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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ B ] / Bring him in

Bring him in traduction Français

2,337 traduction parallèle
- Bring him in to HQ now
- Faut l'emmener pour l'interroger.
- Why don't they bring him in?
Ils le surveillent.
- Bring him in for questioning
Qu'il vienne, on l'interroge.
You want me to bring him in?
Vous voulez qu'on l'amène?
Jo, bring him in.
Jo, annonce-le.
- You can't bring him in.
- Tu ne peux pas l'amener.
Better bring him in.
Faites-le entrer.
Yes, bring him in, please.
Oui, faites-le entrer, s'il vous plaît.
I'm gonna bring him in. I'm gonna sit him down, show him this.
Je l'amène ici et je lui montre ceci.
Well, they gotta bring him in now.
Eh bien, c'est pour maintenant.
And when he's born, I'm gonna bring him in here, and you can finally meet'em both.
Quand il sera né, je te les amènerai tous les deux.
And when he's born, I'm gonna bring him in here, and you can finally meet'em both.
Une fois né, je te les amènerai tous les deux.
MAN 1 : Let's go. Bring him in.
Par ici.
Bring him in.
Fais-le entrer. - D'accord.
You know the drill, Betty Anne. He's got a record, we gotta bring him in.
Tu sais bien qu'il a un casier.
Now it's your responsibility to bring him in to justice... at all costs.
Livrez les auteurs à la justice, à n'importe quel prix!
Bring him in.
Bottom line is, we were given orders to bring him in.
Quoi qu'il en est, on nous a donné l'ordre de le ramener.
You need to bring him in now, before Farhad gets there.
Vous devez le faire venir maitenant, avant que Farhad arrive.
You try and bring him in now, you're dead.
Ramenez-le maintenant, et vous êtes mort
I had Secret Service bring him in through the freight entrance... and then deliver him discreetly to Conference Room 3, as you asked.
Il est arrivé par l'entrée de service et a été conduit discrètement dans la salle 3. Comme vous le vouliez.
Bring him in.
- We have to bring him in.
- On doit le faire rentrer.
Your son is in a lot of trouble... and I just want to bring him in and get the facts.
Votre fils a de gros soucis... et je veux juste l'interroger pour rétablir les faits.
Now this Big Dave thing has gone on way too long, Tommy. You need to bring your ace boon in, because if you don't, I'm gonna have to bring him in for you.
L'histoire de Big Dave traîne depuis trop longtemps. je devrai le faire à ta place.
Let's bring him in.
Amenons le ici!
And no, I do not want to bring him in yet.
On ne l'arrête pas pour l'instant.
Let's bring him in on this.
On a besoin de lui.
Let's bring him in.
- On l'amène. - Oui.
We bring him in alive, yeah, it keeps Tara safe, but it also protects the heroin trade.
On l'embarque vivant, on garde Tara sauve, et ça protege aussi le recel d'héroine.
And right as he's about to blow, they yank him out and bring in the breeding stallion.
Et quand il est sur le point de se lâcher, ils le sortent et ils apportent l'étalon reproducteur.
Bring her back if she's alive, and, in the meantime, summon Jack so I can ask him about this "central station."
Ramenez-la si elle est en vie, et pendant ce temps, appelez Jack... que je lui demande ce qu'est cette "gare centrale".
Trying to bring back him in shape.
Essayer de lui redonner la forme.
Yo, bring him in, bring him in.
- Yo, fais-le entrer. Fais-le entrer.
She had to bring him a cake in prison.
Elle a dû lui apporter un gâteau en prison.
Saying he was in London, in London, and couldn't bring himself to visit for fear it would burn him up!
Pour me prévenir qu'il était à Londres et ne pouvait me rendre visite par peur de "se consumer".
Bring me my Romeo : and, when he shall die Cut him out in little stars
Apporte-moi mon Roméo : et, quand il devra mourir découpe-le en petites étoiles
Call Wolfgang. Tell him to bring in the cavalry.
Appelle Wolfgang, dis lui d'ammener des renforts.
Ehren's walking in, and we're gonna have him bring in a whole tray full of soup.
Ehren arrive et on va lui faire porter un plateau entier de soupe.
You can bring him back in pieces for all I care, but alive
Vous pouvez le ramener en morceaux... mais vivant.
I bring him Frank Spicer and he done him in just as we agreed.
Je lui ai apporté Frank Spicer et il s'en est occupé comme prévu.
All right, bring him in.
He had a job interview here today and he didn't want to bring his tools in with him. I was late picking them up.
Il avait une entrevue ici aujourd'hui et voulait que je ramène ses outils, mais j'étais en retard.
Why wouldn't you just bring him in?
Pourquoi vous l'avez pas amené?
Once the money is in our account, they'll bring him back here, we will talk.
Une fois l'argent sur notre compte, ils le ramèneront là, on parlera.
You could've told me that you sent him to the island where we were locked in cages. You didn't have to bring me here.
Vous auriez pu me dire que c'était l'île où on a été enfermés dans des cages.
When sydney contacts him, He'll do what she says just long enough for us To track her, find her and bring her in.
Il doit suivre ses directives le temps qu'on la trouve.
Why did you have to bring him to the statue in the first place?
Pourquoi l'avoir amené à la statue?
I'm gonna have to bring Comet in the old-fashioned way - talk him down.
Les mots.
I'll bring him back to Hainey's Pub, put him and the guns in his SUV.
Il sera dans son char avec les armes devant le pub d'Hainey.
Bring him up here, I'll kick his fucking head in.
Tu l'amènes, je l'éclate. Quoi?

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