And she says traduction Français
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Little baby Orla comes twaddling over and she says,
Notre petite Orla viendra bafouiller,
She sees the cake and she says,
Elle voit le gâteau et elle fait :
You see, my daughter goes to your school... and she says that a lot of the top cheerleaders are defecting to the show choir.
Ma fille fréquente votre école. Et elle dit que plusieurs de vos meilleures danseuses ont rejoint la chorale.
- And she says that her mistress...
Et elle dit que sa maitresse...
I just met this cute veterinarian, and she says things like that and then has to explain it, like I am now.
Je sors avec une jolie véto qui dit ce genre de trucs et doit ensuite expliquer. Comme moi.
Listen, there's a Febbie Feelwell from Florida, and she says the r-chop was "very doable."
Une certaine Debbie En Pleine Forme dit que la chimio était très faisable.
Anyway, I get up the nerve to ask her to Winter Formal and she says yes.
J'ai eu le culot de l'inviter au bal et elle a accepté.
So she calls to her mother and she says : " What am I going to do?
Elle va voir sa mère et lui dit : " Que vais-je faire? Je suis énorme, en bas.
- i don't know, her mom says her real dad's just some scumball that she hooked up with, and she's embarrassed she ever slept with him.
Selon sa mère, c'est une ordure avec qui elle a couché et dont elle a honte.
- Wow. - That's not the only baby drama. Terri says she's pregnant, but really she's faking and Mr. Schuester doesn't know.
Dans le même registre, Teri raconte qu'elle est enceinte alors que c'est du pipeau.
I got this witness in a case, right? And she... she says...
J'ai ce témoin dans une affaire, OK?
It says not to call the police, she'll come back and pick her up.
Il dit de ne pas aller à la police. Quelqu'un viendra la chercher.
Says here her flight was due to land a half hour ago and that she's meeting him at the hotel.
Il est écrit ici que son vol a atterri il y a une demi-heure et elle doit le rencontrer à l'hôtel.
My girlfriend broke up with me because, she says, I smoke too much pot and drink too much white wine.
Ma copine m'a quitté, d'après elle, je fume trop d'herbe et je bois trop de vin blanc.
movie show and so you're going could care less about the five you're blowin theater gets dark just to start the show and then you spot a fine woman sitting in your row uh she's dressed in yellow, she says, "hello"
a chick walks by you wish you could sex her but you re standing on the wall like you was poindexter movie show and so you re going could care less about the five you re blowin'theater gets dark just to start the show and then you spot a fine woman sitting in your row she s dressed in yellow she says "hello" "come sit next to me you fine fellow"
reception's jumpin', bass is pumpin look at the girl and your heart starts thumpin'says she wants to dance to a different groove now you know what to do, g, bust a move you want it, you got it, uh
reception s jumpin', bass is pumpin'look at the girl and your heart starts thumpin'says she wants to dance to a different groove now you know what to do, g, bust a move you want it,
Then thus she says, your behavior hath struck her into wonder and astonishment.
Voici ce qu'elle dit : votre conduite l'a frappée d'étonnement et de stupeur.
And listen to what she says, even if it isn't what you want to hear.
Écoute-la, même si ce n'est pas ce que tu veux entendre.
And do as your mom says, not as she does.
Pas d'Amy bis. Fais ce que ta mère dit, pas ce qu'elle fait.
She says she slept with you on the road, Nate and she's going public.
Elle prétend avoir couché avec toi. Et elle va prévenir la presse.
- She was in the future and brought a Kryptonian who says I'll end the world.
- Si elle le découvre... - Elle était dans le futur et a ramené une kryptonienne disant que j'allais détruire le monde...
But then other times, she says nothing. She just sits there, and she looks at me.
Mais d'autres fois, elle ne dit rien, et reste là à me regarder.
Uh, then she says something about trying on a new type... and suggests we get drinks. - You're killing me.
Elle dit quelque chose au sujet d'essayer un nouveau genre et propose qu'on aille boire un verre.
That's interesting, because she says that you two were linked in a very profound and spiritual manner.
C'est intéressant, elle a dit que vous étiez liés profondément sur le plan spirituel.
That's not true. She says two : "thank" and "you".
C'est pas vrai, elle en connaît trois.
The brochure says she was 400 pounds with a club foot and chronic flatulence.
D'après la brochure, elle pesait 180kg, avait un pied de travers et souffrait de flatulences chroniques.
She withdraws into her shell and simply says,
Alors, elle se referme et me dit :
The doctor says the swelling in her brain has subsided and she could come to at any moment.
