And she was right traduction Français
757 traduction parallèle
She insisted that he wasn't on the level, and she was right. How did you find out?
Elle disait qu'il ne valait rien, et c'était vrai...
And she was right? Absolutely. There are such things as class distinctions.
Le sang bleu et celui du commun des mortels!
She called me a coward and said that I had sold out my ideals to a gang of corrupt politicians, and she was right.
Elle m'a dit que j'étais lâche et que j'avais trahi mes idées. Elle avait raison.
And she was right.
Elle avait raison.
And she was right to do so.
Elle a bien fait.
And I did and I floated right up through the cone and when I came out the other end, there she was.
Je l'ai fait et je suis rentré dans le cône Ouand j'en suis ressorti, elle était là
Yesterday when you told me about Madeleine, I understood right away who she was and what she came to do at Orange. And that's why I couldn't sleep.
Ben hier, quand tu m'as parlé de Madeleine, j'ai compris tout de suite qui elle était, ce qu'elle venait faire à Orange et c'est pour ça que j'ai pas dormi!
She was gawking around, looking at things... and smacked right into that fellow's car.
Elle a été distraite et l'a embouti.
Are you trying to tell me because he comes and they see her with him, driving and all that they think that they were right in saying that she was in love with him before? Before my father died?
Alors, parce qu'il vient ici et qu'on les voit ensemble, on se permet de dire qu'elle l'aimait avant la mort de Père?
There she was with the rod in her hand and him folding up right there.
Je l'ai trouvée le flingue à la main. Et lui, par terre.
Come right out of a cloud, and there she was. 4 destroyers right around her. Doing about 22 knots.
J'ai traversé le nuage, et il était là, peinard, avec 4 destroyers, à 22 nœuds.
I opened my eyes and there she was, sitting right on the edge of the bed.
J'ouvris les yeux et qui était assise sur mon lit?
The soft shoulders had a date, but she thought she could fix that... and was going to check right back.
Mais l'épaule avait rendez-vous et devait se libérer.
He was all right till she married him and tried to make him swim out of his depth.
C'était un type bien avant qu'il l'épouse et qu'elle tente de le sortir de son confort.
It was all right, and when it come time for them to cut the cake, the band played "Kiss me Again", she put her arms around him and boy did he look scared.
Au moment de couper le gâteau, elle a embrassé son mari. Il a eu l'air terrifié!
Then Scott found out about it and he told me tonight, he told me she was not right... she was sick inside... sick with jealousy... and that is why she killed him.
Et puis Scott a tout découvert avec ses tests, et, ce soir, il m'a tout dit, il m'a dit qu'elle n'était pas bien... malade en dedans... malade de jalousie... et c'est pourquoi elle l'a tué.
Right now she was just plain mad, and she was hitting back.
Pour l'instant, elle était folle de rage, et elle se battait.
Maybe she was all right and maybe Christmas comes in July. But I didn't believe it.
Dans le fond, c'était peut-être une chic fille... mais je n'y croyais pas trop.
She wrote and said everything was all right.
Elle me l'avait écrit.
There he was on his knees, I had all that dough right in my hand... - and she has to go and blow her top.
Il était déjà à genoux, et la voilà qui craque.
I suddenly got a sneaking suspicion that she wasn't going back to the hotel... so I checked and found I was right.
Je me suis subitement douté qu'elle ne rentrait pas à l'hôtel, alors j'ai vérifié, et j'avais raison.
They were bathing her and she was perfectly all right...'til she saw another dog, a small dachshund.
Brusquement, elle vit un chien! Elle se mit à hurler.
Well, she was pretty, all right. Tall and willowy,
Elle était très belle, grande et mince.
- Elle est rentrée de l'émission...
Marian a tout de suite su qu'elle devait aider cette voix.
Some big, soft-talking card player came along and took her right off the Cotton Blossom, where she belonged. Then left her broke and alone in Chicago when she was gonna have a baby.
Un joueur, un enjôleur est arrivé et l'a enlevée au Fleur de Coton où elle aurait dû rester et l'a abandonnée à Chicago fauchée et future maman.
Ladies and gentlemen on behalf of Gladys Glover, she just wants me to say that, well she was a little overwhelmed, but she's all right now.
Mesdames et messieurs... au nom de Gladys Glover, je suis chargé de vous dire que... elle était un peu stressée, mais maintenant, ça va bien.
She was happy and proud of you and her family, right up till the end.
