J'ai abandonné tous mes projets. Et j'en ai, croyez-moi.
Get with Ditson and work out the stuff to be carried for dropping.
Avec Ditson, occupez-vous du matériel à parachuter.
Your husband and every Kiowa in this territory are dropping in on us.
Votre mari et tous les Kiowas du territoire nous tombent dessus.
They're dropping like flies and we can't do anything about it.
Ils crèvent comme des bêtes, et on ne peut rien faire.
Surely they must realise if we can burst those dams and flood the Ruhr valley they can save the thousands of bombs that they're dropping on the factories.
Ils devraient voir que si l'on peut casser les barrages et inonder la vallée de la Ruhr, on pourra économiser les milliers de bombes lâchées sur les usines.
I ain't blaming any man in this squad for dropping out now. But I'm getting back to McKay if I gotta go on my hands and knees.
Je ne peux blâmer ceux qui calent... mais moi, je rentrerai au camp en rampant s'il le faut!
Leave a lot of cars out front, and the drunks will be dropping in all night.
S'ils voient des voitures, les ivrognes débarqueront toute la nuit.
He's all the time dropping stuff and everything.
Il fait toujours tomber des trucs.
Tall, proud, beautiful, cold and untouchable. With regiments of men dropping at my feet.
Que je sois grande, fière et froide avec tous les hommes à mes pieds!
Mr. Cutler said he should have phoned before dropping in... -... and I said, "Perhaps he should have." - Thank you.
M. Cutler disait qu'il aurait dû s'annoncer par téléphone et je lui donnais raison.
And all we've succeeded in doing... Next chart, please. - Is dropping from 10 percent of the market to 7.
Tout ce que nous avons obtenu, c'est de tomber de 10 % à 7 %.
We're crawling around there in the water, and suddenly the Jap boat starts dropping depth charges.
On barbotait, quand les Japs se sont mis... à grenader en profondeur!
You were dropping like a rock, and you believe he'd help you out of it?
Vous tombez comme une pierre. Vous croyez qu'il vous aiderait?
It's almost freezing point, sir, and still dropping.
- Presque zéro, et elle baisse.
- And still dropping.
La ou elle est tombée.
And that, I suppose, is the cat dropping its dentures?
Et ça, je suppose que c'est le chat qui a fait tomber son dentier!
I rented it off Mr. Petrix and... some boys are dropping my trunks round this afternoon.
On livre mes malles cet après-midi.
And would you mind dropping these off at the bank?
Et vous pouvez déposer ça à la banque?
You thought you'd win the war by dropping a few bombs and killing eight Germans?
Comme si ça dépendait d'eux! Vous pensiez faire quoi avec vos bombes et vos 2 Allemands tués? Vous pensiez gagner la guerre?
A fine thing me dropping out of sight for so long and then writing you for a handout.
Je ne reparais que pour te demander de l'argent.
And I didn't want his friends dropping in on me, either.
Je ne voulais pas non plus que ses amis rappliquent.
dropping 24
and daddy 20
and dad 64
and don't come back 66
and dangerous 40
and died 36
and drink 28
and don't worry 302
and don't be late 24
and drunk 16
and daddy 20
and dad 64
and don't come back 66
and dangerous 40
and died 36
and drink 28
and don't worry 302
and don't be late 24
and drunk 16
and down here 16
and don't say 42
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't forget 164
and done 40
and don't call me 18
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and don't say 42
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't forget 164
and done 40
and don't call me 18
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and down 68
and did he 39
and did 22
and do you 86
and do you know what 33
and dinner 20
and don't 39
and david 20
and d 51
and damn it 17
and did he 39
and did 22
and do you 86
and do you know what 33
and dinner 20
and don't 39
and david 20
and d 51
and damn it 17