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Hardly ever traduction Français

727 traduction parallèle
She hardly ever touched anything.
Elle n'en buvait pas.
- Well, hardly ever.
- Eh bien, presque tout le temps.
I say, jill, i hardly ever see you now.'tis rotten.
Je ne vous vois plus, Jill...
She hardly ever does anything mean or treacherous.
Elle n'est jamais méchante ni perfide.
I tell you, D.A., I don't know that much. I hardly ever seen this guy.
Vous savez, je le connais à peine...
I'm telling you, she's hardly ever here.
Chez toi, Doc', ce n'est pas la même chose!
- No. Hardly ever.
- Non, très rarement.
Hardly ever, sir.
Presque toujours...
Ran me ragged and I hardly ever got paid.
C'est un emmerdeur de première.
I hardly ever hear english spoken, so I am interested at once.
J'entends parler anglais.
Very bad. It's a funny thing, I can't understand it. I hardly ever have a headache.
C'est étrange, j'ai jamais mal à la tête.
Well, hardly ever!
C'est rare!
She's hardly ever good.
Elle n'est jamais sage.
- You hardly ever go out in the day, do you?
- Vous ne sortez jamais le jour.
I hardly ever shoot anybody.
Je n'ai tué personne.
I hardly ever saw Mike. He didn't have any time for me.
Je voyais peu Mike.
Daddy hardly ever talks about it, ever since he retired.
Depuis qu'il a pris sa retraite, papa n'en parle presque jamais.
Hardly ever see a cattleman
On ne voit pratiquement Jamais un éleveur
I hardly ever get to see you.
Je ne vous vois jamais.
No. Hardly ever.
Presque jamais.
I hardly ever get a bad case of blood poisoning anymore.
Ca m'arrive plus jamais, des empoisonnements du sang.
Say... About these Indians. Seems like they hardly ever attack at night.
A propos de ces Indiens... ils n'attaquent presque jamais la nuit.
M. Parpalaid hardly ever saw anyone that day.
M. Parpalaid ne recevait que ce jour-là.
He's been working night and day for three weeks. Besides which, he hardly ever drinks.
Il travaille sans relâche depuis trois semaines et il ne boit presque jamais.
I can hardly ever remember the audience being so excited.
Je ne me rappelle pas avoir vu le public aussi enthousiaste.
And since I hardly ever come to your office, with its foul stench of tanin, since you like strong odors and Madame Flament smells bad, and she's an excellent secretary, completely at your disposal, then you should keep her.
Comme je ne suis jamais dans ton bureau, que tu aimes les odeurs fortes, que Mme Flament sent mauvais, et qu " elle est excellente secrétaire, autant la garder.
Hardly ever
Vraiment à peine
You hardly ever wear it.
Tu ne Ie portes jamais.
" We hardly ever disagree
On n'est rarement pas d'accord.
- Aron says he hardly ever sees you.
- Aron dit qu'il ne te voit plus.
- Oh, no, no. She hardly ever goes.
- Non, elle n'y va jamais.
No, hardly ever.
Non, c'est très rare.
We put them in the old wing and hardly ever see them.
On les a mis dans la vieille aile, bien surveillés.
- You hardly ever wore it.
Tu la mettais presque pas.
Of course, we hardly ever see a show now. Edward is such an old stick in the mud. So I have to console myself with your records.
Nous sortons rarement, Edward est un pantouflard!
He hardly ever left the house anymore.
Lui, il ne sortait presque plus.
I do. Very much. But we hardly ever see her anymore.
Oui, je l'aime bien, mais nous ne la voyons plus.
He hardly ever complains.
Jamais une plainte.
" On the other hand, men who talk about suicide hardly ever commit it.
" Comme, d'autre part, les gens qui parlent de se tuer ne le font en général pas.
You hardly ever do. Full of cuttleburrs!
Ils sont pleins de nœuds.
He rarely sleeps here, hardly ever.
Il dort rarement ici.
He hardly ever goes out.
Il sort à peine.
Yes, I had hardly ever seen him!
Je vous l'ai dit, je plaisantais.
We hardly ever argue anymore.
On ne se dispute presque plus.
He hardly ever wore it.
Il le portait jamais.
I hardly ever smile now.
Il n'y a de place pour personne.
Well, hardly ever.
I can hardly stand to be in the same room with her ever since Pete died.
Sa présence m'est pénible depuis la mort de Pete.
Besides, i hardly ever see you anymore.
Ne t'inquiète pas.
I hardly ever get a chance to speak to you.
J'ai rarement l'occasion de te parler.
We hardly ever see it.
Nous ne le voyons jamais.

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