Elle a été fière de toi et de sa famille jusqu'à la fin.
Tell her she was right and I was wrong.
Dites-lui qu'elle avait raison et que je me suis trompé.
She was standing up. Mrs. Graham had her by the hair with her left hand and was striking her with her right hand.
Mme Graham lui tenait les cheveux avec la main gauche et la frappait avec la droite.
She was very hungry and I made her a sandwich and then she said that she was tired and she had to go right to bed.
Je lui ai apporté un sandwich. Elle était fatiguée. Elle voulait dormir.
She said she was going to get a prescription filled for Helga and come right back.
Elle devait prendre une ordonnance pour Helga et revenir tout de suite.
- Yes, that's right. And the one kidney she had was distressed.
Et il était gravement atteint.
I mean, I know how you feel about witchcraft and, well, I was just waiting for the right time to tell you about Tabatha but I guess she decided to tell you for herself.
Je sais ce que tu penses de la sorcellerie et j'attendais juste le bon moment pour te parler de Tabatha, mais je crois qu'elle a décidé de te le dire elle-même.
She was born free, and she has the right to live free.
Elle est née libre et elle a le droit de vivre libre.
And she... And the body was found right by me, all right. But I didn't kill her.
Et elle... le corps était près de moi, mais je ne l'ai pas tuée.
Mistress Evans will see that I was right about this place... and then she may get a wee glimmer... that I can be right about some other things.
Madame Evans verra que j'avais raison et comprendra peut-être que je peux avoir raison sur certaines choses.
Yes, sir. You handle this place right and she'll be as good to you as she was to me.
Oui, si vous le gérez bien, il vous sera aussi bénéfique qu'à moi.
Yeah She probably went home and went right to bed I guess the attack was close to midnight
Oui. Elle a dû rentrer et se coucher directement. L'attaque a dû avoir lieu vers minuit.
Yes, I know, Mr. Morton, but when I heard that woman say she knew everything, I thought that the important thing was for me to come over here right away and tell you about it.
Je sais, mais quand j'ai entendu cette femme dire qu'elle savait tout, j'ai pensé que je devrais venir vous le dire tout de suite.
She was my sister... and it's my right to share the expenses with you.
Il s'agit de ma soeur... J'ai le droit de partager les dépenses avec vous.
When your friend Betty told you that your double was sick and that she would die soon, you believed her right away, didn't you?
Quand ton amie Betty t'a dit que ton double était malade et qu'elle allait bientôt mourir, tu l'a cru sans te poser de questions, c'est bien ça?
Some lady told me that... her body was all bruised by men and right before she died, she uttered :
Son amie m'a tout raconté. Elle était blessée sur tout le corps et juste avant de mourir,
She'd think it was ridiculous, and she'd be right.
- Elle trouverait ça ridicule et elle aurait raison.
Right, yet, this Count Yorga, or whatever the hell his name is, was able to do it with Donna screaming her head off, and she did everything he suggested to her.
Alors que ce comte Iorga, ou je ne sais comment, a pu le faire avec Donna qui hurlait. Exact. Elle a fait tout ce qu'il a suggéré.
He was standing there, and she just headed right for him, floored him and ran him right down.
Il se tenait là, et elle alla directement vers lui, et l'écrasa.
When the phone rang, she ran to the phone, picked up the receiver... and she never asked her husband if he was all right.
Quand le téléphone a sonné, elle a accouru, pris le combiné mais n'a pas demandé à son mari s'il allait bien.
Right. And how did you know she was with me?
Comment saviez-vous qu'elle était chez moi?
She knows I'm right, and there was nothing else to do.
Elle sait que j'ai raison et qu'il n'y a rien d'autre à faire.
And patient. I was so drunk, I kept falling off the bed. She just reached down and pulled me right back up again.
J'étais si soûl, je tombais du lit et elle se penchait et me rattrapait.
The little bit of movement she retained in her right hand... wasn't even enough to let her wipe her own forehead, and the sudden heat was beginning to get to her.
Le peu de mouvement qu'elle conservait à la main droite... ne lui permettait pas de s'essuyer le front, et la chaleur soudaine commençait à l'incommoder.
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she said no 16
and she was gone 27
and she's dead 32
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she said no 16
and she was gone 27
and she's dead 32
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she 275
and she is 39
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she says 116
and she 275
and she is 39
and she didn't 24
and she said 267
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27
and she said 267
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27