But there traduction Français
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But there's more to it than that.
Mais c'est plus que ça.
The guards have orders to speak to no one... but there is one I know.
Les gardes ont l'ordre de ne parler à personne mais il y en a un que je connais.
Hey. You look like that famous professor Henry Gerard, but there's no way that guy's still teaching at his age.
Vous ressemblez au célèbre Henry Gerard, mais impossible qu'il enseigne à son âge.
Well, thanks for the umpteenth review of everything we know, but there's nothing new here, guys.
Merci pour cette énième séance récapitulant tout ce que nous savons, mais on n'a rien de nouveau ici, les gars.
You may have found your acorn, my little blind squirrel, but there is no way that someone like you can make a living at it.
Vous avez peut-être trouvé un petit gland, cher petit écureuil bigleux, mais quelqu'un comme vous ne pourra jamais en vivre.
But there's one problem.
Mais il y a un problème.
So, you're telling me that the entire time I'm in Tinseltown, not only am I not helping Britney, but there's a chance I won't even get to meet Katie Holmes and learn the secrets of her side smile?
Attends. Alors pendant tout mon séjour à Hollywood, non seulement je n'aiderai pas Britney, mais en plus je ne rencontrerai pas Katie Holmes pour tout savoir sur son sourire en coin?
But there's a chance he'll get up to series regular if he's good-like.
Avec un potentiel de régulier, s'il est bon.
I mean, he was pissed, but there was, like, less than a 3 % chance he would've hurt me or anything.
Mais y avait moins de 3 % de chances qu'il me fasse du mal.
But there's no need to panic.
Mais il ne faut pas paniquer.
Yeah, but there's zero evidence that he's been missing.
Mais je n'ai rien trouvé qui prouve qu'il a disparu.
But there have been no new photos of Vijay in the last seven months.
Mais aucunes nouvelles photos de lui ces sept derniers mois.
- But there's no safe in that room.
- Il n'y a pourtant aucun coffre.
But there is one thing I still need from you... get rid of the body.
Mais il y a encore une chose que tu dois faire pour moi... débarasse-toi du corps.
Oh, I was worried about injuries, but there wasn't time to...
Je m'inquiétais des blessures, mais je n'avais pas le temps...
Well, an altered memory, but there was enough for me to work with.
Enfin, un souvenir modifié, mais c'était suffisant pour que je travaille dessus.
But there's gonna come a time when you have to realize...
Mais il vient un moment où tu dois réaliser que...
I think that's the only copy I have on me, but there might be another one in the van.
Il me semble que c'est la seule copie que j'ai, mais il y en a peut-être dans le van.
Okay. Well... maybe there's not a lot of hope that we're gonna get out of here, but there is hope... that our team is still alive.
D'accord, peut-être qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup d'espoir que nous sortions d'ici, mais on peut espérer... que notre équipe est toujours en vie.
The truth is, we may have a weapon that can beat him, but there are risks involved.
En vérité, nous avons une arme capable de le battre, mais il y a des risques.
I know you guys don't think I should do this, but if it's Hexenbiest blood that got Eve in there, then I can get in there and maybe get them back out.
Vous pensez que je ne devrais pas faire ça, mais si du sang d'Hexenbiest a pu amener Eve ici, Alors je peux y aller et les faire ressortir.
Well, Diana has to go down with me, but I don't wanna be down there alone with Renard.
Diana m'accompagne, mais je ne veux pas rester seule avec Renard.
But someone very bad lives there.
Mais quelqu'un de très mauvais vit là.
There may be a part of me that is like her, but it is not who I am now and it's not who I'm gonna be again.
Peut-être une petite part de moi lui ressemble encore, mais ce n'est plus qui je suis et ce n'est pas celle que je veux être.
Nothing about the Other Place, but the Zoroastrians believe there will be a 3,000-year struggle between good and evil which ends with a final assault by Azi Dahaka.
Il n'y a rien à propos de l'Autre Côté mais les Zoroastriens croyaient qu'il y a 3000 ans il y a eu une lutte entre le bien et le mal qui s'est terminée par un assaut final mené par Azi Dahaka.
There are officers of the army and navy, but it is not easy to get names.
Il y a des officiers de l'armée et de la marine, mais il n'est pas facile d'avoir des noms.
