But there's nothing traduction Français
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But there's nothing wrong with it.
Pourtant, rien ne semble mauvais.
There's nothing but potential.
Il n'y a que du potentiel.
We're sorry about your client's financial predicament, but there's nothing we can do.
Nous sommes navrés des difficultés financières de votre cliente, mais nous ne pouvons rien faire.
But we can motivate him through fear... and there's nothing he'll fear more than finding out Kevin's alive.
Mais nous pouvons le motiver par la peur... et il ne craindrait rien plus que de trouver Kevin vivant.
There's nothing left to do now but heal. And share the experience with as many reputable journals as possible.
Tu n'as plus qu'à t'en remettre, et partager cette expérience avec le maximum de revues réputées.
Well, I'm pretty sure there's nothing I can do for you, but do you need something?
Qu'est-ce que vous voulez encore?
There's nothing he could have done about it, But he's gonna keep blaming himself.
Il n'aurait rien pu faire, même s'il s'en veut quand même.
But I told you where I'm at right now and if you can't handle it, there's nothing I can do about it.
Mais je t'ai dit où j'en étais actuellement et... Si tu ne peux pas le supporter, je ne peux rien y faire.
Then how did he get there? Was built around him, but there's nothing there except a mirror and a table.
- Ça a été construit autour de lui, mais il n'y a rien dedans excepté un miroir et une table.
Listen, Declan... You're right about one thing. There's nothing I value more than honesty and it does really bother me that you would lie like that, but I'm also just blown away that you could be just so forthcoming.
Écoute, tu as raison pour une chose.
She might be common, but there's nothing she doesn't know about cleaning products.
Elle est ordinaire mais incollable en produits ménagers.
There's nothing to add but my fondest farewell.
Je n'ai plus ici qu'à faire mes adieux.
There's nothing but crap on.
C'est tout aussi débile partout.
Well, there's nothing coming up with her name, but I'm checking aliases, missions my dad thought she went on or weapons she was after.
- Pas sous son nom. Je vérifie les faux noms, missions, les armes qu'elle cherchait.
But there's nothing you can do.
Vous ne pouvez rien y faire.
It's my wedding dress, but there's nothing to panic about.
C'est ma robe de mariée, mais il n'y a rien de paniquant.
Okay, okay, so maybe there's nothing on "Frost" per se, but perhaps there's something "Frost-adjacent."
Il n'y a rien sur Frost à proprement parler mais il y a peut-être un indice
I'm getting a low-level radiation reading off the victim's pocket, but there's nothing here.
Je relève un faible niveau de radioactivité sur la poche de la victime, mais il n'y a rien dedans.
You see it happening, but there's nothing you can do about it.
Tu le vois arriver, mais tu ne peux rien y faire.
No. But there's nothing helpful, either.
Mais rien de bénéfique non plus.
But here, there's nothing else.
Il n'y a rien d'autre dans le coin.
You say there's nothing we can do about it, But that's not exactly true.
Tu dis qu'on peut rien y faire, mais c'est faux.
Well, there's nothing to celebrate just yet, but I have a good feeling about this one.
Il n'y a rien à célébrer pour l'instant mais j'ai un bon pressentiment.
There's nothing to hold him on, unless you wanna charge him with obstruction of a hood. But you said they recovered the getaway car. Yeah, but the perps were nowhere near it, and with nothing to link the evidence back to them, we have no case.
à moins de l'arrêter pour port de cagoule. on n'a pas d'affaire.
You go anywhere near our next surrogate and I pound you until there's nothing but a red puddle of bad'70s hair.
Et pourquoi pas ça. Si tu t'approches de notre mère porteuse, je te réduirais à une flaque de sang et de cheveux de gonzesse des années 70.
Nathan, I'm sorry, but there's just nothing here.
Je suis désolée, mais y a rien de suspect.
The chances are, it's nothing, but we won't know for sure until a surgeon goes in there and has a look.
C'est sûrement pas grave, mais c'est à un chirurgien de se prononcer.
I see where you're going, but believe me, there's nothing there.
Katrine, je vois où tu veux en venir, mais il n'y a rien là-dessous. On passe à autre chose?
Well, there was some discussion about developing Redwood Downs, but nothing concrete. It's just talk.
On a parlé de développer Redwood Downs, mais rien de concret.
