Going away traduction Français
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That pain isn't going away till you tell me what's up.
La douleur ne s'en ira pas avant que tu m'aies dit ce qui ne va pas.
It's not like I'm going away forever.
Ce n'est pas comme si je m'en allais pour toujours.
It's going away.
Il va aw Y -
Really, you guys do not need to throw me a going away party.
Vous n'avez pas à faire une fête pour mon départ.
Whoever he is, and whatever he has done before, he's going away for life now.
Qui qu'il soit, et ce qu'il a fait avant. Il va en prison pour longtemps maintenant.
It's not going away.
Ça ne part pas.
I don't know, but I don't think she's going away any time soon.
Je ne sais pas, mais je ne pense pas que ses parents vont l'envoyer ailleurs prochainement.
They're all going away at some point, right?
Ils partiront tous bientôt, non?
You're not going away to school because you don't want to be here, where you'd be around George and me?
Tu ne t'en vas pas à l'école car tu ne veux pas être ici, où tu serais près de George et moi?
Yeah, especially with us getting married and your going away to school.
Oui, surtout avec notre mariage et toi partant pour aller à l'école.
Well, Sally going away is going to be difficult, but, of course, I wanted it for myself way back when.
Eh bien, c'est dur de voir Sally partir, mais, bien sûr, je le voulais pour moi aussi quand j'avais son âge.
I'm sorry about mom going away.
Désolée que maman s'en aille.
I don't think he's going away.
Je ne pense pas qu'il va partir.
I'm going away. I'm not dead.
Je ne suis pas morte.
I'm going away for a while.
Je vais partir quelque temps en voyage.
- Are you going away?
- Vous partez?
It's a setback, but it's going away.
C'est un échec, mais ça s'éloigne.
What does that have to do with you going away for the weekend?
Quel est le rapport avec le fait de partir pour le week-end?
We're going away on vacation.
On part en vacance.
You could be going away for a very long time.
Vous pourriez aller loin pour très longtemps.
'" Dogs in cars going away.
Les chiens en voiture s'en vont au loin
Siegel's going away for murder.
Siegel va tomber pour meurtre.
That and your previous convictions for attempted murder mean you're going away forever, unless you help us out.
Ça et votre précédente condamnation pour tentative de meurtre, ça signifie que vous irez au trou pour toujours, sauf si vous nous aidez.
I'm not going away twenty years for murder!
Je ne vais pas être bouclé pour 20 ans pour meurtre!
But he was going away for a long time.
Mais il allait être absent longtemps.
You're going so far away.
Tu pars si loin.
You are going to take my infant son away from me for a whole week?
Tu vas prendre mon enfant chéri loin de moi pour une semaine entière?
I'm going away.
Je pars.
I'm going to have to throw the carpet away.
Je vais devoir jeter le tapis.
She was going to get away.
Elle allait s'enfuir.
We're going to go away.
On va disparaître.
I have a little going-away present for you.
J'ai un petit cadeau de départ pour toi.
- People are beginning to think you were gonna miss your own going-away party.
Les gens commencent à penser que tu vas rater ton pot de départ.
What's going on? They just came and took Brody away.
Ils viennent d'arriver et d'emporter Brody.
Well, the construction took about three years longer than it was supposed to take, but now I've got myself a three family building in Hell's Kitchen, which isn't too far away from where Ben and Amy are going to school.
Et les rénovations ont pris trois ans de plus qu'il n'aurait fallut, mais maintenant je me suis trouvé un appartement pour 3 personnes, qui n'est pas trop loin de là ou Ben et Amy vont à l'école.
I was in Gene's front yard, going totally ballistic on his azaleas for no reason whatsoever, which I often do, and he chases me away.
J'étais dans le jardin de Gene piquant une crise sur ses azalées sans raison quelconque, comme je le fais souvent et il m'a chassé.
Of going back to that day in your dad's office after your mom got put away.
De retourner à ce jour dans le bureau de ton père après que maman soit envoyée ailleurs
'You stay here and click away, because I'm going to be on my way.'
Tu restes ici et tu cliques, parce que je vais y aller.
So you are just going to use me and walk away, then?
Donc, tu vas juste te servir de moi et partir?
And then Tommy just kept going deeper and deeper, and we were getting farther and farther away from the settlement, and, you know, we're still new here.
Tommy lui s'éloignait de plus en plus. On était de plus en plus éloigné du campement, et voila, on est toujours nouveaux ici.
You know, people get away with suing because they know the insurance companies are gonna pay them off to avoid going to court.
Tu sais, les gens échappent aux poursuites parce qu'ils savent que les compagnies d'assurance vont les payer pour éviter d'aller au tribunal.
Tony Gianopolous isn't going to just sell his shares and go away.
Tony Gianopolous ne va pas se contenter de vendre ses parts et dégager.
- Ha! You think I'm just going to fly away, abandon everyone?
Vous pensez que je vais m'envoler et abandonner tout le monde?
I can get away, I can get something going.
Je pourrais m'en aller, et arriver à quelque chose.
Sorry to crash your going away party.
Je suis désolée de déranger ta fête d'adieu.
You are not going to get away with this.
Tu ne vas pas t'en sortir avec ça.
It's not like this is ever going to go away.
Ça va pas disparaître d'un coup.
They're going to take that child away from you.
Ils vont vous enlever cet enfant.
Tonight, for the winner, we're going to give away $ 5,000!
Ce soir, la gagnante recevra un prix de 5 000 $!
So I'm going to take them away from you.
Alors je vais te les retirer.
You specifically said that you were going to tell her right away.
Tu as formellement dis que tu allais lui dire immédiatement.
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from here 45
away you go 17
away from me 19
away from you 37
away party 43
going 418
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from here 45
away you go 17
away from me 19
away from you 37
away party 43
going 418
going to school 16
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going out 103
going twice 111
going to 34
going on 106
going up 86
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going out 103
going twice 111
going to 34
going on 106
going up 86
going once 140
going down 118
going to work 25
going home 92
going back 37
going in 43
going again 27
going where 53
going down 118
going to work 25
going home 92
going back 37
going in 43
going again 27
going where 53