And did he traduction Français
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And he did for a long time.
Il l'a fait pendant longtemps.
I did and he said that last week was simply an emergency measure and not a part of my treatment.
Je l'ai fait et il a dit que la semaine dernière était juste une mesure d'urgence. et non une partie de mon traitement.
He retired from the police force and became her manager, and he did well for her.
Il a pris sa retraite et est devenu son manager. Il l'a bien aidée.
He did a great job on the first piece, and he gave me this sob story about needing money to support his kid.
Il a fait un super boulot sur la première oeuvre, et il m'a raconté cette histoire triste sur son besoin d'argent pour aider son enfant.
I was in Steven Bash's rec room down in the basement, eating a fried egg and bologna sandwich when he did it. Did what?
J'étais dans la cave de Steven Bash, à manger des oeufs brouillés et un sandwich bologna quand il l'a fait.
And he did finish his paper.
Et il a bien fini son exposé.
Seven of our people got killed on account of what he did, and he knew it.
Sept d'entre nous ont été tués par sa faute.
You made him pay for what he did, and that's a good thing.
Tu lui as fait payer. C'est déjà ça.
He did seven years in Gitmo and was released in 2010.
Il a fait 7 ans a Guantánamo et a été libéré en 2010.
I meant, what Simon did and where he went.
Nous le savons. Je parlais de ce que Simon a fait, où il est parti.
and then... after what he did...
et ensuite... après ce qu'il a fait...
He thinks we did it, and so will the rest of the world.
Il pense qu'on l'a fait, tout comme le reste du monde.
And, in success, he'll be able to undo whatever it is they did to him.
Et en cas de réussite, il pourra corriger ce qu'ils lui ont fait.
I once took him to a Black Eyed Peas concert, and he did not "get it started" in there.
Une fois je l'ai emmené à un concert des Black Eyed Peas, et il n'a pas bougé.
I thought if he tried to leave again and saw that there was nothing keeping him here... that you did trust him, then...
Alors je me suis dit que s'il constatait que rien ne le retenait, que s'il voyait que vous lui faites un peu confiance, alors...
And what did he get in return?
Et qu'a-t'il eu en retour?
However, I did find foreign substances that he recently inhaled in his nostrils and his respiratory system.
Cependant, j'ai trouvé des substances étrangères qu'il a récemment respirées dans son nez et son système respiratoire.
Kai did, and he's going to finish what he started by killing you and every other Gemini.
Kai l'a fait. Et il finira ce qu'il a commencé en te tuant toi et tous les autres Gemini.
I want him caught for what he did and then I want you on my team.
Je veux qu'il soit arrêté pour ce qu'il a fait et après je vous veux dans mon équipe.
Did he really deserve to have the whole mess go public and cost him his job, all because Thomas Kowalski ran a red light?
Méritait-il vraiment que tout ce gâchis soit rendu public et lui coûte son boulot, tout ça parce que Kowalski a franchi la ligne rouge?
He got down on one knee, and he looked up at me, and he did the thing where his eyebrows go up when he's hopeful.
Soixa... - 100 mètres. - C'est ça.
It's just, he did the eyebrow thing again, a-and if you saw it, you'd know. It's really hard.
- And he did the eyebr...
- Y'a pas de boîte aux lettres.
And that's why he went to Julianna for help, and after she did, he tried to kill her.
Il n'est pas normal c'est tout ce que je sais.
Otherwise, he's gonna take us out just like he did with Rebecca and Alistair.
Sinon, il va nous tuer comme il l'a fait avec Rebecca et Alistair.
He wanted to make amends, and he did, not just by saving JT and Heather ; he ultimately saved the whole Ellingsworth family.
Il voulait se rattraper et il l'a fait pas juste en sauvant JT et Heather, il a fini par sauver toute la famille Ellingsworth.
He remarried, but his wife died in an accident, and we did it again.
Il s'est remarié, mais sa femme est morte dans un accident, et on s'est remariés.
And to give him credit, he did. Which brings us here.
Et pour information, il a su ce qui nous ramène ici.
And Dean... did whatever he could to save you.