I want to help you, kid, but it's got to be the full 50, or else... there's nothing I can do.
Promis. Je veux t'aider, petit, mais il faudra les 50 000 au complet. Sinon, je pourrai rien faire.
But if the situation arises, if there is a time I think using The Word will bring me a step closer to finding God, I'm gonna use it.
Mais si l'occasion se présente, si je crois qu'en utilisant la voix, on retrouvera Dieu, je m'en servirai.
But now that she's gone, that firm is gonna turn upside down, and I don't want you there when it does.
Mais maintenant qu'elle est partie, le cabinet va s'effondrer, et tu ne dois pas y être quand ça arrivera.
But Pearson Specter Litt is my work family, and they've always been there for me.
Mais Pearson Specter Litt est ma famille pro, et ils m'ont toujours soutenue.
Was up to me, you'd be starting today, but what I can do is let you go in on there, so you'll be the first person they see when they get in.
Je vous embaucherais bien, mais je ne peux que vous laisser entrer, pour que vous soyez le premier à leur arrivée.
It's a little bit like late night but during the day, and there's cooking.
C'est comme le Late Night, mais en journée.
But you should know... there's nothing I can give you that will soothe your Shade.
Mais tu devrais savoir... Il n'y a rien que je puisse te donner qui pourrait apaiser ton ombre.
I was in Nam. But, you know, I was there in 1984, so it was... It was a different vibe.
J'ai fait le Vietnam, mais en 1984, et c'était...
All right. I'm sorry I got hot there, Tom, but you weren't listening.
Désolé de m'énerver, mais tu n'écoutes pas.
Okay, so, I'm not a doctor, and there's a chance I'm never gonna be one, but my best guess is that this is a baby.
Je ne suis pas médecin et il y a peu de chance que je le devienne, mais je crois que c'est un bébé.
- But is there a specific name?
- Mais il y a un nom?
You won't find many people, but we're out there.
Peu de gens, mais nous, oui.
But it's right there in the name.
Mais elles sont jetables.
No? But you're right there.
Mais tu es juste là.
I don't know what you did to the guys out there. But I am definitely curious.
Je sais pas ce que tu as fait aux autres, mais ma curiosité est piquée.
You can take your finger or you can take a brush, but I wanna push forcibly some white paint right into there.
Mais il faut y aller par petites touches bien appuyées.
I'll concede that spending all my time inside of a house with you scrawny code jockeys, the Incredible Shrinking Hendricks, and whatever the fuck Jared is here... may have blunted my conventional masculinity a hair, but it's always been there.
Je concède qu'en restant enfermé avec des codeurs rachitiques, M. Hendricks qui rétrécit et Dieu seul sait ce qu'est Jared, ça a altéré un chouïa les traits communs de ma masculinité. Mais elle a toujours existé.
We've reached the crash site, but we scanned for 100 square miles and there's no Quinjet.
On a atteint le site du crash, mais notre scan sur 250 km carré ne trouve pas le Quinjet.
It's always been there, but you've been resisting that, too.
Elle a toujours existé, mais vous y résistez aussi. Pourquoi?
Maybe there's, like, a "Red Dawn" thing happening, but what does it have to do with Billy?
C'est peut-être un truc genre "L'aube Rouge", mais quel est le rapport avec Billy?
Currently, there are no suspects, but the FBI is...
il n'y aucun suspects pour le moment, mais le FBI est...
And listen, living in there too long may kill you, but dying in there will definitely kill you, so... be careful.
Écoute, rester là-dedans trop longtemps peut te tuer, mais mourir à l'intérieur te tuera assurément, donc... sois prudente.
Skye, there's no good way to tell you this, but...
Skye, il n'y a pas de bonnes manières de te le dire, mais...
Either shoot us or help, but don't just stand there.
Tirez-nous dessus ou aidez-nous, mais ne restez pas plantée là.
And we're still determining the extent of the nerve damage, but, uh, there are exciting...
Nous devons déterminer l'étendue des dommages nerveux, - mais il existe d'excellents...
but there are 38
but there's more 55
but there was no answer 20
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there it is 67
but there's a 20
but there's nothing here 17
but there's more 55
but there was no answer 20
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there it is 67
but there's a 20
but there's nothing here 17