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Life ambled along till the year of war in eighteen-hundred and nine.
La vie continua ainsi, heureuse, jusqu'à l'année de la guerre, en 1809.
To be continued.
Il continua.
Years went by, and he kept to his trade as pilot out there on the isle
Les années passèrent et il continua à travailler comme pilote dans les îles.
She stumbled on, calling out for us who loved her thinking that here was the old boat there was her dear friends.
Elle continua, nous appelant, nous qui l'avions aimée, pensant qu'en voyant le vieux bateau, elle voyait ses chers amis.
It seemed as though some special kind of justice kept following you through the next years... until at last you were counting your assets with a minus sign... and your friends on one finger.
C'était comme si un vent dejustice... continua de souffler sur toi d'une année sur l'autre... jusqu'à ce que tu fasses le compte de tes pertes... et celui de tes amis sur un doigt de la main.
But the workers kept on working. And the RAF kept on flying. These few men with wings, alone in the sky
Mais les ouvriers continuèrent à travailler et la RAF continua à voler.
others aged ; he stayed as he was others died ; he lived on
Les autres vieillirent, mais pas lui. Les autres trépassèrent, lui continua à vivre.
He ´ d been drinking a long time before I got there, I guess, and he kept right on.
Il avait dû commencer à boire bien avant mon arrivée, et il continua.
Dolly went on talking, but I wasn't listening.
Dolly continua de parler mais je ne l'écoutais pas.
But he just kept on walking till he got to. Jerry Higgins'saloon.
Mais il continua à marcher jusqu'au saloon de Jerry Higgins.
Went ahead
Il continua d'avancer.
Always ahead
Il continua.
And he knew it was too early in his dream, and went on dreaming to see the white peaks of the island rising from the sea.
Il le savait dans son rêve, et il continua de rêver. Pour voir les pics blancs de l'île se lever sur la mer.
He went on remembering his classroom notes from An Introduction to Elizabethan Drama.
Il continua, se souvenant des notes de cours sur une introduction au drame élisabéthain.
But HE continued to be the envy of his neighbours because she had already passed into legend.
- mais il continua à faire l'envie des voisins...
On that last day, Sir Edward and Teo waited on a ledge, while my father went on by himself.
Sir Edward et Teo attendaient sur une corniche, pendant que mon père continua seul.
When he couldn't penetrate me, he continued up my chest... up onto my face and on up the wall.
Comme il ne put entrer en moi, il monta sur ma poitrine, sur mon visage, puis continua sur le mur.
After his first mistake with Mitsuko... he repeated it, numerous times, though he did feel guilt.
Son premier faux pas avec Mitsuko ne s'arrêta pas là. Il continua à la fréquenter tout en se sentant coupable envers moi.
The flag just kept on waving as if flying off into the depths of the sky... as if flying off into the depths of the sky. "
Le drapeau continua de flotter Comme s'il dansait vers le lointain Comme s'il dansait vers le lointain
Even so he kept on blowing
Mais il continua de souffler
Now that we have some insight into the concept of experiential space we may consider interaction among the experiential space continua of a highly unique group of individuals.
Maintenant que nous connaissons un peu le concept de l'espace expérimental nous allons assister à l'interaction entre les espaces-continus empiriques d'un groupe d'individus particulièrement unique.
In theory, the experiential space continua of two or more telepathists can merge, can blend together to an extent far beyond the range of normal human experience.
En théorie les continus spatiaux empiriques d'au moins 2 télépathes se rejoignent pour prendre une ampleur qui est hors de portée des expériences humaines.
That role emerges out of Dr Stringfellow's concept of the telepathic commune, a group characterised by the blending of experiential space continua and the constant instantaneous exchange of data among the nervous systems forming the commune.
Ce rôle est engendré par le concept de Stringfellow de commune télépathique. Un groupe qui est caractérisé par un espace continu expérimental mixte et un échange continu de données entre le système nerveux et cette commune.
And that was to try and make it. Months of preparation followed While mr. norris continued his research
Suivirent des mois de préparation, durant lesquels Mr Norris continua ses recherches à la bibliothèque municipale de Putney.
They went right on doing them, of course.
On continua à le faire.
"'Contrariwise', continued Tweedledee.