Et Dean... a fait tout ce qu'il a pu pour te sauver.
I did not mug your child. I confiscated his headphones, and he deserved it.
Je lui ai confisqué ses écouteurs et il le méritait.
So he is discovering all these things that people did for the previous 150,000 years as though... it's new and it's now.
Donc il découvre toutes ces choses que les gens font depuis 150000 ans comme si... c'était nouveau et actuel.
Did he have a motive to break into the simulation and kill Tom?
Avait-il un mobile pour pénétrer dans le simulateur et tuer Tom?
And what did he do?
Et qu'est-ce qu'il a fait?
But he did mess up that "N" word with... ♪ They gave Lucious a case, and he couldn't even bail ♪
Mais il a dérapé avec le mot commençant par "N"... ♪ Ils ont donné une affaire à Lucious à laquelle il ne pouvait écoper ♪
And he did.
Et il l'a fait.
For what he did to my husband and for killing all those other people.
Pour ce qu'il a fait à mon mari et pour avoir tuer tous ces gens.
Mother and me, we pray, and we pray for a way to make him pay for what he did, and you... you are the answer to our prayers.
Mère et moi, nous prions, un moyen pour qu'il paye ce qu'il a fait, et toi... tu es la réponse à nos prières.
I tried to protect myself and he did this.
J'ai essayé de me protéger et il m'a fait ça.
Did he go back and get it?
Il est revenu la prendre?
He took the leap, and I'm so grateful that he did.
Il a fait le grand saut, et je lui en suis très reconnaissant.
This pair of bloody footprints led downstairs to the bathroom, stopped in front of the toilet, and then led back to the body, which means that if Boone did kill himself, he slit his own throat, laid down to die,
Ces empreintes de pieds ensanglantées viennent de la salle de bain, se sont arrêtées devant les toilettes, et après sont retournées au corps, ce qui voudrait dire que si Boone s'était suicidé,
He's been getting on me to stay inside where it's safe, and I'm pretty sure he did this because I wouldn't listen.
Il était sur mon dos pour que je reste à l'intérieur où c'est sûr, et je suis pratiquement sûre qu'il l'a fait parce que je ne voulais pas écouter.
But, guys, how did he lock every window and every door without us noticing?
Comment a t-il bloqué chaque fenêtre et chaque porte sans que nous le remarquions?
Well, why did you use that satanic talking board to tell everyone he cheated on me and that I was the killer?
Pourquoi tu as utilisé la planche satanique pour dire à tout le monde qu'il me trompait et que j'étais la tueuse?
Love France as it is your motherland and love Siam, Why did he come back?
Pourquoi revenir?
I knew what would happen if he went through that gate, and so did he.
Je savais ce qui lui arriverait si il traversait la porte, et lui aussi.
( SPEAKING GERMAN ) - And now what did he say?
Qu'est ce qu'il a dit?
And that's not what he did?
Et lui il n'a pas fait ça?
Now, that being said, I know the warden over there, and he did a spot check on her cell tonight.
Mais je connais le tôlier, il a fouillé sa cellule.
Why did she want a suit? A friend of hers needs it for a wedding, and Mitchell needs to stop dressing like he's in a barbershop quartet. - Oh.
Donc, cette Beth, que je n'ai jamais rencontré, est-elle une de ces filles réelles?
He is her son, and she did come to him for help when she had Adalind and the child.
C'est son fils, et elle est venue lui demander son aide lorsqu'elle était avec Adalind et l'enfant.
and did 22
and did she 20
and did you 118
did he 1350
did he now 35
did he tell you 55
did he die 35
did he just say 44
did he tell you that 56
did he leave 22
and did she 20
and did you 118
did he 1350
did he now 35
did he tell you 55
did he die 35
did he just say 44
did he tell you that 56
did he leave 22
did he hit you 36
did he say 106
did he hurt you 98
did he touch you 28
did he do it 47
did he not 48
did he do something 18
did he say that 53
did he really 22
did he say anything 147
did he say 106
did he hurt you 98
did he touch you 28
did he do it 47
did he not 48
did he do something 18
did he say that 53
did he really 22
did he say anything 147