Le docteur a dit que l'enflure au cerveau avait diminué - et qu'elle allait se réveiller.
She ordered him, and i don't care what he says. She forbid him to go see my mother In the hospital when she was dying.
elle lui l'a ordonné et je me fiche de ce qu'il dit, elle lui a interdit de voir ma mère à l'hôpital quand elle était mourante.
Husband says she's been acting a little paranoid and she has the kid with her, so let her see me first.
Son mari dit qu'elle est paranoïaque, et le bébé est avec elle, alors elle doit me voir d'abord.
What if you were watching a movie... about an incredibly handsome lawyer out on a date with a witty, effervescent movie critic... and all of a sudden she says "I'm pregnant"?
Que dirais-tu si tu regardais un film à propos d'un super avocat qui sort avec une femme d'esprit, bonne critique... et qui, d'un coup, dit : "je suis enceinte"?
She, uh, says it's my decision, but I think she'd be happy to... settle down someplace and have me home for a while.
Elle dit que c'est à moi de décider, mais je sais qu'elle serait heureuse... de s'installer quelque part et de m'avoir à la maison.
And this should not be your responsibility, but she says that it's all her fault, what happened, and, well, I don't believe her.
Tu n'y es pour rien, mais elle dit que tout est sa faute. Ce qui s'est passé... Je ne la crois pas.
Nick, I want you to beat off into a cup and we'll do a Pepsi challenge. See what she says. Nick..
Nick, il faut que tu gicles dans un bol, et on fait une compétition.
He says that she was drunk, coming on to several men, and that she eventually left with one of them.
Il dit qu'elle était soûle... draguant plusieurs d'homme, partant finalement avec l'un d'eux.
Uh, he says that she was crying and talking to some couple in the lobby.
Il dit qu'elle pleurait et a parlé à un couple dans le hall.
And? He says Hayley showed up at their door to file a report the day she went missing.
Selon lui, elle s'est pointée pour la main-courante le jour de sa disparition.
My point is, she has somehow thought this through and says :
Que Ia petite reste la-bas. Ecoutez, ce que je voudrais quand elle réfléchit et dit :
And so I'm writing back to her about that, and before I can even write it, she says,
Donc je lui écris une réponse, et avant de finir, elle dit
I say we bring it to Diane and see what she says, okay?
Je le dis à Diane et elle décidera, d'accord?
She refused to talk to him and he says she hung up on him
Elle refuse de parler. Selon lui, elle coupe la conversation.
I mean, right here it says that sally stitch Was a real ghost and that julia did everything she asked.
Je veux dire, ici il est dit que Sally stitch était un vrai fantôme et que Julia faisait tout ce qu'elle demandait.
She gets sweet and then she says to me, "Frank, if I was to die, which one of my friends would you, you know..."
Toute câline, elle me demande : "Frank, si je devais mourir, laquelle de mes copines tu..."
Which would be a whole lot less appealing, because naughty nellie says yes to everyone, and she might be a murderer.
Ce qui serait moins séduisant, vu que Nellie ne dit jamais non... et qu'elle pourrait être la tueuse.
She says they came for work and a better life.
Ils venaient chercher du travail et une vie meilleure.
She regrets it now. She says her house is haunted by a professor who turns her clothes inside out and steals yogurt.
Mais maintenant, elle le regrette, elle dit que sa maison est "hantée" par un prof de fac qui retourne ses fringues et lui vole ses yaourts.
She says Steve's got this lass somewhere and he's threatening to kill her.
Elle dit que Steve garde une gosse quelque part et qu'il menace de la tuer.
She says she's been wanting to go to this school since she was a little girl and that going there will improve her chances for going to school in Paris.
Elle dit qu'elle voulait aller dans cette école depuis qu'elle est petite fille et que d'y aller permettra d'améliorer ses chances d'aller à l'école à Paris.
She says Trent has taken up windsurfing and become target number one among all the girls in her class.
Elle dit que Trent a commencé la planche à voile Et est devenu la cible numéro un des filles de sa classe.
She also says that Trent's presence on campus came as a shock to her and that it is merely a coincidence they transferred to the same school.
Elle dit également que la présence de Trent sur le campus a été un choc pour elle Et que c'est simplement une coïncidence qu'ils aient été transférés à la même école.
Sheeni says she'll wait for me and that when I'm released, we'll finally be together and free.
Sheeni a dit qu'elle m'attendrait et que quand je serai sorti, nous allons enfin être ensemble et libres.
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she's dead 32
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she 275
and she is 39
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she 275
and she is 39
and she didn't 24
and she said 267
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27
and she said 267
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27