Going again traduction Français
5,268 traduction parallèle
It's what we New Democrats will fight for : to get the conversation going again.
Les Nouveaux Démocrates se battront pour que ce dialogue reprenne.
Going again. One more time.
On recommence.
Oh, is that going again?
- Oh... encore?
And when an animal is this big, there's only one way to get the heart going again when you're out in the bush.
L'animal étant gros, il n'y a qu'une façon de le réanimer en pleine nature.
- You're going again?
- Vous allez recommencer?
- Where are you going again?
- Où vas-tu encore?
I've looked everywhere for Laura Savino, and my instincts tell me I'm never going to see her again.
J'ai cherché partout Laura Savino, et mon instinct me dit que je ne la verrai plus jamais.
All right, I'm going to try the fire again.
Ok, je vais encore essayer de faire du feu.
We just need to get where we're going, and you'll never see us again.
Nous avons juste besoin de nous rendre où nous allons, et vous ne nous reverrez jamais.
You're never going to see my daughter again.
Tu ne vas jamais revoir ma fille.
You fellas going steady again?
Tes gars redeviennent calme?
Pam, I'm not going over this again.
Pam, je pas te redire...
No, the best part is we're going out again tonight.
Non, le meilleur c'est qu'on est encore de sortie ce soir.
I swear, if I catch you going near me or my things again...
Je te jure que si je t'attrape encore le nez dans mes affaires...
Going back to being a cop again, then who the fuck is gonna help me pick up the pieces of that?
Je vais redevenir flic encore, et putain qui va m'aider à ramasser les morceaux de tout ça?
Since we are all mature, well-adjusted adults, we are going to pretend this never happened and never speak of it again.
Puisqu'on est tous matures, et des adultes équilibrés, on va faire comme si rien ne s'était passé et ne plus jamais en reparler. - Oui.
Going crazy again?
On devient barge encore?
Let me guess, you're going to release the hounds again.
Laissez moi deviner, vous allez encore lâcher la meute.
Going back to that well again?
Tu reviens encore sur ça?
Far more noble business pursuits... he is nevertheless, once again, going to put his mouth where his money... his... His money where his mouth is and write down these loans... administered by a rogue operator, who will be vigorously prosecuted.
Des objectifs bien plus nobles... il va néanmoins, encore une fois, joindre la parole au geste... joindre le geste à la parole en rédigeant ces prêts... gérés par un opérateur peu scrupuleux, qui sera vigoureusement poursuivi.
I don't know if Emma would come with us, and I am not going to be separated from her again.
Je ne sais pas si Emma viendrait avec nous, et je ne vais pas être séparé d'elle une nouvelle fois.
But if that thing's here, it's all going to happen again.
Mais si ce robot est ici, ce cauchemar va recommencer.
I'm going to raise it again.
Je vais le relancer.
Do you think she was going to kill again?
Tu crois qu'elle allait tuer à nouveau?
He's going down again, and heart rate's dropping.
Il nous lâche à nouveau, son rythme cardiaque s'enfonce.
I started going to church again.
J'ai recommencé à aller à l'église.
Well, all I know is I can never go back in that office again, because the next time he opens his mouth, I'm going to haul off and slap his face, and then I'll just be one of those women who goes around slapping faces.
Tout ce que je sais c'est que je ne retournerai jamais dans ce bureau, parce que la prochaine fois qu'il ouvre la bouche, je vais l'attraper et le gifler, et je serais juste une de ces femmes
I'm going to run away and no one will ever see me again.
Je vais m'enfuir et vous me reverrez jamais. Super.
It's like you're 10 years old again And you're breaking into my study Going through my books
On dirait que tu as 10 ans et que tu entres dans mon bureau à fouiller dans mes livres, alors que j'essaie de travailler.
I, I think it's very unlikely I'm going to see anything like that again.
C'est peu probable que je revoie une chose pareille un jour.
You're never going to see her again.
Tu ne la reverras plus jamais.
I think something bad is going to happen again.
Je pense que quelque chose de mauvais va encore arriver.
And I don't want to ruin it by, uh, talking about going out again or anything, but I'd really like to see you.
et je ne veux pas le ruiner en parlant de sortir à nouveau ou quoi, mais j'aimerais vraiment te revoir.
Roscoe, I'm not going to tell you again about your language.
Roscoe, je ne vais pas encore te reprendre sur ton langage.
If Arroyo thinks she's lying, he's going to go after her again.
Si Arroyo pense qu'elle ment, il va la poursuivre encore.
I don't know what's going on with you, but I better not see you here again.
Je ne sais pas ce qui vous arrive, mais j'espère ne plus vous revoir ici.
I mean, when are we all going to be here together again?
A quand la prochaine fois où nous nous serons tous réunis?
If you're going to tell me to pray again, I swear to you...
Si tu me dis encore de prier, Je te jure...
Really, you're going there again?
Vraiment, tu y retournes? Maintenant?
But then again, you know, when you're their age, are you really going to start reading books?
Mais une fois de plus, vous savez, à leur âge, vous voulez vraiment vous lancer dans un livre?
I'm going to be late for work again.
Je vais encore être en retard au boulot.
I'm not going to let it happen again. Nathan was another troubled, vulnerable young boy who came to you, about the same age as Cam when he started seeing you, wasn't he?
Nathan était un autre gamin perturbé, vulnérable, qui est venu vous voir à peu près au même âge où Cam a commencé, pas vrai?
I didn't think you were going to talk to me again.
Je ne pensais pas que tu me parlerais à nouveau.
You're going out there again, Oliver?
Tu y retournes, Oliver?
Then I thought, "No, I'm not going crawling to the bank again, " extend the loan, downsize...
Alors j'ai pensé : " Non, je ne vais pas encore ramper devant la banque, rallonger le prêt, réduire les effectifs...
Freaking awesome. So we're going to do it again.
C'est super, mec.
I'm going to enjoy life once again as a human, and I am going to enjoy watching you live as a fish.
Je vais à nouveau adorer la vie d'humain, et je vais adorer te voir vivre comme un poisson.
I hate stopping, cos everyone you've overtaken, they're going past me again and I'm losing time.
Je déteste m'arrêter. Parce que tout ceux qu'on a doublé, vont nous repasser devant, et moi je perds mon temps.
When am I ever going to use that again?
Quand est-ce que je le referais?
Yeah, or maybe going after Meryln's a great way to get my daughter to stop speaking to me again, Hilt.
Oui, ou peut-être que m'attaquer à Merlyn est un excellent moyen pour que ma fille arrête de me parler encore une fois, Hilt.
I'm going to flush that toilet again.
Je vais tirer la chasse d'eau.
again 7789
against 107
against all odds 43
against my better judgment 31
against the wall 112
against me 47
against you 50
again and again and again 16
again and again 108
against who 36
against 107
against all odds 43
against my better judgment 31
against the wall 112
against me 47
against you 50
again and again and again 16
again and again 108
against who 36
against whom 18
against what 33
going 418
going to school 16
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going out 103
going twice 111
against what 33
going 418
going to school 16
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going out 103
going twice 111
going to 34
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going up 86
going once 140
going down 118
going to work 25
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