I saw you looking at the blueprints. Yeah, but there's nothing- -
Vous regardiez les plans.
Oh, well, I suppose there's nothing left to do but sit here in the dark and wait for the ghost.
D'accord, dans ce cas, il n'y a rien à faire que de rester assis dans le noir en attendant le fantôme.
There's nothing in that tube but lube.
C'est que du lubrifiant!
But there's a group of super humans who are going to stop at nothing to stop you.
Mais il y a un groupe de surhommes qui veut t'arrêter à tout prix.
But there's nothing I can do, Don.
Je ne peux rien faire.
There's nothing weird at all about collecting dolls, but I really meant to save one for my daughter, and we're kind of in a hurry.
Il n'y a vraiment rien de bizarre à collectionner les poupées, mais je voulais en garder une pour ma fille. et on est un peu à la bourre.
Nothing out of the ordinary there, but the night they were abducted, there were five calls placed from Erica's cell phone to the same local number, Pagoda Hotel, Waikiki.
Rien de spécial. Mais le soir de l'enlèvement, cinq appels ont été passés du portable d'Erica, au même numéro. L'hôtel Pagoda, à Waikiki.
Look, I know you're concerned about her, but I also know that there's nothing else we can do right now.
Je sais que tu t'inquiètes pour elle, mais on ne peut rien faire d'autre.
I know there's nothing going on between us, but...
Alors c'est tout. je suis fatigué.
Because Yoo Myung Woo was strangling my dad, he pushed him towards the cabinet. But we don't know how he slipped, right? See, actually he could have slipped, but there's nothing on the floor.
Quoi? à cause de vous.
But there's nothing I can do.
Mais je n'y peux rien.
Bobby, it's okay if you want to keep your feelings private, but you should know that there's nothing wrong with being nervous about your interview tomorrow.
Bobby, c'est correct de vouloir garder tes sentiments pour toi, mais sache qu'il n'y a rien de mal à être nerveux au sujet de cette entrevue demain.
Bobby, hey, I got nothing, but there's two more Robert Beals, and one petty officer, third class.
Bobby... Je n'ai rien trouvé... mais il y a 2 autres Robert Beal et un sous-officier de 3e classe.
Now there's actually nothing about him in the file, it's all been redacted, but his wife Rina is a Bosnian.
Il n'y a pas grand-chose si ce n'est que sa femme Rina est une Bosniaque.
Says here that he served U.S. Army, but his military file must be classified - because there's nothing in it.
Il a servi dans l'armée, mais son dossier militaire doit être classé car je n'ai rien dessus.
You think there's nothing out there for you, but there is. You just can't see it.
Tu crois qu'ailleurs rien n'est possible, mais tu as tort.
Without it, there's nothing but dust and decay.
Sans elle, tout n'est que poussière et désolation.
There's been nothing official yet, but he's ordered jewels from his bank and he's making preparations to travel to Europe.
Ce n'est pas encore officiel, mais il a commandé des bijoux à sa banque et se prépare à partir en Europe.
If you three stand before the King, there will be nothing but death.
S'il vous voit, c'est la mort assurée.
She's done nothing but try to help me, and I can be there in 15 hours.
Elle ne voulait que m'aider. Je peux y être dans 15 heures.
Will, there's nothing but swarm.
Il n'y a que ça.
But there's nothing there.
Mais il n'y aura rien.
but there's nothing here 17
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's more 55
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there's a 20
but there's something 16
but there's no time 25
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's more 55
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there's a 20
but there's something 16
but there's no time 25
but there's not 22
but there's 84
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing here 275
there's nothing to see 65
there's nothing i can do about it 58
there's nothing in here 52
there's nothing to be scared of 52
there's nothing wrong with that 87
but there's 84
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing here 275
there's nothing to see 65
there's nothing i can do about it 58
there's nothing in here 52
there's nothing to be scared of 52
there's nothing wrong with that 87
there's nothing we can do 240
there's nothing i can do 295
there's nothing to do 49
there's nothing there 265
there's nothing in it 38
there's nothing to tell 117
there's nothing to explain 43
there's nothing you can do 232
there's nothing left 101
there's nothing else 53
there's nothing i can do 295
there's nothing to do 49
there's nothing there 265
there's nothing in it 38
there's nothing to tell 117
there's nothing to explain 43
there's nothing you can do 232
there's nothing left 101
there's nothing else 53