"'Au contraire'continua Tweedle Dee. "
And so she kept running,
Elle continua à courir,
Starting on his face and arms Joseph Michel Montgolfier went on to scrub his torso his legs and his naughty bits, before rinsing his whole body.
Commençant par la tête et les bras, Joseph Michel Montgolfier continua par le torse, les jambes et les parties intimes, avant de se rincer tout le corps.
The policeman untied him, but he stayed and kept on barking.
Le policier le détacha, mais il est resté et continua à aboyer.
I called him, but he didn't notice me, or pause, and then I heard it said A god had commanded that he meet his brother, Moses, in the desert.
Je l'interrogeai, mais il ne fit pas attention à moi, continua à courir, et pourtant j'entendis qu'un Dieu lui avait commandé de rencontrer son frère Moïse dans le désert.
"Come, Come," he continued, his voice broken, sobbing.
"Venez, venez!", continua-t-il, la voix cassée et pleine de sanglots.
Henry continued to correspond with his wife after their divorce and he wrote to her on the first Saturday in every month.
Henry continua à correspondre avec sa femme après leur divorce et il lui écrivit chaque premier samedi du mois.
Over the years, HC refined his style, concentrated on form until the content of his calls atrophied and he reduced his conversations to "Dear Phone", and continued with a list of names read from the telephone directory.
Au fil des ans, HC peaufina le style de ses appels, se concentra sur la forme jusqu'à ce que le contenu s'atrophiât, réduisit ses conversations à "Cher Téléphone", et continua avec une liste de noms tirés de l'annuaire.
More years passed, and Delia continued to slip.
D'autres années passèrent, et Delia continua de glisser.
He kept whipping the horse, but it wouldn't move.
Il continua à fouetter le cheval qui ne bougeait pas.
Nasty apologised to God, Rod and the press and the tour went ahead as planned But it would be The Rutles last
Il demanda pardon à God, à Rod et à la presse et la tournée continua, mais ce fut la dernière.
Weichselberger continued to exploit him and prevent him from attending school.
Weichselberger continua de l'exploiter et l'interdire d'aller à l'école.
Agostina quietly continued to teach biology at Torquay, spending weekends collecting material from the beach to make collages for her friends.
Agostina continua à enseigner Ia biologie à Torquay, passant ses week-ends à ramasser des matériaux sur Ia plage pour faire des collages pour ses amis.
So his music continued to reflect his devotion to Rastafari.
Sa musique continua à montrer sa dévotion au rastafarianisme.
However, the president would still be under the rule of PSB during the new regime.
Le président, cependant, continua sous la tutelle du PSB pendant le nouveau régime.
Jerry went onsinging its lineage, back to the founding of its home planet... 170 generations ago.
Jerry continua à chanter sa lignée, remontant jusqu'à l'origine de sa planète, il y a 170 générations.
" When she was comfortable, they walked on.
" Quand elle se sentie mieux, elle continua.
And he continued to send her flowers periodically and anonymously... for many years.
Il continua à lui envoyer des fleurs régulièrement et anonymement pendant des années.
He shivers, and walks on disappearing into the mist.
Il frissona, mais continua à marcher Disparaissant dans le brouillard.
The years performed their terrible dance.
La valse des années continua, impitoyable, et, en un instant,
DeNunez played triple-A ball, but he never got to the majors.
DeNunez continua mais ne joua jamais en Major League.
And he kept talking.
Et il continua à parler.
But she flew over him and twittered :
Mais elle continua à voler et murmura :
The Ministry of Defence continued its progress in space conducting five tests at high altitude over Johnston Island.
Le ministère de la Défense continua sa progression dans l'espace effectuant cinq essais à haute altitude au-dessus de l'île Johnston.
Matilda's strong mind continued to grow, nurtured by the authors who had sent their books out into the world, like ships onto the sea.
L'esprit de Matilda continua à mûrir, nourri par les auteurs qui avaient jeté leurs livres au monde comme des navires à la mer.
And they moved along.
Et leur épopée continua.
continue 710
continues 105
conti 22
continues sobbing 16
continues laughing 19
continues crying 20
continuing 21
continues 105
conti 22
continues sobbing 16
continues laughing 19
continues crying 20
continuing 21